《Eldritch Bleak》Snowfall


Snow fell softly, shining brightly against the gleaming full moon. Felix Chilling lay on the ground upon his back, limbs spread out and staring at the dark night sky. Felix's normally pale skin was now besmirched with splotches of black frostbite and blue bruises. His brown hair was matted with blood, whether it was his own or his attackers, he was unaware. Felix's eyes, naturally icy blue, had seemingly faded from their usual shine to a glassy daze. A long scratch ran from his eyebrow to the middle of his cheek, his eye lid clenched shut but still torn asunder, crimson blood burning his now divided eyeball.

Four long gashes ravaged his torso, clothing, flesh, muscle and bone all split alike. His chest rose and fell unevenly, his breathing ragged and labored. His breath hung in front of him, the puffs of air growing smaller and smaller to remind him of his life ticking away. Snow began to fall around his body, making an outline in a fashion he would compare to a chalk outline from one of those old crime shows that he used to watch with his father. As his consciousness faded, Felix began to think about his past, about all the insignificant things he hadn't done in years and yet still missed them.

If he could have laughed, he would have. To think that someone who had led such an aimless life would have such a horrific end was foreign to him, but at the same time, he was still laying here, bleeding out and dismembered. Felix turned his head to the right, staring at his attacker. While he did not know what it was, it was clear that it wasn't human. Though it lay slumped against a tree, it was still tall. When it had stood, Felix had guessed it to be nearly four hundred and twenty centimeters tall. He was right, but he had no way to know that. The beast's skin was the same pale blue as frozen skin. It's body was thin, and that skin was tight, so tight in fact, that veins and muscles bulged from it. The monster's fingers were long and clawed, and its feet were similar, with its toes thin and ending in curled claws. Felix's eyes travelled up the beast's corpse, his eyes stopping at a gaping hole in the monster's chest, it's heart having been ripped out. Frozen black blood stained it's chest and the snow around it, making it look like someone had spilled ink all over it.


That monster's heart was clutched firmly in Felix's right hand, it's dark blue flesh frozen solid. Felix didn't really know how he'd managed to rip the beast's heart out, but he was much too tired to try and figure it out now. Finally, Felix took a final look at the monster's head. The monster's head was an old stag skull, long twisty antlers and a long muzzle. In place of a stag's normal teeth, which are blunt, the monster's mouth was filled with pointed razor sharp teeth. Felix's mangled remains of a shoulder most certainly proved their power. A long, red tongue lolled out of the right side of the monster's mouth, blood and saliva frozen around it, hanging from it's sides and tip in long translucent icicles.

Whatever it was, it was far too scary for Felix to even consider it to be his last sight. With great effort, Felix turned his head forwards and propped himself up by wriggling over to a nearby tree and pushing himself against it until he slid up against the tree trunk.

Felix's eyelids were heavy, and now he no longer felt cold. In fact, he failed to feel much of anything as the throbbing in his body faded and his eyelids began to sink. He took one final look at the dark and beautiful night sky and closed his eyes, darkness taking him as he fell silent, his ragged breathing stopped as his last mortal breath left his body. His pain was gone, now replaced by nothingness. He'd been expecting some sort of bright light, but there was none. Perhaps there really was nothing after death.

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