《New chance》chapter 1


What... is a heart it peaks my curiosity is it not an organ that pumps blood throughout ones body that's all am I correct. But when I look at the human woman who tells me differently she says she knows in her heart that her friends will save her . What foolishness as I move close to her and point my hand to her chest I ask if "I put a whole in your chest would I find it there". Moveing to her head "I ask if i were to split open your skull would it there". Even after my threats she had unwavering faith in her friends I could see it in her eyes. Why wont she give up..? Her determination is admirable yet miss placed.Orihime Inoue the women with the ability to reject phenomenon as if it never happened such a godly ability and yet shes to immature to fully use it.



Turning I see the man who she put all her trust in orange hair, black shihakshou and a black bladed bankai. This human every time I see him he only gets stronger he even learned how to use hollowfication. He truly believes he can beat me with this level of pitiful strength I will show him true despair I will completely break his will to fight, show him any power he gained is meaningless.

Firing my cero at the wall I fly toward the sky of las noches finally breaking the through to the canopy.


Waiting on the top of the canopy I see the substitute shinigami make his way up muttering to himself "were are"?

Saying in my monotonous voice "we are above the fake sky of las notches were its eternally dark" the look of pure confusing on him . Before he asks his question why I answer "did you know that there are 2 rules that lord Azein created"

one: "gran ray cero is strictly prohibited to from using within the confines of los notches"

"Two: the resurreccio'n of an espada with the rank of 4 and higher are not allowed because there power is so great it can destroy las noches itself".


"ichigo kurosaki its time I show that no matter what you do its all meaningless."

"Enclose murcielago".

Surrounded in black green reitsu that spread to the sky creating clouds with drops of green rain falls to the ground.

*PT* *PT* *PT*

And this rain very different it's not wet this is pure energy created from my sword release. It dryes as soon as it touches the objects in its path.

My release form the half white helmet on my head now fully covers my head with horn on the sides, large black bat wings on my back and a white robe that reaches to my ankles. My green tear marks become black

Even after going into my release state he wont give up his will is not broken yet he knows im much stronger then him and yet he fights. Ridiculous why what makes him fight even though he cannot win. For the first time sense I gained individuality I find myself feeling annoyed that he wont lay down his sword. Thinking to myself will I have to show him that the one thing that lord azien doesn't know. All for a piece of trash... pathetic but he must know his efforts are pointless he must despair.

"Ichigo kurosaki scene you will not lay your sword down I will completely break you and show what power is".

"Segunda etapaWhat"


"What the hell is this damn it his spiritual pressure is insane"!!!! Ichigo says with a look of pure horror

"My second form ichigo is something that not even lord azien knows about now witness true despair "

My second form looks like something human would call a demon from hell my white helmet is gone replaced with two long horns on both sides , my hair has became longer , my tear lines on my face changed a more darker black and becomes more prominent. My white robes replaced with animalistic fur. My feet change to talons as well as a tail the only that hasn't changed are the large bat wings , large hole with a line much like my tear line running down it.

"Im not fighting you because I want to fight I'm fighting you because I have to win"! He says in a confident voice

"What ever power you possess is meaningless I told you already its useless, even that mask you use to imitate hollows shatters nothing you can do will harm me". "Not even your fully powered getsuga my cero Oscuras has already provem that point".

My tail wrapped around his throat wondering why he still holds onto his sword even in this state...


"Ah so you come woman perfect time as well watch as the man you put all your hopes in dies". Pointing my finger in the center of the boys chest black energy with a green outline gathers on my finger until I say "cero oscuras"



I see it in the woman's eye despair has finally taken over for she knows the boy is dead her powers are not enough to heal him. Now I must fight the quincy he is even weaker then ichigo his attacks are easily blocked or redirected with my wings. Nearing the end of my fight with the quincy I sense massive amount of spiritual energy gathering. The boy has taken a new form with no sense of awareness much like a typical hallow. Again I shall kill him even with this new power ... how wrong I was, standing over me with a cero chargeing readying to fire at point blank range which will surely kill me.

"Damm it all beaten by a hollowfied humam ludicrous"


reganing consciousness I find that my body is healing thanks to my regeneration abilities im not dead but its only for show the internal organs that were blown away will not regenerate that is my limit. Looking around I see the quincy imapled by this things sword, lucky for me its interest in me is gone. I must end this manifestating my lanza I sliced its horn of destroying its mask in the process.

Its over its finally over looking down my bodies in a pathetic state my leg is nothing but black bone and my arm is trying to regenerate. Again from his body spiritual pressure his hollow body turns into energy swirling around the hole I made on his chest. The hole heals like it was never there to began with. My eyes widen in surprise that he was capable surviving even that. He woke up not to long after that his eyes fall on me.

"You know kurosaki your a hard guy to kill"

"Ulqiuorra what happened to you your left arm and leg d...did I do that "

"And what does it matter grabbing the sword from the quincy throwing it to the shinigami. Pick your sword up we will finish this fight"

Preparing my self by widening my wing in that instant it starts to turn to dust fadeing out of existence."Damn am I really that far gone looking to the soul reaper kurosaki kill me do it now I no longer have the strength to walk. Finish me so our battle will have a winner"


"I cant do it Ulqiuorra this is not the way I wanted to defeat you damn it".

"Well You never did do as predicted kurosaki".

Looking away from from the boy I look to the girl (orihime) I ask her once again "tell me girl are you Afraid of me" I ask this as I stretch my hand towards her. Her simple yet short answer "I am not afraid". "I see" pulling my hand back as my body is being turned to dust she does something I didn't expect she lunged for my hand only to have it turn to dust as they touch.

My last thoughts before I completely turn to dust and scatter in the wind to join the sands of hueco mundo. Is what I have in the palm of my hand is a heart.


My story did not end here even after I died my mind went to the void were I was born were there is no color, no taste, no sound, no feeling of touch, nothing completely void of everything simply darkness. The only company are thoughts of my final moments of life and the feeling of a heart it was warm. Mulling over this feeling over and over again the void change a bright luminous light engulfed me I heard a voice a childish voice say "ulqi you finally understand that not everything is about logic but what you feel in the heart".

"Who are you I ask almost forgetting how to speak".

"my child I am existence I am everything that exists withing the physical world and mental".

"Are you god I ask "?

"No I told you I am existence I am everything"!

?..... "that sounds like god Does it not"

Sigh* "there is so much you dont know well anyway the point as to why I am here is to give you a second chance at life".

"What but why would I have done nothing to deserve a second chance. I worked for a man who thinks he's god".

"But this comes with conditions ulqi there is a boy and a group of friends that need your help it's your job to train them and protect them when you feel that they are over there heads". Aslo you will keep all your powers and original appearance as an espada".

"But there is a need to disguise yourself to look human like that's were I shall help".

"And may I ask who these people are god"?

"I told you I am not god mouh, but unfortunately I cannot tell you for this is an agreement between me and fate it self". "But you will figure it out ulqi your not the smartest espada for nothing".

"May I ask were this place I am going is"?

"Why! it's yokai academy a place for monsters to learn how to fit in with humans".

"Well off you you go bye-bye have fun".

"Wait hold on"........

And with that the light falshed brightly for an instant it was still black and lonely but I realize that I could feel and hear I can move. Its just that my eyes are closed opening them slowly I see im sitting on a bench surrounded by hundreds of humans going about there business. It seems I'm in a humans city before I can observe any further a bus grabs me out of my daze. Doors open and a man with abnormal glowing eyes and a face that I cannot make out due to his hat casting a shadow over it blocking any sight.

"Hey kid you waiting for the bus for yokai academy"

"Yes am I correct to guess this is the right bus" I ask

"Hop on kid its gonna be a bit till we get there I have one more pick up to make."

With any words to but a simple nod I walk onto the bus and take a seat at the back of the bus and take a minute to compose myself now that I notice it im in what appears to be a school uniform with a black ring with green bat on it. I also have a backpack that I seen ichigo and co would carry around looking inside theres books, paper, pencils with a white envelope addressed to ulqi from your best best best best friend creator.

Opening the envelope it had what appeared to be instructions

1. You will remain in a human until you raise your own spiritual power

2.The ring on your finger is a limiter as well as you sword


4. Find your heart make friends and have fun

Now that I notice my helmet and the hole in my chest are gone how could I not notice it damn im out of practice. I found this out by looking at my reflection in the in the bus Window everything is the same from my cat like eyes to my black uper lip down to even my nails were black and my green tear lines. Studying myself so this is what I would look like as a human interesting I look I was jolted out of musing when bus stopped and a male with black hair, black eyes average build yhere was nothing about him that stood out.

Tskune aono pov

Finally the bus is here wonder what kind of school this will, walking onto the bus im a bit scared because of the way the bus drives looks with his glowy eyes and all.

Looking around I see a rather pale and looks like a goth kid wearing the same uniform as me. It be rude not to say my greetings "hey my names Tskune aono nice to me you". Awkward he's just staring at me like hes studying me .

"I am Ulqiuorra ciefer" in a monotonous voice oh god this is just weird he's scaring men. I take my seat furthest from the goth kid other than that no conversation going on.

Back to Ulqiuorra

Strange this aono person posses no spirit energy at all almost as if he's human interesting, but why would a human come to a school for monsters. I will keep a close eye on this one for further development. Hearing the bus driver speak breaks me out of my thoughts so "kids im gonna warn you right now this school is veryyyyyyy scary place". The boy nearly jumped out of his own body in fright I myself simply narrow my eyes at this I wont take his words to seriously but I won't brush them because of my own arrogance its what got me killed last time. But the boy doesn't seem to be to sure of himself.

"Kekeke you kids will find out soon enough what your in for". As soon as he said the we drive through a large tunnel for around 10minutes. When we makd through to the other side its a different feel the energy here has changed completely.

'We reached our destination kiddys now of you go and remember watch yourself."

Exiting the bus its a completely different world the sky is multi colored not to bright but just enough to see. And an ocean of blood that seems to be never end. Infront a forest of withered trees with glowing red eyes from a multitude of creatures. This place reminds me of a down graded hueco mundo I think just more colorful.


it seems the boy is terrified he also jumps at every little noise from the sound of an animal to the cracking of a dead stick.

I do not own bleach or any of its characters nor do I own Rosario or any of its characters, I am doing this for simple fun

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