《Eldritch Bleak》Snowball Fight


A second passed with both combatants daring the other to make the first move. Levi winked and Valentine, who scowled even harder in response.

Valentine attacked first, leaping at Levi with an aerial kick. Due to his size in comparison to the room, Levi was unable to raise his arm enough in time to block her strike, and opted to step back at the last possible fraction of a second. Valentine's foot struck the ground and the sheer force of her attack left a messy crater in the carpeted concrete floor. Cracks spider webbed across the rest of the surface of the room's floor, and Levi smiled even wider than before.

"Nice! That looked powerful!" Levi complimented and immediately followed up by punching her square in the abdomen, so hard that Valentine gagged violently as the breath left her lungs. A swift backhand from Levi knocked slammed into her left cheek with such force that it broke the skin and launched her into and through the wall of the room. He looked into the dusty hole expectantly, ignoring the startled screams from the adjacent room.

A mere second later, Valentine was back up on her feet and rocketed forwards, punching at Levi with a left hook. Her fist met air as her massive opponent sidestepped her attack. He struck at her with a high kick, but she twisted her torso to the right and rolled over the attack, retaliating with a kick of her own. This time, her attack struck Levi in the chest, driving him back a step.

And as he tried to regain his footing, Valentine threw another left hook at him, which was effortlessly caught, just as she expected. Her attack had capitalized on his already poor balance and knocked him onto his back. However, despite Levi's ever tightening grip on her fist and despite being pulled along with him, Valentine had a bright grin on her face. She threw a swift right straight, aiming directly for Levi's face. The muscular man twisted his face to the left and avoided her attack, and quickly reversed the situation with a head-butt and a throw, flipping the young woman over him and into the floor with enough force to not only pulverize a three meter wide circle of concrete and embed her back in the floor, but also with enough force with snap her arm in the wrist and shoulder areas. Levi released her arm and started to begin to stand, his bones creaking and cracking as he moved.

Valentine cried out in pain, and Felix leapt into action, kicking Levi in the ribs with all his might. Levi grunted in surprise as he flew through the wall behind him, and also as he felt his ribs crack from the sheer power of his strike. Felix then turned to Valentine, who was currently attempting to wriggle out of the hole, her limbs flailing and groping around to find a good hand or foot hold. These two were both strong, strong enough to give him pause. Levi got back up and burst into laughter. It was a hearty and deep booming sound, one that carried through the rooms around him.


"It's been quite a while since I've had a fight like this! Let's see just how much more fun this is going to get!" Levi shouted this as he stalked towards the smaller duo. Valentine was still stuck in the ground, so Felix dashed to the left and Levi followed, closing the gap between the two of them in an instant. Both began to steadily exchange blows, punching and weaving around the other's attacks.

However, it was clear that Levi was a fighter. Felix was not and never had been. So when Levi roared with glee and increased the frequency of his blows, Felix soon found himself back stepping and blocking when he could. The tiny hotel room was really not conducive to a brawl such as this, as Felix constantly had to keep checking behind him to make sure that he wasn't about to hit the bed, the table or get to close to the bathroom, where both fighters knew Paul was hiding.

Levi, unlike Felix, didn't bother to pay any attention to his surroundings. As Felix skittered around the table, Levi simply pulverized it with an inaccurate punch. The same went for the cabinet and the chair. The only time Levi bothered to redirect a punch was when Felix was near the bed, and the path of Levi's attack was going to hit the mattress, which gleamed in the overhead light.

Felix ducked under another of Levi's punches, but his opponent had grown bored with all of his dodging, and threw a blistering step kick that simply blasted Felix straight through the room's front wall and out into the parking lot. Shrapnel blasted in every direction, and Levi simply raised his arms to block the projectiles, which shredded his jacket but failed to cut his skin.

Levi looked down at his now shredded jacket and sighed sadly. It was new. He quickly took the jacket off and tossed it to the ground and sprinted through the hole in the wall, leaping out into the bloody light of the sunset. Just as Felix began to get up, Levi was upon him, wrapping a meaty hand around the smaller man's throat and slamming him into the concrete as hard as he saw fit. Felix gagged and spat as he slammed into the ground, losing his previously regained breath instantly. Another crater formed, and Felix didn't even have time to catch his breath before he was yanked out the crater and hurled across the lot. He struck the ground hard and tore up asphalt as he skidded across the lot's surface. His jacket and shirt tore instantly, and his skin followed shortly afterwards, leaving a blood trail that was virtually invisible in the current lighting.

Levi jumped again, intent on knocking out his current opponent, but was knocked off course by a very angry seventy kilogram blur. Valentine had freed herself and tumbled across the lot alongside Levi when they hit the ground. The two grappled on for a split second, before the surprise wore off and Levi effortlessly flipped Valentine off of him. Despite her tenacity, Levi was at least fifteen centimeters taller than her and eighty kilograms heavier.


Valentine scrambled to her feet in tandem with Levi and threw a left uppercut just as he swung his monstrous leg down in a brutal axe kick. Valentine's arm was shorter, and thus failed to reach him before his kick slammed into her shoulder with such force that it dislocated and shattered her arm, twisting it backwards at a sixty degree angle.

Pain, the likes of which Valentine had never felt before rocketed through her nerves. Her scream was strangled by the sheer shock of the intensity of her injury, and as she stood frozen and shocked, Levi slammed his foot into the ground and delivered a right straight punch directly to her chest, twisting his fist upon impact. Cloth, skin, flesh and muscle shredded alike as his fist made direct contact with her ribs and shattered them. His attack blasted her across the lot and through several parked cars, before finally carrying her into a metal telephone pole and bending it in half.

By this time, Felix had regained his composure and stood up. He looked on in sheer terror at Levi's brutal treatment of Valentine, with only one thought in his mind. Was she dead? From what Felix knew, Vampires did have healing factors, but those were mostly blood dependent, were they not?

However, he'd have to worry about that later, as Levi barreled towards him with such speed and force that the air around him shifted cars a few centimeters from their parking spots. A split second later, he was upon Felix, who ducked under his punch and scampered away from his immediate follow-up kick. Felix kicked with all his might and struck his attacker in the kneecap, knocking him to the ground. Now back up on his feet, he kicked Levi in the chest again and jumped over him, dashing over to Valentine as fast as he could.

Arriving at her location in the blink of an eye, Felix quickly touched one of his bleeding fingers to her lips, and dripped as much blood as he could into her mouth before Levi could reach him. Levi took a second to get up, allowing Felix to heal Valentine some before deciding to attack him. Felix took off and sprinted away from Valentine and shouted at Levi, who changed his course to follow him.

Felix ran in the direction of the far side of the hotel, away from Paul and away from Valentine. He knew he couldn't last very long against a monster like this, not after what he'd just seen him do with a single punch. Levi was gaining on him, so Felix began to brainstorm ideas on how to get out of this. A physical fight was likely out of the question now, and outrunning him just wasn't going to happen, but.. Oh. That might work. Felix stopped in his tracks and ducked. Levi's foot hit his side, crushing his ribs, but the mountain of a man then flipped over him, his momentum carrying him into and through the hotel wall.

His breathing was heavy, and his side felt like it was on fire and being shot with a nail gun simultaneously, but he'd done it. Hopefully, Levi had at least been dazed enough that he could get Paul and Valentine away. Felix slowly got up, clutching his side tightly. He raised his head, and stopped. Dumbstruck.

Levi stood in front of him, shirt fully torn away and a gaping wound in his side. In his hand, he held a bloody chunk of concrete, which had obviously been pulled directly out of his wound. Levi's smile was terrifying. He hadn't been hurt in the slightest, not really, at least.

"That was amazing! Man, that was a great fight. Hah, in all seriousness, are you done now? Because as amazing as this has been, I need to get you all back to my boss soon." Levi's voice was joyful and casual. This brawl had been little more than entertainment for him. Something about his casual tone pissed Felix off. His left side may have been broken, but his right was not. Felix balled his right hand into a fist and punched Levi in the face with all the strength he had left.

Levi was knocked back a step. Felix's attack had torn off a small chunk of meat on his right cheek. Blood seeped from the wound, and Levi touched his fingers to his now throbbing cheek. He observed his blood for a few seconds, and shrugged.

"Not bad. But like I said, it's time to go." His right hand shot out and grabbed Felix by the neck. He effortlessly hurled him at the hotel, aiming for one of the room's doors. Felix struck the door head on, and rather than the door breaking into small chunks like before, it simply disintegrated into what could only be described as extra fine sawdust. The doorframe disintegrated as well, and the hinges and latch also crumbled to dust.

Felix landed on his back, amid the steel and wood dust that was once a doorway, looking up at the blood red sky. The world slowly faded away as he slipped into unconsciousness, but not before he saw Levi pull Valentine from the twisted pole and come towards him. He felt his body get lifted off of the ground and slung over their attacker's shoulder. The final image Felix saw was of Paul coming out of the bathroom, after Levi said something that he couldn't quite make out. With the last of his waking mental capacity, he decided that Levi must have been ordered to bring Paul with them as well.

Finally, Felix's mind faded into a soundless void for the second time within forty-eight hours.

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