《Magic God of DxD》Chapter 15


“Master, it is nearly time for the meeting.”

In his hotel room, Azure was staring at a beautiful woman in a maid's outfit with her straight and long beautiful pale blue hair reaching her lower back. Her dark blue eyes stared at him filled with desire, as her small blush countered her cold atmosphere that radiates from her beauty.

“Tia,” Azure asked as he looked at her full equipped and proper maid gear. There weren’t any cleavage or legs showing, the rope she used to keep handy among other toys. She for probably the first time since a week after meeting him she acted and dressed properly in his presence. “It's been a while since you held your cold attitude around me. Also, are you wearing anything underneath?”

Tia for the first time in over a week, felt a familiar present underneath her skirt. His warm hand running across on her soft but elastic bottom as they knead themself through his fingers. The short but warm breath he took near her sensitive thighs, damping her panties with each breath.

Mustering a will to bring an end to this, Tia said with great disappointment. “Master, we must get going.”

“Alright, Let's go get our newest maid even though she doesn’t know it yet.” Azure said as amusement ran through his eyes.

‘It appears Master is returning to normal soon enough. Actually did he nearly smile?’ Tiamat thought as she wondered if she saw right as Azure’s lips nearly formed a grin.

“Also, Tia, plain pink panties don’t suit you.”



Appearing at the entrance of Yasaka shrine, Azure was greeted by a blonde woman with a child around four clinging to her leg. The woman appeared to be in her mid to late twenties with a voluptuous figure. Looking at her hair tied in a loose ponytail, it reaches all the way down to her legs that ends in a spiral, with taut bandages to keep it in place. Her outfit was a traditional shrine maiden attire, but her impressive bust tested the limits of her clothes,


In a similar outfit, the child wore a similar set of clothes as she looked at him with interest but clearly scared.

“Master, this is Yasaka the leader of the Yokai in this area. She is also a nine tailed fox as well as her daughter Kunou who is hugging her leg.” Tia said as she introduced the two blondes.

“Hello, can I ask you a question.” Azure crouched down and whispered to Kunou.

The four year old looked at him then up to her mother who nodded. Unattaching herself she walked near Azure waiting for the question.

“Is your mother’s boobs really that large?”

Kunou just nodded wondering why her mother and Tiamat pinched their noses at his sigh.

“Master, what are you asking a child?” Tia asked while Yasaka on the other hand..

“What's wrong with my boobs?”

“Nothing, truthfully they are a bit bigger than I preferred.” Azure calmly said. “Now let's get onto the meeting. Will you become one of my maids?”

A long silence fell among them as Tia just face palmed at her Master bluntness. Yasaka just stared at him as if she heard something amusing. Kunou just looked at him tilting her head at him, wondering if insane as her mother was the strongest.

“Master,-” Tia began before Yasaka cut her off.

“You're funny, but I refuse.”

“Really? Why,” Azure asked.

“Well first of all, I am one of the strongest beings in the world, second you got nothing to offer me, third I have to watch over my territory and daughter.”

“Kunou, do you want to become my maid? If you agree you will get some big sisters to spoil you.” Azure asked, seemingly ignoring Yasaka reasons.

“Really?” Kurou appeared to have loved that idea as her tails were wagging back and forth.

“Yep, and just think of all the presents you will get on holidays.” Azure said like the whispers of a devil.

“Master, you are acting like an uncle handing out candy with a white windowless van.” Tiamat said.


“I have no idea what you're talking about.” Azure said as he made a shooing motion. “I’m currently trick- convincing this child to be my maid.”

“Master, did you forget about your purpose for visiting.”

Shaking his head, Azure stood back up and faced Yasaka again. “Right, so are you willing to become my maid?”

“Yeah,” Kurou nodded as she thought about all the presents she could get.

“Only if you beat me will I agree.” Yasaka said he thought it would bring the end to the topic.

Tia who was behind Azure just sighed as they appeared to be getting a new maid tonight.

“Alright, then shall we fight?”



“... And checkmate.”

“What! Did you cheat?” Yasaka looked down at the chessboard growling.

It was decided that Yasaka would battle Azure in chess since Tia put her foot down. She said if the two fought, the whole city of Kyoto might vanish. So, they ended up playing chess and Yasaka who was bragging just lost.

“Mother, you’re the one trying to cheat though.” Kurou said as she sat on Tiamat's lap watching the game.

“Fine, a loss is a lost. But you should know I can’t leave Kyoto for long or I will die. Are you still willing to take me as a maid knowing that?”

“Oh, your connection to the leylines. That's a simple fix.” Azure waved his hand. “Tia can you grab one Dragon Gem, Phoenix Restoration, an empty vial and two Mana Crystals twenty centimeters minimum.”

“Very well Master.”

Drawing a pentagram on the ground, Azure decided to explain to Korou what he was doing while they waited. “Alright, we have probably one of the most basic magic circles that can be used in all branches of magic. Normally, Korou if you see a magician, devil, angel or whatever, when they cast their circles will look complex.”

Nodding her head, Korou listened in great interest.

“Yeah, ninety percent of that complexity is just junk symbols to either make it look fancy or complex so others can’t copy.” Azure said as Tia returned with the much needed items. “The other ten percent is either an efficiency to save on mana or a cut off switch so one doesn’t overpower their spell.”

“Can you fill this vial with some of your blood?” Azure handed the empty vial to Yasaka.

Nodding, she cut the palm of her hand and filled the vial before healing her hand in an instant. Azure, who was about to continue explaining, just raised an eyebrow before placing it on the final spot before he stood at the top of the star.

“Master, what are you doing?”

“Well somehow Yasaka managed to link herself to the ley lines.” Azure sighed in disappointment. “Which won’t do as one of my maids only being able to work in this area. So, all I need to do is create something to regulate the ley lines while allowing her to still tap into it. This will allow her to roam about without dying or this city destabilizing.”

“Umm, Tia how does he know what to do?” Yasaka whispered to the maid.

“He can use all types of magic, so maybe that's how?” Tia just shrugged.

“Well anyways here we go.”

Azure calmly put his hands together and Yasaka, Korou, and Tiamat just watched the magic circle light up. The four items quickly dissolved as a black orb began to take shape as it floated inside the circle. As the orb began to expand, the orb quickly turned red and white before it shrunk.

“Well, that was easy.” Azure said as he grabbed the finished product. In his hand a small bead with a rainbow look, sat idly in his palm. “Now a deal is a deal.”

“Yes...Master.” Yasaka sighed.

“Great, now let's get you and Korou introduced while I take a black cat on a date.” Azure said.

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