《Wandering through the stars》Chapter 14: Grand Arena


Author Note: This will be added later as an achievement.



*Quest completed*

*Swordsmanship (LV0) -> Swordsmanship (LV1)*

*Hidden achievement obtained*

*Complete a quest while under LV5*

*Reward: Unlock Character Progress*

*Character Progress: ??? - 1%*

"Character…Progress??" what was this?

"Alde? What are you saying?" I was startled when my brother asked me this.

He was checking Grigor, but he seemed as if he didn't have any injury. After that, he came toward me and put his hand on my head.

"Alde… you should go home. Your head is burning," he said with a worried look

Now that I think about it, I was sweating bullets. I didn't move that much, and with my raised stamina, this much movement was nothing much. I unconsciously swung the sword towards the ground and the movement that followed was way smoother than before. It didn't seem that much of a difference, but before was just swinging around the sword, not it felt like the sword was following the image that was forming in my head.

"ALDE! Wake up!" my brother started shaking my shoulders.

I looked at him puzzled" What is it?" I asked. It seemed like I was daydreaming.

"Go home, you need rest." he took my left arm and dragged me towards the exit. Fortunately, we didn't encounter anybody that disturbed us. My mind was in a puddle as it was boiling. I vaguely remember reaching home, being shoved in the bed and covered with a blanket.

*Cirip* *Cirip*

It was morning when I opened my eyes. I was strangely refreshed. My mind also. While I got up from the bed I opened the system:


*Report: Due to successful level up of Swordsmanship-> +1 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Stamina*


*Report: Character Progress: ???(NEW)- 5%*

This… It seemed like I got stronger. I remember that yesterday. Was it because of the additional stats?

"Open stats"


*Report: Stats temporarily locked*

"Uh..ok, then open status"




*Character Progress: ???-1%; ???- 5%*

*Skill Points:0*

*Active skills: Map(LV0); BERSERK(LV0)(INCOMPLETE)*

*Passive skills: Learning languages (LV1); Geographic Knowledge (LV0); Cool-headed (LV1); Swordsmanship (LV1); Pain tolerance (LV1)*

*Buffs: None*

*Debuffs: None*

The level of swordsmanship was successfully raised. In addition, I gained a few stats but did not level up. Does that mean that quests only give stats and not experience? That would be helpful for grinding stats.

The servants were called and I began changing. My duel was at the Grand Arena today at noon if I'm not mistaken. The arena was normally used for gladiator death fights for the entertainment of the people. It was not subject to any law and was operated with the cooperation of the Slave Guild. Its unique characteristic was that it hosted duels between duels and nobles, unlike others from other countries. The people also had their duels, but only in a few small areas as government restrictions limited the number of spectators.

Along with the news about the fights between nobles, the people could also place bets. Obviously, it was all in the hands of the Grand Arena's owner, but the rewards were good if the one you bet on winning the duels that he/she took part in. All of this meant the results would be spread all over the capital in terms of hours.

I opted for leather armor, as I found the metal armor too heavy for me. All I did was add some chainmail underneath. In our training, Raul made me wear normal clothes, so I wasn't that knowledgeable about it. Even though they tore apart quickly, the pain inflicted upon me was much greater than with leather armor on. According to Raul, at least.


As well as the chainmail, the set included a body piece, pants, gloves, which were quite uncomfortable while holding the sword, and boots that were so hard that I wondered if they were made of wood. Basically, I didn't like it. When you have to duels like this all the time...agh, I would do it since the status points are on the line.

My clothes made me angry, so I took the gloves off and changed the boots for more comfortable ones. I planned on changing them as soon as I got to the arena. When my brother came to me, he shoved a leather hat on my head.

" Your head must always be protected. Even if you have a cut on your arm or any other part of your body, as long as your head is unharmed, you can still fight. Once you are stuck in the head, however, you will lose half the battle. Let's meet after the match. Take care out there!" he said, patting my head firmly.

With a nod, I said, "I will"

I will receive a quest to improve my swordsmanship if the situation is the same as before. This opportunity was too good to pass up.

After walking to the carriage, I sat down. A few more preparations were made, and we started moving. There were many people cheering us on as we walked. Some were praising us; others were cursing us. Guards sometimes got into fights with passersby who were too violent. People seem to have favorite teams also in this world.

As a round-shaped building, the arena was similar to the Colosseum. The building was quite tall and big, so it would have been able to house quite a few people, perhaps 100k. Passing through the main gate, we saw many people still paying for tickets to enter.

Since the fighting area was too big for just one fight, we could hear cheers from here, which indicates that there were some fights taking place. As I thought this, I noticed some people fighting there. Apparently, there were two teams. One had shirts on, the other didn't. When the flat of the opponent's sword struck one of the combatants on the head, he instantly collapsed. Everyone began to cheer.

As soon as I froze, I was prodded from behind by my guards. Blood was gushing from the collapsed man, and I was sure it was the same for the rest of the others. The shock came, even more, when I realized that during my duel, I also had to do the same thing.

This was when Raul woke me up by slapping me on the face.

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