《Wandering through the stars》Chapter 13: Duel Quest again?


“Hahaha. Countess Lenarmend, what is your opinion of the conflict between Count Lenarmend and Count Rochdale over that one boutique?"

As she was fanning her face, one of the ladies in the guestroom asked this abrupt question.

“In the last few years, I have noticed an increase in the quality and sales at this boutique. But that does not justify fighting over an establishment that barely meets the standards of a noble such as ourselves. Even if Alde loses, we won't have a problem. In fact, his win would mean the same thing to us. The fight over that vixen's shop is beyond embarrassing. At the most, it might boost my youngest son's reputation. My son is an accomplished commander, and all of his troops survived a recent raid on a wolf den as a commander."

My mother was the last to speak. The use of duels by nobles to settle their disputes is well known to me. However, they are permitted to appoint a proxy since the war of the old Kingdom greatly reduced the number of nobles. Unbeknownst to me, I would wind up being used in a petty amorous triangle. In addition, the wolf raid information was mostly incorrect. While saying that, my mother seems to have gone along with rumors, so I'm not sure whether it was on purpose. For now, I know I'm facing trouble.

After turning around, I started descending the stairs. My mother would have been upset if I had argued with her. So I pretended not to hear anything. I also had to cool my head off. Unrecognized, I returned to the party and began to gather rumors about the wolf attack and the duel the next day.

In my understanding, my father accompanied my mother to choose clothes on a certain day after a beast attack occurred at the border with the Eternal Night Forest. A few minutes later, Count Rochdale was doing the same at the same location with his wife. When they started arguing, the owner of the boutique came, a beautiful young woman, stopped them and made them wait in a vestibule with only a cup of tea. They were both angered and impressed by this at the same time, leading to their suggestion of a duel. They were both angered and impressed by this at the same time, leading to their suggestion of a duel.


At that time, the rumors of an attack by the beast reached the ears of Capital residents. In response to the people's pleas, the youngest son of Count Lenarmend gathered a hunting party of adventurers and knights and marched to the wolf den, where they successfully slaughtered the wolves without any human loss. My father was mocked by Count Rochdale for spreading false rumors, which worsened their conflict. During a fit of rage, my father nominated me as his proxy in the duel. This prompted his opponent to send his child, as he was of my age, and we were supposed to participate in the Gift ceremony together.

While I was sipping on a drink that one of the servants brought me, a boy came and stood in front of me. Seeing that I didn't recognize him, I tried to avoid him, but he stopped me by touching my chest.

“YOU! You filthy human waste! Even though you were abandoned by your family, you dare to challenge Robert-sama! ? You are incredibly brave. You should apologize for wasting Robert-sama's time. He started to yell at me so suddenly that I was oblivious to what to say.

“You have nothing to say? Great! It is my duty to save Robert-sama's precious time! Alde Lenarmend, I challange you to a duel!! Right here, right now!”

I remember now. He was one of the dogs that hung around Robert, my opponent. Since there were many people with similar names, I am not sure if his name was Jacob or James.


*Quest issued*

*Win swordsmanship duel*

*Searching for possible rewards*

*Report: Swordsmanship (LV0) is available for upgrade*

*Quest reward: Swordsmanship (LV1)*

My eyes lit up when I saw this quest again. “Alright, James! I accept your duel!”

“GREGOR! I am GREGOR! My brother is James!”

“OH..sorry?” I said while scratching my cheek.

“What is going on, Adel?“ It seems that the crowd gathered around us drew my brother's attention. After looking at me with a questioning gaze, he turned to the Gregor guy.


He explains the situation to my brother while bowing toward him, "Alex-sama, this impudent child challenges Robert-sama, so I will defeat him in order not to tarnish the reputation of Robert-sama for beating such a weak opponent. "

“You...,” he raised his hand as he seemed to be unhappy with what he heard.

“Stop, brother! I am fine, let’s start the duel.”

He was not allowed to intervene in the conflict, since I could lose the fresh quest that I just received if this guy runs away from my brother. In addition, I didn't really care what people thought about me.

My brother leaned towards my eldest brother in a whisper as the crowd gathered at the duel area, some of them sitting at tables that servants had brought together with refreshments. "That guy is not that strong for you," my brother said. “Do this” and he said a few words.” But be aware that he might know some tricks. That way you could win without effort and without revealing anything, taking into consideration what will happen tomorrow."

My head nodded in agreement. The technique he just taught me could be used against beginner opponents quite easily. I am not sure about the more experienced ones, but they could easily see through me.

We were each handed a blunt sword by a butler. Though the flesh might not be cut so easily, a large bruise might be left behind. They had been used a few times during our training by Raul. When I recalled this memory, I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"In position! Ready? GO!” That was my brother's command and the one who signaled the beginning of the duel.

After raising his sword high above his head, my opponent rushed toward me. Despite my hand itching to beat him as he had so many openings, I still followed my brother's advice. I guarded my head with the sword slightly lowered to the side. During the first exchange, let the opponent's blade slide as you take a step forward. That was what my brother told me.

It worked like a charm. By the time Gregor lost his balance as the sword dragged towards the ground, I was already behind him. As he was about to straighten his body, I immediately put the blade at his neck.

“Winner! Alde!” my brother declared in a hurry.

“Damn you! This is impossible!” Gregor didn't seem to be satisfied with the result.

“How is this possible? Wasn't he an untrained boy?”

“One move! He won with only one move!”

“Kyaaa! I was right, see?”

“It was luck. It seems like Grigor slipped, which allowed Alde to win easily!”

“Cough, it’s Gregor.”

The crowd was busily discussing the duel. But I was already checking the system to see if I managed to receive my reward.


*Win swordsmanship duel*

*Quest reward: Swordsmanship (LV1)*

*Quest completed*

*Swordsmanship (LV0) -> Swordsmanship (LV1)*

*Hidden achievement obtained*

*Complete a quest while under LV5*

*Reward: Unlock character progress*

*Character Progress: ??? - 5%*

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