《Save State》Chapter 1


It is early in the morning and an alarm goes off.

"Takeshi! Wake up! It's your first day in high school!"

"Ughhh… Crap. Alright!"

Takeshi goes up and immediately look for his uniform.


He changes and steps out of the room after doing so. While combing his blue hair.

"I'm going."

"Eh? At least eat breakfast."

"Mom. Please. Let's save money. Eat it. You need energy for work."

"You need it too for work. I have money. I'll just eat later."

"Come on, son. You also need breakfast."

"I'm alright, mom. You go eat it. I'm going. Please don't prepare breakfast for me starting tomorrow. Please save money."

"I get it, I get it. Good luck. Please make friends this time. Please don't beat your classmates up like last year. Please? Please at least make some friends."Lu


He then steps out of the run-down apartment and proceeds to go down through stairs.

"Mom's already doing three works per day. This is the least I could do besides my part-time."

He proceeds once again and now exited the building. He continues to the sidewalk since the school is not that far and he could walk until there.

"Some music please~"

He puts earphones which he still retains for four years, connected it to his phone that is an old model, and plays some indie rock music.

He then arrives on a crossing. Then waits for a while.

"Sigh– there are no people around, huh?"

The light goes green and he walks.

He looked at his phone to change the music and a guy came running towards the other side. Suddenly. He felt like he's flying. Next, he saw is that he's down on the ground, along with the other guy who has the same uniform as him.



He turned his head and saw the vehicle that runs onto them which sent them flying. That vehicle then since there are no people around. No witnesses so it has reversed and ran away.

"Hey… I'm still alive… Bastard…" as his eyes slowly turn dark and died.

"Gasp!– gasp!– W-what was that."

He then found himself alive once again on the same spot seconds before the vehicle and the other guy arrived. He immediately took off his earphones after then.

He panicked and as the time on the light is nearing zero he heard someone.

"Ah! Wait for me! Traffic light!"

He then saw the previous vehicle.


He grabs the guy by the collar as the speeding car passes by at great speed.


"Are you trying to kill yourself?"

"Uh…. T-that was close."

"Yeah. So close."

"Hey. You're trembling."

"This is none of your business. Let's just cross. We're wasting our time, there are no vehicles after all."

"Y-yeah. Umm…. You're also from the K high, right?"


"May I know your name? I'm Mitsuo Hagiwara. A freshman."

"Takeshi Suda. Also a freshman."

"Really? You live around here?"


They continued to walk but Mitsuo barrage Takeshi about many things but Takeshi doesn't reply at all.

"Please stop. You're so noisy."

"Oh… sorry. I acted like that even though we're not friends yet. You seem lost in thought."

"Of course. So please respect that."

"Okay. I'll try keeping myself quiet."

What the hell was that? I still remember the pain of my broken bones. Everything is still fresh in my mind until now. Am I just hallucinating? But still.... That's… way too realistic. Should I kill myself again to confirm such a stupid thing? Sigh– maybe not. What if I don't go back again? Crap. This messes my mind.


Until then. They arrived at Kawamoto High School. Or simply called by students, K high.

"By the way. My last question. What is your class?"

"Hmm… I think it's class 2-A."

"Really!? That's the same class as me!"

Seriously!? I hope this noisy [email protected] is not my seatmate.

They looked for their class and found it.

"There's already a teacher inside?"

"Of course. He's arranging our seats."


They opened the door and the homeroom teacher spoke.

"You two. Just in time. But everyone is here already. You two take those two empty seats at the back."


"Waaa! They're both handsome!"


The girls are instantly charmed by them.

"Hey. I'll take that one next to the window."

"What? Are you an animation protagonist?"


They sat there and one of their classmates said to the teacher.

"Teacher. But why is there another seat?"

"Oh… Oh yeah! There is another student. Being late, huh?"

A few seconds later. Another student opened the door and entered.

"Wow! Another one!"

"It seems our eyes will be satisfied this year!"

"A blonde prince-charming!"

The girls once again are charmed.

The three of them sit together in a line at the back.

After a few whiles. The homeroom teacher makes them introduce themselves. Students began introducing themselves and it's time for the Takeshi.

"I am Takeshi Suda. Please don't talk to me."

"He's straightforward isn't he?" Mitsuo said to the blonde classmate. Who simply nods.

"You're ignoring me too?"


A few students and then Mitsuo's turn.

"I am Mitsuo Hagiwara. Nice to meet you. I'm talkative. So please don't hesitate to talk to me. Let's be friends!"

And lastly. The blonde one.

"Sui Haruyama. Nice to meet you."

"Wow, they're so handsome!"

A girl said.

And the class then started.

"Um… Hi. haruyama, right?"


"Please don't ignore me T_T. Um… Suda-san?"

"Don't talk to me."

"Seriously. Then who can I talk to!"

"You could talk to me."

"Eh?" [A wild beautiful woman appeared]

"Hi. If you have nobody to talk to. You could talk to me instead."


"Yes. There's no teacher yet so let's talk."


"Who is that girl? She's already stealing Hagiwara."

"She's pretty after all. Nothing we could do."

I really need to know what the hell happened at that time. I'm pretty sure, no. I'm sure. That hits us. But. What exactly happened? Why am I alive again. He swings his hand and then something pops up as time stopped.

[Save State]

[Load State]

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