《Wandering through the stars》Chapter 9: The capital


This world’s name is Etobis. One of the many Kingdoms on Etobis was the Sunrise Kingdom, which was located in the Migrating Lands. The capital of this kingdom was founded 346 years ago after the duke Baruld Sunrise successfully defended the fortress that guarded the old kingdom against the Eternal Night Forest, which was filled with monsters since ancient times. Despite the victory of the duke, the old kingdom was facing its own crisis. Due to the attacks of the neighboring countries and the betrayal of the second and third princes, a cruel war broke out between them and the crown prince.

Once the beast tide was over, the duchy was faced with yet another crisis: the refuges. From the three ways of confrontation, numerous cities changed hands, resulting in a mass of refugees fleeing towards the east of the old kingdom during this time. Although it was more likely to be devoured by beasts, this zone did not experience the hardships of war. Duke Baruld failed to send the support the crown prince was supposed to receive due to this new problem. Moreover, even if it had been sent, it wouldn't have made any difference: the third prince fell in battle, and the crown prince died shortly thereafter. In his own bed, the second prince was unexpectedly murdered by his own concubine.

No royalties were left in the old kingdom. The Duke of Baruld, as the next in line, salvaged what he could from the destroyed towns and capital that he still controlled, and left nothing but ruins behind. Using them, he built a new wall for people to take refuge within and designed a brand new fortress for the people to live in. In order to ease the pressure on the capital of the new Sunrise Kingdom he created, he built roads, villages, and towns. The territory beyond the valley of the Migrating Land was abandoned.


The Migrating Lands were rich in resources. When the war ended, agriculture flourished here. King Baruld sent many expeditions into the Eternal Night Forest to eliminate the beasts that plagued his kingdom due to its huge population. Thus, the number of beasts declined to such an extent that adventurers appeared on the outskirts of the forest. Due to their appearance, the Kingdom was able to keep the Forest in check, so the other free troops went to the defense of the borders with other kingdoms.

The duke was able to build a small, yet powerful kingdom in just ten years. After his death at 87 years of age, six other kings followed in his footsteps. Around 15 years ago, the 6th king completed a new wall surrounding the capital that was started by the fourth king. Because of this, the capital was impenetrable to anything that existed in this age, unless a technological breakthrough occurred.

As far as I could tell from the books that Raul had brought me, that was all the information I could gather at this time. My only response to the founder of this kingdom was: astounding! In addition to saving part of a country that had been destroyed by war, he made it so his country would never be bullied again. To gain more know-how from him, I had to search for more information about him in my spare time. During this time, when there was no Internet here, I had to rely on the next best thing to gather important information: reading about prominent figures.

*Shake* *Shake*

Even a fantasy world was still a fantasy world. That carriage ride was beyond awful. At first, it seemed fun going up and down, but after just a few hours, my back hurt a lot. Having just finished the first part of the history book, I wasn't in the mood to read anymore. I would have tried to get out and walk, but the speed we were traveling at was too fast for that. My only option was to look out the carriage window since I had no idea how to ride a horse. Even that, however, was disappointing, as I only saw a vast plain. The Eternal Night Forest was quite a distance behind, but even that was looking like a small forest.


"How are you, Young Master?" Oddly enough, only Raul had ever addressed me, as all the other servants and knights never talked to me. It was bothering me at first, but I let it go thinking that maybe it was because of our differences in social status.

"I am fine for the time being. How long until the capital?" I asked Raul

We will arrive in Sutton soon, after which we will leave tomorrow in the morning. We should reach the capital by noon, and by evening we will reach the Count's residence.

"Will we stay at an inn?" I inquired, curious how the innkeepers will respond when they are told that they will be hosting a noble and, more importantly, a high-ranking one. It wasn't meant to be mean, just an innocent curiosity, as I've never noticed such details before.

"Yes, Young Master"

"Ah, I see." I prepared myself for the carriage to stop as I waited patiently.

*Chatter* *Chatter*

The innkeeper's face was not what I saw as I woke up from a quick nap, but the commotion that was happening in front of the inn. Are you serious?

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