《Another World With The Skyrim System!》Chapter 10


I woke up, the troll was still sleeping so… I walked up to it as silently as I could and… stabbed it in the neck multiple times with a sword I bought a few days ago and kept in my inventory.

“Die! Die! Die!” I shouted crazily as I kept on stabbing it until I knew it was dead.

“Finally… it’s over… we can go home, come on guys” I said to my three conjured familiars as we walked back to the cave to see… nobody else was there.

“W-where is everyone?” I asked... then, I heard growling from a nearby bush... it's probably just one of my wolves.

--------Millie’s POV-------

“Die you son of a bitch!!!” I shouted as I shot the troll that was attacking me in the head, killing it… after a few more bullets to the head.

“I need to get back home, warn the others about this…” I said as I tried to outrun the oncoming horde of trolls.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I shouted as I kept on shooting behind me to no avail since there were too many to kill with a simple pistol.

“I was hoping to save this for something tougher but… fuck it” I said as I pulled out my rocket launcher and fired it, killing several trolls and probably wounding others.

But, it didn’t work like I expected it to!

“Shit!” I shouted as I dropped the RPG and ran even faster than before.

“I… need… to… get back… to the cave” I said as I collapsed and I heard a voice.

“What’s this? A child… what’s she doing here… Dale! Get out here! There’s a kid unconscious out here!” It sounded like an old lady… I suddenly felt a pair of arms grab me and drag me into a house.


------Farengar’s POV------

“Alisha! Is that you!?” I asked as I saw the shadow of a humanoid in darkness.

“Farengar? Is that you?!” Alisha replied.

“Yes… I hurt my leg, I need you to carry me back to the cave!” I said.

“Shit! Alright, I’ve got you!” Alisha said as she grabbed me and quickly ran from… an army of trolls coming our way!

“What the fuck is that!?” I asked.

“I have no idea and I have no intention of finding out! Now, let’s get the hell out of here and back to the lord!” Alisha replied, somewhat annoyed as she kept running… for hours, until we saw the cave in the distance… and My lord… bleeding on the ground!

“M’lord! What happened!?” I asked as I was limping when Alisha dropped me and ran to him.

“I-I’m okay Farengar… a wolf got me by surprise… I’m alright… it just got my left hand…” He said as he lifted up a stub where his left hand was.

“My lord! Where is that wolf? I’ll kill it!” I shouted in rage.

“It’s already dead… it may have taken my hand… but I took its life” My Lord replied.

“C-can’t you just heal it, sir?” Alisha asked.

“I could… but… it hurts like hell and I didn’t think I wouldn’t go insane without someone to watch me and make sure I didn’t cut the hand off just to end the pain… so… make sure to tie me down and keep all sharp objects away from me, okay?” He asked.

“I… I will do that my lord” I said as I took away all of the sharp objects in the cave… including several goblin teeth, a bone and obviously swords, spears, daggers and pointy rocks.


“Now… how do we tie you up? We have nothing to use…” I said.

“I’ve got it… System, rope… take the money out of my account…” He said as rope suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

‘How does he do that?’ I thought, confused.

“Okay, I’ll tie you up” Alisha said as it took her ten minutes to tie him up.

“Good… Heal!” He said as his hand started to grow back.

“Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Get me a sword! I’m cutting it off!” He shouted as he tried to get untied.

“I-I can’t do that, m’lord… it’s for your own good!” I said.

“Fuck you! You can’t even do a simple request like that?! What use are you!? You’re useless! Pathetic! Scum!!!” He said angrily.

I just stood there and took it, knowing it wasn’t him in there.

It took around an hour, but my lord's hand finally healed and he stopped yelling, kicking and screaming.

“Oh God… what… happened?” He said as he looked around to see various things around him, then he turned to me and saw my broken nose.

“D-did I do that!?” He asked, concern in his voice.

“Yes, m’lord… don’t mind it though, it’s a minor injury… compared to your hand” I replied.

“I can fix it… Heal!” He said and I felt the most unbearable pain on my nose.

“Gaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!” I shouted in pain as I held my nose and fell to my knees.

“Farengar! It’s okay, It’s only temporary!” My lord said as he helped me up.

Alisha kept her axe at the ready, probably thinking I would attack the lord out of rage.

Luckily, I didn’t and after around five minutes of unbearable pain… it ceased to exist… and my leg felt better… didn’t even notice it somehow.

“Okay… now that that’s done… where’s Millie?” My lord asked confused.

“...She’s not back!?” Alisha asked in a concerned tone.

“I was actually expecting you three to be here when I got back… I was stuck in this cave… with various tunnels and a troll guarding the only exit…” He said.

“Trolls… My lord! The trolls!” I shouted.

“Trolls!?” M’lord asked confused.

“There’s a horde of trolls coming our way! What should we do!?” I asked.

“Fuck! Barricade the cave and stay as silent as you can… my beasts! You shall guard the outside of the cave and when the troll horde comes near, draw them away from us! Make sure to kill a few of them with you!” He shouted as his undead wolves, skeevers, rats, elk, bears, bandits, rabbits, foxes, goblins and conjured wolves walked outside to guard the cave.

“Good! Now! Let’s barricade the base!” He said to us as we began to barricade the cave.

Five hours later and we finished a… not very good barricade… and the troll horde came.

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