《Blade of shattered reality》v1 Chapter 28: Demon king's invasion part 02


After the vampires occupied the town of Ryuzuryu demons started gathering on the town. There were seven thousand men and three hundred women their all soldiers of the country. But due to the lack of military forces they didn't recieve any reinforcements and were easily defeated by the vampire army. Due to the difference in numbers the human soldiers were forced to surrender and are now captives of the vampires.

Demons started to gather in the town of Ryuzuryu but thanks to the efforts of the soldiers the people of the town managed to escape the town before the demons arrived. The vampire commander stood up and greeted the demon commander and he replied to the vampire and said.

"Well done the village has been secured all thanks to your efforts now leave the rest to us you can go back to the vampire king's domain and rest there."(Demon commander)

"You can also take the corpses with you. Vampires will need blood so even the blood of the dead can be useful."(Demon commander)

A few moments later the commander of the army gathered his soldiers and said.

"We must prepare for the invasion on Rybridia. We have a hundred thousand demons waiting near the capital along with some human rebels who joined forces with us. They will not attack until we gave our orders. We will wait for lord Larry to arrive before we start marching towards their capital. I heard some news that sakuragami's forces have also joined the battle so this is a chance to greatly weaken our enemies military strength."(Demon commander)

There are currently two hundred thousand demons in this city and three hundred thousand more are on the way. But they're not sure if their army is enough because Sakuragami joined the fight. They requested two hundred more soldiers to help them win the battle. So the commander is currently waiting for The demon king's executive.

"You can take these soldiers with you on your trip back home. I know that vampires need blood and they could become useful other than becoming slaves so take them to your king."(Demon Commander)


"Thank you sir!"(Vampire Commander)

Meanwhile in the village.

"Is everyone ready? Then let's depart to the capital. From our distance it's a five days march."(Kyouko)

I gave my orders to the soldiers and they started to march. On the way we saw another village that was destroyed by the rebel army. But this time it seems like the villagers managed to escape in time. So I was relieved and we continued our journey.

Yuriko-san managed to escape from Black void and we also captured the boy named Joseph. Fina-chan walked towards me and said.

"So did you manage to get the first piece Kyouko-san? I felt that your powers have suddenly increased so that must be the reason why."(Fina)

"I don't know if it's the first piece or not but I know that my powers have increased after absorbing that staft. And it seems like my sword also gained more power than before."(Kyouko)

In this world it's unusual for the sword to possess magical powers. And it's even more unsual if the sword can absorb other weapons to become stronger.

"I see so did the boy gave you a hard time?"(Fina)

"Yeah It look me up to 10% of my maximum output to fight him. Normally I will only use up to 3 or 5% of my powers. But he's actually really strong so I was forced to use 10% of my maximum power in order to defeat him."(Kyouko)

"W-what?! I only made you use 10% of you maximum power?! Are you kidding me? Then you have already achieved a level that was no longer human?"(Joseph)

"Shut up! You have no right to question Kyouko-sama now! After all you're a prisoner now."(Fumiko)

Joseph stared at ears of Fumiko-san for a few moments and said.

"Animal ears? Are you a beastkin?"(Joseph)

"Isn't that obvious can't you tell just by looking?"(Fumiko)

"S-sorry I guess beastkin really do exist. My father told me stories about them when I was young."(Joseph)


The army continued it's march with Fina-chan and Rose-san in the commander's tent and they're planning the strategy on fighting the demon king's forces. I observed them but I'm impressed that Fina-chan managed to come up with such a plan. I guess she's a genius when it comes to strategy and financial managing. So I'm sure that she will do a good job as the Minister of finances.

I doubt that the capital will let us stay there for a while. They might also think that we're an enemy army so I'll send a messenger to their capital. I looked at one of the soldiers from the village and said.

"Can you do something for me sir?"(Kyouko)

"W-what is it ma'am?"(Soldier)

"Can you deliver this message to the king and inform him about the demon king's army."(Kyouko)

The soldier looked like he's the commander of the army there and he also has a family crest in his breast plate. He bows his head and left.

"Will we really beat the demon king's army?"(Soldiers)

"Of course we will. If we can't beat them then why are we fighting them!"(Rose)

We usually send soldiers with experience in the field on the battles against the demon king's army. But this time some newly recruited soldiers were also forced to participate in this mission because we needed to minimize the lost of elite soldiers so some rookies fill their place on the battlefield.

After a few days of marching we arrived at the capital of Rybridia the city of Egradia and we waited outside the city for three days and the messanger arrived and said.

"The king allowed you to enter but only Kyouko-sama, Fina-sama, Rose-sama, Yuriko-sama and Fumiko-sama are allowed to enter the city. Well at least until the demon king's army arrives. He's just taking caution because if he allowed this army to enter the city then how will we defend ourselves if you attacked us."(Messanger)

"But can I bring some guards along with me? I'm also concerned for my safety in the city."(Kyouko)

"I'll go and ask the king for permission."(Messanger)

Meanwhile the demon king's army continued to invade the lands of Rybridia. They destroyed all signs of human settlements leaving nothing behind for them to return. They captured the villagers who surrender and sent them to the vampire's land to serve the vampires.

"How's the invasion going?"(Demon commander)

"It's going as planned sir. There's no sign of resistance in this country. Is it because of their lack of military personel?"(Demon captain)

"Yes but due to their high amount of holy weapons then we didn't attack them until this rebellion occured."(Demon commander)

The country of Rybridia was divided into two parts. The first part belonged to the country of Rybridia they controlled 75% of the lands. While the rebel army controlled 25% of the remaining land of the country. Since the country didn't have enough manpower the rebel army expanded and recruited more and more people into their army until the country can no longer stop the rebels.

And as a result the rebels now controls 60% of the lands of the country of Rybridia why the country has 30% of the remaining land and 10% joined the shougunate and expanded the shougunates lands.

"They shouldn't have enough military personel to defend their lands so they should all be gathering in the capital. Gather the men we will now begin our invasion in the capital city of Egradia."(Demon commander)

And the demon king's army continued their march towards the capital.

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