《Wandering through the stars》Chapter 12: Night Party


I was beyond shocked as I asked, "How...?".

The church was supposed to monopolize healing magic. This was the case in this kingdom. There may be places where you can learn Healing magic in other kingdoms, but I haven't read the history of them.

While raising his glowing hand a little, he asked "Are you interested in this? It seems like you were unaware that I had received the Holy Knight skill in the Gift ceremony. In this kingdom, there is an unwritten rule. Healing magic can only be learned from the church. Even though it is quite costly, it isn't that much for our family. In other words, I learned it around two years ago, during my summer vacation from the knight's academy. Do you remember when I suddenly left that time? That was because the church called me. Although I had to wait almost a year, it was worth the wait. Knights who use healing magic on themselves are some of the most valuable units that can even be deployed alone."

"Oh. Then, what about me? Can I learn it?" I asked my brother. Due to the system's skill points, I could eventually raise the level of Heal.

“It depends entirely on the skill you will receive. Mine is compatible with Holy magic, which is the branch that my skill Heal comes from. You may be able to acquire it if you receive one skill similar to mine" he said while patting my head. At that point, I was completely healed.

“In addition to paying for classes at the church, you are forbidden from giving them to others. I suppose one person could still escape vigilance with one spell, but I'd rather not invite the punishment corps to our house." He seemed to have sensed my intentions.


"We will be attending the party at the Duchess Palisia's estate in a few days. Mother will be there, but Father won't go. He still has a few things to talk about with the retainers. So I will train you myself from tomorrow on."

Those were the last words my brother said to me. Too many things were unknown to me. I feel like I have to put more effort into everything that I do.


As I walked through the crowd, I could hear whispers that shushed up when I came near them. The duel would be held tomorrow. It was likely that I was the subject of their conversation, and I was not wrong as I passed by two girls who weren't familiar with me. They were both dressed elegantly, one with blonde hair in a twin-tail style, and the other with loose black hair in a brown dress with a lace border.

"I heard that the second son who has been away for some time will participate in the duel," the first girl said.


The second shrieked, catching the attention of everyone nearby. One person even looked right at me before continuing the conversation. This told me she was unfamiliar with my appearance. A growing number of girls approached them to join the conversation.

“I have heard rumors about him. He might be a disappointment”

“Who cares?”

“How does he look like?”

“Do you think any of the noble girls will stand a chance ?”

“Hahaha…. I know that you will not stand any chance of hooking him up. I mean with all your scandals” The girl brimmed red in embarrassment because her friend was right

“I am more interested in the person who will win the duel. I have my sights set on that person”


“I am sure it might not be the returned son though,” One said,

“You might be surprised. You never know”

The girls turned in surprise when my brother who had appeared behind him tapped me and said, "Alde? What are you doing here?".

"Nothing, Alex," the moment I said that I realized it sounded suspicious, so I attempted to change the subject to "I was trying to find Countess Lenarmend, but I cannot locate her."

“ Ah, no wonder. The Countess has gone inside to rest. Mother can be found on the second floor, in the first guest room. You can find her by asking around. Not before smiling at the group of ladies looking at me as if in astonishment, he left me with those words.

“No way, is that him?”

“He looks different from the rumors!”

“His appearance had not changed from the last time I saw him, but he appears to be more grown-up.”

As the girls started chatting again, I left the huge salon.

I heard some laughter from one of the guest rooms just as I was about to ask for directions. My mother spoke as I approached it:

“Even if Alde loses, there will be no problem for us. Furthermore, his win would mean the same thing to us. The fight over that vixen's shop is beyond embarrassment"

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