《Wandering through the stars》Chapter 4: End of the first memory recollection


"Gasp, Argh, my head!" It hurt like hell when I remembered my previous life. Although I wanted to take a break, I had other responsibilities.

"Grrr" "Grr" "Help me!" "Get the children out first" "Auuu" "Don't let them get past the entrance!" "Chief, we are being attacked from the walls!" "Those damn wolves, why now?"

I was surrounded by chaos. It sounds like we were being attacked by wolves. Am I going to die? Once again? No... I can feel the pain in my chest...


*Level up successfully*

*Lv: 1 (NEW)*

*1 skill point acquired*

*Recollection of the lowest rank memory successful*

*Report: Due to excessive mental pollution, the mental state of the host will be influenced*

*Report: Debuff :Fear (medium) ->Fear (advanced)*

*Report: Debuff: Madness (low) ->Madness (medium)*

*Report: Due to excessive debuffs, mana is being lost*

"Gah!" I collapsed as my body was losing something similar to gas at a rapid pace. The cramping of my muscles made the pain even worse.

*Report: Excessive loss of mana -> Pain (Medium)*

*Report: Due to Pain (medium) being influenced by the mana loss, permanent injuries might appear later, please reduce the number and rank of the debuffs*

At this point, I was thrashing about like a mad beast, and I couldn't hear or read the messages on the system. A faint squealing could be heard from under me, but it quickly disappeared.

*5 XP acquired*

*10 XP acquired*


*5 XP acquired*

*Level up successfully*

*1 skill point acquired*

*Report: due to excessive mental pollution, skill points will be automatically distributed to ensure the survival of the host*

*Report: Cool-headed (LV0) has been unlocked*

*Cool-headed (LV0) -> Cool-headed (LV1)*

"Gasp...What happened?" I stumbled on my butt and felt something soft and warm. My nose was assaulted with a strong iron odor the next moment. I felt my head spinning. Is that blood? My body trembled. Upon calming down a little, I noticed I was sitting on a corpse. A wolf corpse. Several were around me. Who killed them? All the other people nearby were quite far away when I looked for the cause. There was only a bloody stick at my side. Was that my fault? I threw up twice. I began crying after that. My body regained its senses, and the pain that I had forgotten returned to me.


Why are you still here like that?!?! Look after the Young Master!".

Raul was running towards me as I turned my head. A friend and servant of mine. Although he almost looked like a gorilla. But what is a gorilla? Well, now that I look at him, you have a point. But wait, I am right.

"YOUNG MASTER!!! How are you doing, Young Master?"

"Ah... Raul.." and I lost my conscience.


When I woke up this time, it was quite peaceful. No one made fun of me, no one tried to kill me, I was so silent I couldn't even hear flies. There were faint sounds of voices, laughter, and singing... probably a party after yesterday's event. The wolf raid. Who would have thought this would happen? Even though we were in a town near the Eternal Night Forest, where quite a few adventurers and knights were stationed, we still suffered an attack of that magnitude. That many wolves reaching my position is not even something I want to contemplate.

Thinking back over my messy memories, it seemed like putting everything in order would take some time. Possibly, the reason the memory recollection started was that I killed that wounded wolf. Or did it have something to do with the exp that I received from it? Being the lowest rank implies that there are others as well. Does that mean I've died so many times already? I have already lost my mind after dying once, so what will happen when I unlock more? Initially, my hands trembled, but they stopped shaking soon after. What happened? Haven't I had an awful lot of debuffs lately? Why do I only feel a little discomfort?

"Status open"


* Host:???*


*Skill Points:1*


*Passive skills: Learning languages(LV1)(INHERITED); Geographic Knowledge(LV0)(INHERITED); Cool-headed(LV1)(NEW)*


*Buffs: Healing(low); Pain-killer(low)*

*Debuffs: Pain(low); Hunger(low)*

"Hahaha, so there was hunger too?" I got a lot of skills from the start. Was it the knowledge I had at the time I had the system that helped me acquire these skills? Or was it the accuracy of the system? Or was it my mental image? What about my understanding in this life? I will have to wait until I return home to answer these questions.

The debuffs were gone at least. Due to my new skill, Cool-headed, I was probably able to calm down. With Berserk, it's sort of like having madness as a debuff and losing or releasing a lot of mana.

I got distracted by the sound of the stairs cracking and someone opening the door to the room I was in.

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