《End of Hereafter》We Need a New Hero - Chapter .1


Every era has a harsh history with it. History that may repeat itself or struggle to progress with the burden of the past. However one outcome is always certain,


War will always be relevant in the world. Though the times between wars are lengthy, it is something that is always a possibility. Now was the time for war to come again in this world. A battle with guns and magic, a society that wants to progress with magic and a city that seeks to progress without it. This record will catalogue events of the participants and their struggles to end the war not for the world but for themselves.

A girl with long black hair walked on the stone path in a graveyard of dead soldiers who died honorably. To many this was a site to honor the fallen, to her this was a carnival and the corpses were her ticket to salvation.

She carried a shovel ready to deface one of the graves, a certain one with a cross gravestone engraving the name 'Mark Faultim'. She took out a glass bottle filled with a blue liquid and muttered to herself, "The magic in France is certainly far greater than in Japan. A resurrection potion like this defies fate as a whole… will it work?” she accidentally bit her tongue and cursed out loud “There I go monologuing again… just focus Amelia. you got this..!”

She dug up his grave and opened the unknown soldier's coffin to pour the magic substance on his decayed body. Afterwards she took his wrapped rotted corpse and left the graveyard in a hurry.


A few days passed before the effects took place. Over the course of time, Mark’s body slowly returned to life and eventually his conscientiousness would return on the beginning of a certain day.

November 21th , the second year of the war ensuing throughout northern Japan. Almost hitting its third and that looked to be certain because the Tokyo Magic Government Agency was getting nowhere near the city built on the side of a mountain. A grand city that made major technological advances unlike the rest of the world, a city that had 0 interests in magic. That city was called ‘Imperia’.

Many people were dragged into this war, a desperate battle for the Tokyo Magic Government Agency after their relations with their closest ally, The Saint’s Knights, broke off allegiance with them for unknown reasons.

“That’s the gist of what’s going on. Mark-tan.” Amelia sat across from the pale male with dark circles around his eyes. They were settled in a small cabin away from Imperia and tucked away within a forest.

Amelia took a bite of her pancakes she made for herself and Mark. “Are you listening? Eat your food before it gets cold!”

“...” Mark’s eyes were left open staring at the ceiling, well, about to roll to the back of his head. Drool leaked from his partially open mouth and soon after his head fell on the plate of pancakes. Amelia stood up and slammed the table enraged,

“Are you serious!? Can you understand what I’m saying? Maybe I didn’t study enough japanese..!"

Her attention was drawn to the door; unknown visitors knocking and demanding to know who was inside. "We're with the Imperia army! Open up or we'll be forced to intrude."

"Wait here Mark-tan." Amelia spoke as if he was alive. She stood up and walked towards the door, opening it slightly to peek at the two soldiers dressed in thick military clothing and an emblem on their shoulder. "Hello hello, what do you need?"


"Open the door completely. Unless you're hiding rebellion supplies." One soldier threatened. Amelia shook her head "I'm just a lonely woman trying to stay out of trouble. I rather you not see the erm… many cats I have to cope with my loneliness."

"Oh yeah? Let us have a look-" the soldier tried to push on the door but it didn't budge. Instead he pushed himself back "Huh?" His eyes widened in confusion. There was no way this woman was that strong to hold the door so firmly.

Amelia quickly closed the door shut and placed her back on it to keep it closed. She began sweating nervously muttering to herself "Oh crap, crap! What do I do? What do I do..?" she repeated, ignoring the two soldiers shouting outside for her to open up or else.

Amelia bit the tip of her thumb "If they find Mark, my trump card, I'm doomed! Maybe I should sneak out the back. Uuu… but then his arm might fall off."

"That's it, fire!"

Several bullets were shot and pierced the door as well as Amelia’s stomach and arm. The hinges of the door were then shot off and they pushed the door over, having it crush Ameila once one stepped in.

Immediately feeling his foot on the door over Amelia's body, he stepped off in disgust as blood spilled from her bullet wounds. His older grey haired partner smirked mockingly "Scared rookie? You'll be seeing a lot more dead bodies from here on."

"Pfft! I was just caught off guard." the rookie grunt replied, stepping over Amelia and looking around the bland looking cabin. But what caught his eye most was Mark faced down seemingly dead on his plate. He approached closer while his partner rummaged through different cabinets and shelves.

"This guy looks dead but I'm not seeing any injuries on him." The rookie lifted Mark's head, his face covered in syrup but his skin now a normal color. Then, Mark opened his eyes slowly. The act made the soldier step back cautiously and aimed his rifle.

"Stand up now!" He commanded "We're with Imperia! Are you allied with the Tokyo Magic Government Agency?"

Mark fell back out of his seat from the sudden shouting and touched his face. "Is this… syrup..?" His voice was scratchy and hadn't returned to him yet. He looked over to the rookie with his ak-47 pointed at him "The way you're holding that… the chamber could get jammed you know." He said whilst getting up.

"Heh, that rookie doesn't know how to handle the battlefield."

The rookie soldier looked at his rifle, "It looks fine to me."

Mark extended his arm slowly "Let me show you." He was handed the rifle and immediately the second soldier's face went from full of laughter to dread. Mark shot the rookie in the head at point blank range and dove forward, surprising the second soldier with the seemingly random action.

Before he had a chance to aim and fire, it was already too late. Mark held the trigger to unleash the remaining bullets in the magazine. "...!" he dropped the rifle and held his head as memories of his past started to flood in. Events coming one after another, some fitting together like a puzzle and others not making any damn sense.

Mark looked at the dead bodies in the cabin, he was now alone. Or so he thought…

Amelia lifted the door off her back and stood back to her feet stretching her arms. "Ouchies, it's been awhile since I've been shot like that. Ah- You're awake Mark-tan!"


"Honorifics are unnecessary." Mark looked down at the clothes given to him. An oversized white shirt and pants loosely held by a belt. These obviously weren't made for him.

"...Where am I..?"

“A little cabin of mine.” Amelia winked “Now that those two men are dead. It’s just you and me.”

“You’re wounded.” Mark walked over to her to examine the bullet wounds. It was freaky to him to see a person still standing perfectly fine after being shot multiple times. Then again magic existed in this world, but none that allowed regeneration like this. Upon closer inspection, the muscle and skin regrew slowly and the blood on her body would return inside.

Mark commented, “You aren’t human…”

Amelia moved her black partially dyed blonde hair to reveal sharp ears. Rushès had this trait, however Amelia didn’t have animal ears or a tail. “I’m what you would call a vampire. But if you wanna be more specific, an old type of rushe. It’s quite a lot to explain and we don’t have much time to waste.”

Mark furrowed his brow intrigued by this new information that he never heard of in his life. And he lived for quite some time.

Ameila pointed to the men’s dead bodies “Their clothes might fit you. Get dressed and wait for me to finish up dyeing my hair.”, Mark was dumbfounded by her priorities but he figured more of those soldiers would show up if they didn’t leave soon.

After Mark got dressed in Imperia’s winter military uniform, he decided to have more of a look around the cabin before he left. There really wasn’t anything of note except the broken framed photo now on the ground with the glass partially shattered. Picking it up, it was a photo of Amelia and two other girls dressed as nuns. It was an older photo as Amelia looked younger and quite similar to…

“Midareー?!” Mark winced and held his head as memories came flooding in, as well as a range of emotions. Amelia shared the same red eyes and black hair as her, they had a resemblance to each other but… what happened to Midare?

When Amelia returned now dressed in winter clothing under a fur trimmed cloak, she tilted her head in confusion as to why he looked so sad.

Her blonde hair styled in twin tails and bangs gently covering half her eyes, “Mark-tan?” she had a certain slurred accent, French-like. It snapped Mark out of his memories and he slowly shook his head. Mark outstretched his hand holding the photo “Sorry, I was a little curious.”

“I hope you aren’t too much of a weirdo Mark-tan.” Amelia took the photo and pocketed it. “Kaga gave me your records and told me that you were quite the hero back in the day.”

Mark's eyes widened hearing the name of his old friend. Amelia noticed his expression and smiled with small fangs showing “He’s a very nice man. And those people in that photo, I’m sure you’ll be happy when you meet them.”

Mark nodded firmly “Very well. Let’s go.”


The lands were war torn and desolate with nothing but weapons, bodies and machinery left to be covered by snow. But the snow alone could never cover up the blood and tools of war.

Mark and Amelia passed by broken down tanks and snow trenches full of bodies. All of which didn't phase them. To them, a sight like this was usual. Mark fought on many battlefields leading to his death. Amelia survived the first year of the war and assisted soldiers on both sides of the conflict as a medic of sorts.

Mark looked over to Amelia texting something on her phone whilst walking and asked who she was talking to. Amelia didn't move her eyes to look back at Mark "Telling a friend that your revival was a success."

"Are revival spells a new thing? How long have I been away?" Mark rubbed his chin.

"Quite some time." Amelia then shrugged "I honestly can't give you an exact answer. But if you're wondering if magic has progressed that far then no. What I used on you was a potion Mrs. Lhant created."

"Hm?" Mark raised his eyebrow wanting more information on this potion. What was in it and was it wide spread?

"It came straight from the ancient tree Yggdrasil. A rainbow colored raindrop, and very rare. I'm no scientist so that's all I know." She explained.

Mark nodded "Hmm I see… and I also see..!" He quickly turned around ready to draw his gun until a thrown dagger struck his arm.

Amelia gasped. “Enemies already?!”

Standing on top of a tank in the snow was a man who looked similar to Mark. They shared black hair but this man's eye color was red while Mark's was a dull grey. He was dressed in A white long coat with a fur trim around the collar and Imperia's officer uniform underneath. A double breasted blue military uniform that had more similarities to Europe than Japan.

In one hand he wielded multiple daggers in between his fingers and the other, a longsword.

"More TGA soldiers? You guys just don't know when to give up."

Amelia stepped forward "We're with the church--"

"Of that dragon saint?"

"No! We're with Seraphim."

The commander glanced at Amelia and chuckled "Oh! You're the daughter of that idiot vampire. Amelia Date… You look different from when we last met."

"That's right! And my father is not an idiot." Amelia angrily replied. She toned down her voice a bit, "Now if you'll excuse us. We gotta return to the city."

The commander pointed his sword at Amelia "I know the cardinals don't want unnecessary conflicts within our city but I cannot overlook the Date family's crimes against us vampires. Not only that but their crimes against the world as a whole."

"It was to ensure peace for the future--"

"Don't give me that bullshit." The man hissed. "Everything was fine until- Hrk!" He gripped his head and winced in pain. His head was ringing, unable to remember.

"Damnnit! I can't even remember but it makes me so angry! This fight of ours is personal..!"

He hopped off the tank and vanished from sight, Instantly appearing in front of Amelia.

Mark stepped in to block the slash with the butt of his rifle and made the commander jump back, throwing his daggers. Mark pushed Amelia to the side and dodged to avoid the daggers then fired his rifle at the ground.

The bullets ricocheted off the ground and towards the commander but before they struck, he vanished again and appeared back on the ground.

"How can he do that?" Mark kept his eyes on the man.

"He's moving faster than light." Amelia said.

The commander smirked "Wrong. You would know if you could sense magic. Sadly since your wavelengths are faster than mine, you're unable to see me."

"I can sense your magic just fineー"

The man vanished and appeared in front of Amelia "Only when I reappear..!"


Amelia was pushed back by a blonde haired man wearing a cowboy hat and poncho. He wielded a katana which he used to deflect the commander's strike.

"I can play your lil game of speed too!"

The commander vanished and the blonde cowboy swiftly swung his sword to the left right where he would reappear. "There!"

The commander jumped back and landed away from the cowboy, holding the bleeding slash across his chest. "There's no way you could've seen me, let alone strike me that quickly."

"I knew you would aim for my blind side so I accelerated my speed to prepare for your reappearance." The cowboy made a thumbs down,

"I don't know the entire extent of your power but you don't know mine."

The commander sheathed his sword "Hmph. Amelia… I will never forget this encounter." He then vanished without a trace.

The cowboy looked at Mark and Amelia and tilted his head slightly. "Aren't you Imperia soldiers? Why would the cardinal be attacking you?"

Mark noticed a badge on the man's wool poncho. It was a badge with a 4 sided star in the middle of a circle, for certain members in the TGA's army. Mark pulled the dagger out of his shoulder and tossed it away "What's a TGA soldier doing here?"

The man lowered his hat "I didn't choose to be. Think of me as a drifter on the battlefield, until the war ends." He lifted his head. "Your turn."

"We're with the church in the city. Seraphim Church. That man attacked us because…" Amelia trailed off.

"Because we seemed a little too powerful." Mark interjected. "Want to come along with us? We could use a skilled swordsman to protect us."

"Sure. Not like I have anything better to do than looking at these corpses. I'm Mikael Tsuyoi. Pleasure to meet ya lad." He shook hands with Mark. The boy still looked somewhat young but Mark had regressed back to his prime age of 19 so Mikael was slightly taller than him. He had a thin build not fit for being on the frontlines though after his display of speed Mark assumed he must be a higher rank than just a regular soldier.

Mark replied, "Mark Faultim. My friend who was attacked is Amelia Date."

"Alright!" Mikael grasped his badge and ripped it off, tossing it up into the sky "I've always wanted to see the inside of Imperia!"

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