《Blade of shattered reality》v1 Chapter 29: Demon king's invasion part 03


The demon king continued to invade the lands of the Country of Rybridia then the king asked his soldiers to escort me to the courtyard where he was waiting. The soldiers bow's down and left. And he smiled at me and said.

"My lady do you know who I am?"(King)

"You're the king of Rybridia right?"(Kyouko)

"Yes that's true lady Kyouko. My name is Rodel von Skemesh the king of the country of Rybridia and it's nice to meet you Kyouko-sama."(Rodel)

A young man in his twenties was in-front of me. He had long silver hair that was about 20 centimeters long and blue eyes. He wore a long and elegant cloak that seems to be made of cloth and silk.

In this world silk and cloth was so expensive that only Royals wore dresses made of silk or cloth. I'm not suprised that this king wore such an expensive type of clothing.

"So what's your business here in Rybridia Kyouko-sama? I know you're not actually here to help us right? Because what would you gain if you helped a country such as Rybridia. Please tell me what you want and I will try to grant it if I can."(Rodel)

"I want you to join the republic of sakuragami. But don't worry you still be the king of your land. But you must assemble your army when we need them for battle."(Kyouko)

"That's it? You're not planning on making me step down on the throne so that you can also rule my country? But instead you're giving the right to continue on rule this country?"(Rodel)

The king seems to be puzzled. But he said.

"Fine I'll accept you're proposal. But please tell me what will you benifit from us joining you're ranks?"(King)

I showed him a map of the central continent of Rymesia and said.

"You're country is here right and mine is here and the demon king's fortress is here right?"(Kyouko)

Pointing the distance between the two countries and the demon king's capital city Rodel quickly realized it. His country was in a position that's both near the shougunate and the demon king's capital so it's like a border and the capital city is also a great place to gather soldiers. And their position is the Ideal area where we could easily defend since there's a spell here that weakens demons within 500 meters from the walls.


"I see so you're planning on using this city as your base of operation against the demon king's army right? Since the distance between this city and their capital is only 30 kilometers easier to mobilize the army here than to travel 80 kilometers to prepare for our attack right?"(Rodel)

"I will start creating a large golem army here and I will also send 30,000 soldiers to defend this city until our army is ready for our next battle with the demon king's forces."(Kyouko)

Right now the demon king's army is more than a million and if we include the rebels then their numbers are several times larger than ours. But we brought rifles and other weapons to help us defend this place. If we deploy all our troops at sakuragami now then who will defend the country if the demon king invades? I will only use a few soldiers to fight this army and if we beat their army here then it will take time for them to reorganize their army. Then we'll launch a suprise attack and start the invasion on the demon king's country.

The king seems to have caught on my plan and said.

"Then this city is going to be your headquarters for the war? We can't defeat the demon kings army if our numbers are smaller than theirs!"(Rodel)

As he said this a messenger entered the courtyard and said.

"The demon king has begun his invasion and we already lost 10 villages! And their on their way here your highness!"(Messenger)

"Prepare for battle we will try to beat them in the capital city. Allow the soldiers from sakuragami to enter! This is an emergency all troops prepare for battle!"(King)

"Sir yes sir!"(Soldiers)

And the soldiers all gathered in the royal palace and prepared for battle. The city currently has 300,00 soldiers from the republic of sakuragami and 20,000 soldiers from Rybridia. Our fighting force is currently too weak to fight a massive army of the demon king. But I'm guessing that the demon king's army has more than 2 million soldiers with them and I also heard that larry the cursed blade was also dispatched to lead the army against Rybridia. I think that this battle will test how strong the defense of the city really is.


The soldiers from sakuragami all started entering the city. We currently have enough supplies to last for a week. But I don't think the demon king's army has enough supplies for a long term battle. But the problem is if we can last for a week against their forces.

"Can you really beat the demon king's army Kyouko-sama?"(Rodel)

"No I don't think that I can beat them with my current powers."(Kyouko)

"Then you can start on studying this book. It's called the book of the braves. The book is made of pure magical energy but it will only give it's power to others if they think that person's worthy for the power that they seek."(Rodel)

He handed me a book. It seems to be old and I replied and said.

"Thank you Rodel-sama."(Kyouko)

"Soldier please guide Kyouko-sama and her companions to their rooms."(Rodel)

A soldier approached us and said.

"Come with me my lady."(Soldier)

I followed the soldier and found Fina-chan and everyone who seems to be waiting for me. I waved my hands to signal them that I'm on the way and said.

"So this will be our headquarters huh?"(Kyouko)

"I wouldn't call it a headquarters yet Kyouko-sama. We still haven't prepared for the invasion yet."(Rose)

"Don't worry everything's going all according to plan."(Kyouko)

"What do you mean Kyouko-san?"(Fina)

"It's a secret Fina-chan . But we we must still hurry up and prepare for the upcoming battle."(Kyouko)

"You're right Kyouko-san."(Fina)

Our group entered one of the rooms to prepare for the demon king's attack.

We can hear the sound of soldiers running around they seems to be making too much noise so I went outside to check on them.

"Hurry up! We need to prepare the demon king's army is on their way to invade this city! And I heard that Larry the blade of fear is leading the army. We're doomed!"(Soldier A)

"Hey you! Don't say those things! we're not doomed yet!"(Soldier B)

It's no good these soldiers seems to have lost confidence on winning! If this continue and our moral decrease to the point that the soldiers will lose thier will to fight then it's over! I saw Fina-chan behind me and she said.

"We need more power if we're going to win this fight Kyouko-san. Can you please lend us your power?"(Fina)

"Of course I'll do anything for my cute Fina-chan. But if you're in-danger don't hesitate to call me using the spell I taught you."(Kyouko)

"I'll release the limit to 40% maximum now I know that their leader is going to be really strong and you need more power to match his right Kyouko-sama?"(Fina)

"I might destroy the capital at this rate? I really need to control my powers soon so that I will not continue to burden my cute little Fina-chan."(Kyouko)

And a few days later the demon king's army finally arrived at the capital. Their numbers were ten million demons and a million rebels. A total of eleven million against the defending forces of Rybridia of fifty thousand soldiers and three hundred thousand soldiers from sakuragami.

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