《Wandering through the stars》Chapter 6: Count Lenarmend


Alde Lenarmend is my name. My father, Count Lenarmend, was an influential noble in our kingdom, the Sunrise Kingdom. It was not difficult to be the son of a man of his stature. My age still made me a minor, which meant that I could play around as much as I wanted. I had my own private professors, while my brother, Alex Lenarmend, learned directly from the count. He accompanied him everywhere he went. In retrospect, my father probably sent me here to test me. Most likely, he wanted to leave me a region as an inheritance. What an amazing father. Not like my family as a prince. It would have been nice if I could compare it with my life on earth, but the memory did not come to me. Was this one of the memories I had to unlock? If so, when will it be revealed? For now, I have more pressing matters to contend with.

I will be considered an adult after the Gift ceremony, which will take place in 2 months. With just its name, it is evident that it was a divine gift any human will receive at the age of 16. In essence, it was the mark of an adult. It is possible to be adopted or married into the Royal Family, depending on the results of the exam. Those talents that weren't taken in by nobles or guilds were taken in by companies or strong groups of people. Teenagers born into commoner families experienced this. A fief would be likely to be given to me by my father as a congratulatory gift.

"Growl!" meeting with Raul and hearing what happened the previous days made me forget my hunger.

By raising the sheets, I was able to slide out from under them. My whole body was covered in bandages as I had imagined. It might have been a consequence of Berserk, as I don't remember getting hurt. I'm happy that I can't use it since it's at LV0. However, what about Map (LV0)? It appeared transparent when I activated it. I was just able to see the room and a blue dot. A window was visible to my left. A beautiful town at sunset greeted me when I arrived there. A tear or two formed in my eye as I felt thankful to be alive. Shaking my head, I redirected my attention to the map.


As I could see, the map displayed very little in front of my eyes, apart from the room I was in. Despite seeing people walking on the street, it didn't display anyone else besides me. Despite the skill being LV0, I'm still able to use it somewhat. This is also applicable to Berserk (LV0). However, since I will end up with more injuries than necessary, I should refrain from using it. My request to Raul to teach me swordsmanship seems to have been justified.

As I lowered my gaze, I noticed a hand mirror on the table. After flipping it over, I saw a familiar figure: short brown-black hair, green-black eyes, a small nose, and pale red lips. It's hard to call me handsome because of my fat cheeks, but I'm adorable. In the next moment, the door creaked, so I immediately dropped the mirror and leaned out the window to look at the town as Raul walked in.

"Young Master, I sent a letter to the Count..." Raul looked up at the standing me for a moment, "Are you sure you can get up from the bed?"

“There seems to be no problem. Please give me a change of clothes, I'm hungry."

“The food can be brought here, Young Master, so you don't have to go down to eat.

A little bit irritated, I looked at him. What's the harm in not being overprotective? The only thing I need to do is strengthen myself, not overprotect myself.

“Sigh. As I said, Raul, I am fine now, so I will go down to eat. In addition, I would like to know how people felt about that incident. This is supposed to be a training session, not a vacation. Therefore, I need to hear people's opinions in order to better understand how my decision will affect them. Let's go!"


Initially, Raul was taken aback but then nodded. As he left, he said nothing. Nevertheless, I heard a low murmur. It was as if something was different about me. He seemed to know more about me than I had expected. I was diligent in my lessons, but I wasn't proactive, and I just did what was in front of me. The rest of the time was spent playing. Now was the time to make a change.

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