《Wandering through the stars》Chapter 2: First fight and first defeat


I was freed from my chains by soldiers who pushed me towards my so-called brother. While trying to maintain my balance, I heard him say:

“My, I see my brother forgot his sword for our duel. Bring him some spare swords, guards." as he said this, around 20 guards arrived and presented their weapons to me.

It seemed that someone was finally being kind to me, but as I looked at the swords, each looked older and rustier than the other. In fact, some were soiled, bloodied, and covered in oil.

'So this is the so-called sacred duel. I am in rags while he is dressed in shiny armor, and I have to decide between some lumps of iron. Tsk, let's try not to die after that, maybe I'll learn something and get out. Maybe I can go home.


When examining the swords, I chose one that still had blood stains on it, thinking that because it had already cut something, it might survive this duel.

"Haha, look! Even in this situation, he is still seeking more blood!" "The rumors were true!" "Die, monster!" "Why are you still alive, villain?" "Return my daughter, monster!"

The boy asked cheerfully, "How's it going, brother, do you like the arena I prepared for you?".

My first instinct was to probe, so I said, "Well, it was your doing..." I had a feeling something was amiss, so I continued to investigate.

As his smile began to grate on my nerves, he replied, "Hm, I won't deny it.".

As he was probably around 12 years old, I thought I might have an advantage over him because I was a little taller than him. What do you mean, just a little taller? Didn't I use to be taller? What happened to me?


As I watched the boy smirking as my expression changed with each passing second, he said, "Let's begin.". The boy's words brought me back to the present, and I unconsciously gripped my swords until my hands grew numb. I was watching his first move until suddenly he vanished and the next moment I was already flying.


"Gah!" My entire body ached as a metallic taste filled my mouth and acute pain raged all over my body.

"HAIL TO THE HERO!" All I heard was a tremendous roar before everything went black.


There was extreme pain in my body and I was so cold that my bones felt as if they were frozen. I slowly opened my eyes to see a smelly straw in front of me. The room was quiet, so I didn't know where I was. Standing up, I was reeling from the memories of what just happened, causing me to lose my breath. Being a calm person, just imagining it made my head spin. In addition to being chained in a strange place, I had to accept a duel with a boy who had a speed that surpassed my imagination. Even a plane traveling at 500 km/h can be seen with the eyes, so I knew that this was not the earth. Were they aliens? Perhaps that explains why I have no memory of how I got here.

The mere thought of 'I want to go home...' helped calm me down a little. ...Home? But where is home? It's true that I lived on Earth, but where? Imagine a map: the continents, the most familiar being Europe; Spain, England, Romania...There were a few others that evoked some feelings, but that was all. The Asian continent? The United States? There was a minuscule amount of knowledge in my head. I cannot use this. Is there anything left? Africa perhaps? Darwin's evolution theory perhaps? I don't know. Australia and Antarctica were all that remained.



*Registering new knowledge*

*Creating skills*

*Geographic Knowledge(LV0)*



The strange lines that appeared in front of my eyes were quickly covered by a small square. The square showed nothing but a blue dot. The display changed to two lines as I focused on it:

*Name:??? ???*

*Lv ???*

What's this all about? Have I gone insane? Based on what has happened so far, I believe I have.

"Lv...?" I murmured. It reminded me of random games I play occasionally. Doesn't it say earlier map? Is the dot me? An enemy? The last thought was eliminated because it was too quiet. Could it have been me? How come my name was listed as '???' since I had a name?


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