《A Forgotten Soul》Chapter 16: The World of Magic


Azule walked over to the Latus crystal to fetch some more books. He put a stack of books in front of Satou and said, “Read these over later, they should help you catch up to the rest of the class. If you need anyone to explaining anything to you ask your maid, otherwise you’re free to come to the library here to search for any information you’re interested in. Now let’s go to class.”

Satou looked at the stack of books, and frowned. He asked, “Um Sir, why do I have to go to class if I can just go to the Mortal Realm?”

Azule replied,“Because you’d die.”

Azule grabbed the books he took out before and sent them back to the bookcase with magic. He slowly walked to the door explaining. “You're far too weak. You probably don’t even know how to fend for yourself, let alone put up a fight. It won’t matter if you get to the Mortal Realm, with your level of strength you’d die before even reaching the Mid-Demon level.”

He stopped in front of the door. He turned around, a frown on his face. He said, “And Daemon remember this, never underestimate mortals. I’ve been ridiculed, called a fool, an eccentric for fearing them, but who’s really the fool here. Those senile old monsters really think Mortals are so weak, they really think they aren’t a threat! They think that this is a joke! Then let them be damned!”

Azule clenched his fists tightly and was fuming with rage. His face turned red with anger, and a deep resentment could be heard in his voice. He slowly calmed himself, and walked out, “Come...”

Satou was a little shocked at Azule’s outburst, but he quickly turned to the stackof books reluctantly taking them with him. He caught up to Azule and followed him in an attempt not to get lost in the large castle. He sighed, “Fuck, it’s not like I can tell him I’m immortal ,now can I….”

In most cases someone like Satou, who’s lived all his life in Modern Day Earth has absolutely zero survival skills. If he were to just suddenly be put somewhere out there in a fantasy world, the chances of him surviving are slim at best. Not taking into the account the possibilities of superhuman abilities, skills, and magic possibly granted to him like any other person who magically travels through worlds.

But Satou’s immortal, no matter where he ends up popping out of after crossing the seal he’d be perfectly fine. But this wasn’t something he could really tell Azule. Satou decided in his heart that it would be for the best to keep his trump cards hidden for as long as possible. The fewer people that know he’s immortal the better, it’s impossible to predict what could happen after all.

Azule walked out of the library and walked up to the second floor. He walked into a room, waving his hand telling Satou to come in. Inside was a classroom with three long tables line up in front of each other. Inside Garius and Tristan were standing there waiting with all the imps in the throne room including Maria..

Azule walked up with Satou behind and said, “This is Daemon Rosen, you can get to know him later. For now Daemon take a seat.”

Satou looked at the group ,and decided to sit next to Maria. He walked over and sat down. Azule continued, “Since everyone’s here I’ll start some practical lessons. After all I’ve talked plenty enough about theoretical concepts and the like, Daemon read up on some of them later . For today I’ll teach you all [Spiritual Awareness]. I’m going to teach you how to sense, control, and absorb Mana.”


Azule waved his hand and cylindrical container filled with water appeared in front of everyone. On top of it there was a small needle.

He ordered, “Put your finger on the the top of the container like this.”

Azule held his finger on the top of one container and a few drops of blood filled the container. Satou put his finger on top of the needle..


The needle extended upwards, piercing Satou’s skin before retracting creating a cut the small cut. It was similar to a paper cut, and it hurt just as much. Several drops of blood fell into the small container mixing with the water inside.

“Shake the bottle till the blood is evenly dispersed throughout.”

Everyone picked up their bottle and began shaking it as commanded.

“Now I want all of you too will the blood into a ball like this,”

The blood spread throughout the container quickly gathered into a single red ball the size of a marble. The marble of blood floated in the middle of the container surrounded by water, he had completely separated the two.

Satou watched Azule complete this simple show of magic.It really was quite simple, nothing extravagant , but just watching it unfold got Satou’s haert pumping. He grew incredibly excited at the thought, “It’s Magic, Real Magic!”

“Silently command the blood in the container to form a ball. Imagine the motion, will it to happen, and think as if the blood was still a part of you.”

Satou listened intently. He turned to his bottle of bloody water and imagined it gathering into the ball. In his mind Satou ordered it excitedly, “Gather, Gather, Gather!”

The blood slowly began to separate from the water, and soon enough it gathered into the center of the container forming a marble sized ball of blood like in Azules.

Satou cheered,“I did it!”

Using magic made him reminisce of his childhood when he believe Mana was a thing, there was a thing out there called Ki. A time where as long as you tried hard enough you could make a magical beam of light shoot out of your hands, or increase your strength exponentially after screaming and turning your hair yellow. A small tear formed at the corner of Satou’s eye and he felt a great sense of success.

Satou turned his head too look at everyone elses progress. Everyone was slowly forming their marble of blood, while a few had already finished. Maria right next to him was silently staring at her marble. She seemed to be one of the faster ones to have finished.

Azule watched as everyone finished their marble, and said, “Do you feel it? Can you sense it? As a part of a vampiric race all of you naturally have a disposition towards Blood, and controlling your own Blood should almost be second nature to you. You need not say a word, you need but will it and it will act. Now here’s a little test. Draw the Blood out of the container ,and hold it up in the air. Start moving it around in a circle in the air, and keep it going like that as you close your eyes. Try and track it with your eyes closed.Try and feel where it is”

After Azule finished Satou hurriedly drew his Blood out of the container through the hole on top , and began spinning it in a circle. Satou closed his eyes, imagining the little marble sized ball of blood go round and round.

Oddly enough Satou was able to understand where his blood was even with his eyes closed. It was a bit different from watching something go round and round, and then predicting where it would end up. It wasn’t predicting at all. Satou knew with full certainty where that marble sized drop of blood was even with his eyes closed. It was sort of like another limb that was just floating there.


For example, If you close your eyes and move your arms around you might not be able to see where it is, but you can feel where it is. Even if you don’t open your eyes you know exactly where it is. It was that sort feeling. He could feel as the blood moved up and down, or spun around. He could feel the air as it brushed against the blood, and how each drop touched each other. It really was just like another limb.

Satou began to change the speed the blood spun around, the direction it spun, and the size of the circle in spun in. He raised his pointer finger up, and imagined the blood spinning in a circle that slowly grew shorter and shorter till it stood right above his finger. And when he opened his eyes there it was.

But Azule ordered “Keep your eyes closed.”

Satou closed his eyes again. Azule moved his right arm forward, and all of the drops of blood began to gather into a single large ball of blood.

“What the?”

Satou noticed that the marble sized ball of blood disappeared. He could no longer move it or sense it as easily as before.

Azule smiled,“Now let’s make this a little harder.”

Azule quietly scattered the blood throughout the room, staining the floor, the walls, the desks, the chair, the ceiling, and the roof with blood. He was careful making sure that the blood stuck to where it was, and that it didn’t make any noise, or touch anyone.

Satou tried to find his blood constantly and noticed that there were traces of it everywhere. It no longer felt like a sort of limb, Satou couldn’t describe it. It was a completely different feeling in and of itself. The only sense that he felt from it being transmitted, touch, disappeared. Instead it felt like just something there. Something natural yet unnatural.

“Now open your eyes, gather all the blood back into a ball.”

Satou opened his eyes, and looked around the room. He looked at all the blood scattered throughout the room, it was impossible to distinguish who’s blood is who’s. Yet, Satou knew with full certainty which was his mixed in there.

He closed his eyes and felt as his blood was lifted off the ground. He ordered all of them to gather in front of him. As soon as he opened his eyes there was the marble of blood, as if it didn’t disappear in the first place.

Satou looked around and saw numerous drops of blood gathering from everywhere in the room each into their own respective balls. It was a sight as these drops defied gravity, as things seem to do a lot with the help of magic, and flew over at varying speeds.

Azule watched as everyone successfully managed to gather all the blood back into a marbles, a smile broke out. He didn’t have to clean up the room, having everyone learn so quickly was just a bonus.There’s nothing easier than having a vampire clean up the scene of a crime.

“This is known as [Blood Control], it’s one of our innate abilities. It’s great for getting you use to feeling a sensation you’ve probably never felt before. It’s far better than introducing magic through a spell. But since you’ve gotten the feel of things I’ll teach you a simple spell 1st Grade Elementary level spell - [Ignite]. Now repeat after me, What I seek are Flames, [Ignite].”

Azule help up his pointer finger towards the ceiling, and on the tip of it a small flame appeared. Everyone repeated the chant,

““What I seek are Flames [Ignite]”

A flame appeared on their fingers as well. When Satou said his chant, he felt a slight draining feeling before a small flame appeared on his finger.

“Oh my god it’s hot!”

Satou grew excited after learning his first spell, but even as a small flame the thing still sort of burns even if it’s not directly touching his finger.

“[Ignite] is an elementary level magic, if you really need to use to chant use the shortened form, Create Flames [Ignite]. But you should all be able to grasp the feeling, and do it chantless. [Ignite].”

Azule raised his other hand and on each finger a small flame appeared. He continued, “But for low-levels spells like this you can even do it wordlessly.’

Azule extinguished all the smaller flames on his finger, and without a word a flame appeared on his palm. He extinguished it, and continued, “You should practice this spell later, it’s the foundation to Fire Elemental Magic. Anyway, you should have felt some of your mana being consumed in the process of creating the flame. Imagine that as the wood you needed to start the flame, you need to slowly feed the flames wood over a period of time to keep it going. That is your mana, now imagine adding that wood to the flames. Make it bigger, command it to grow, control it. ”

Azule raised his finger up in the air, and the small flame rapidly grew. It exerted so much heat that Satou could feel it from his seat. Azule shrunk the flame and began to change the size, before extinguishing it.

Satou looked at the flame on his finger. He thought, “If magic works like how I think it works then the movies got it right. It’s all about your Imagination. Now let’s see...”

Satou imagined that he was a stove with the gas turned on low. He imagined turning the valve to high and having the flame grow in size. The flame quickly grew and it was a foot tall. Suddenly Satou felt exhausted, and his exhaustion was growing rapidly.

He cursed, “Shit, I overestimated how much gas I have.”

Satou quickly shrunk the flame, but he was to exhausted and it went out instead. Satou had a headache, and he was struggling to stay awake. It was especially difficult with all the heat coming from the many flames appearing out of nowhere heating up the room, and the fact that flames literally burned all of his energy. He put his head down on the table, and watch others stop their flames and lay down on the desk exhausted.

Azule smiled,“Your bodies should have used a large amount of the mana, your body automatically shut down itself down and is slowly absorbing mana to replenish itself. But that’s not enough, no Demon would allow anyone time to just sit there and slowly absorb mana. Close your eyes. Feel your mana replenish, feel the mana around you. Imagine that your body is a cup of water, and watch it fill”

Satou listened to him, and sat up straight. He breathed in and out, before closing his eyes. He relaxed his body, and fought the sleepiness. And then he noticed.

“This is!? Mana?”

Satou felt his drowsiness slowly disappear, and instead his body was slowly woken up by a cool refreshing feeling cover his body. Satou felt the energy enter his body, and felt something like a second stomach start being filled up.He felt the cool energy enter his body, and warm him from the inside.

Satou felt like there was something there, and as he tried to get a feeling of it he was suddenly transported to a white space. Inside the white space was a shimmering mist, and a number of lights and glowing lines all over the place, “This, was this always here? I’ve been in this world for a week but I didn’t notice this at all! Or was it in here for even longer”

Satou walked around the space and noticed that the white space ended, and it turned into a black space. Inside the black space Satou watched as more and more mist came in from pockets inside the black space. He Satou slowly pondered as he watched. He thought about the black space, the white space, and the mist that floated in.

“This is, Mana.”

Satou no longer thought about the white space. And it disappeared, instead he focused on the energy he was absorbing. He felt as it came in and began to search where it came from. And then he noticed, a transparent energy filling every nook and cranny of the room. No, it wasn’t just the space, every single thing in the room and beyond had a trace of this transparent energy, had a trace of mana.

Satou, and all the other imps in the room were immerse feeling mana, and the comfortable feeling it gave them. He couldn’t help but wonder how he wasn’t able to sense this miraculous energy immediately as he came to this world. But in truth doing so is a much harder task that he could imagine.

Mana isn’t an invisible energy, it’s a very clear and transparent energy that’s difficult to see. As a matter of fact it’s almost impossible to perceive it without knowing that it exists in the first place. And even then it's difficult. The only exceptions are beings like Demons, and Angels who are born with Innate skills and abilities that utilize mana, or beasts that have unique sensory organs developed to perceive mana.

Satou never discovered the mana inside of him, or the mana around him simply because he was like a cup full of water in the bottom of the ocean. The cup is full and has no more room , so even if it’s surrounded by even more water it naturally won't accept it. But once a part of the water in the cup is taken out, the water in the surrounding area will naturally flow into the cup to reach equilibrium.

Satou used magic for the first time in his life, and used up a portion of his mana reserves. After finding a place to go the mana naturally made it’s way into Satou’s body, and his body naturally accepted it.

Satou opened his eyes after fully immersing himself in the comfortable feeling, and as he did so it was like a whole new world to him.

Azule looked at Satou and the other imps who awakened, and smiled smiled, “Welcome to the world of magic.”

I remember saying somewhere that I would post a chapter randomly this week, and another chapter on Saturday. I was planning on putting it out on Wednesday ,but School happened. Well whatever. Here's the chapter, it was a bit weird honestly. A lot of magic series don't really talk about mana from what I know, it's just there. So it was hard to describe, or explain. I mean I don't have first hand experience with a lot of things I write, but I do a decent amount of research. But this one was a bit harder.

Anyway friend who PRs and helps me edit is gone for a valid reason this time, so I tried my best. Tell me if there's any mistakes, or give me suggestions. I'll see you guys on Saturday.

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