《Wandering through the stars》Chapter 1: Do I have to fight?




'Shut up...' I said since the noise was disturbing my sleep.

*Chatter* *Chatter*

As I shook my head, I said, "Shut up!".

*Chatter* *Chatter* *Chatter*

I shouted, "Shut up!" as I opened my eyes but immediately closed them again because of the strong light.

When I moved my hand to cover my ears, I noticed I was suffering a slight pain in my numb hand as something was impeding it from moving.

*Chatter* *Chatter*

'What's going on?' My body instantly went cold, and my eyes jumped open. The sight of me in the middle of what you might describe as a massive stadium filled with tens of thousands of people made me gasp for breath and my eyes bulged. I was disturbed to see them looking at me while laughing. Why? Have I done anything wrong for them to laugh at me? I was in shock from all the pressure until someone smacked me in the face.

"Gobu...cough cough" I was gasping for breath because it was a heavy blow.

"Ghdnkwcv jdbb dcej cnn?!" exclaimed a handsome boy wearing shiny armor and holding a sword in his right hand.

"W-what? W-where is this, Sir?" He stood there so domineeringly that I started to stutter in his presence.


"Just what was that for?"

*laughter* *laughter*

In order to avoid another blow, I lowered my head and noticed I was wearing rags and...chains? After raising my eyes, I saw that my hands were also chained into what you would call an X cross. The shock was so overwhelming that I began to cry.

*smack* *clang*

"Ufiaeof aowm ajjoa! Dafei aaboe ande ao!" laughed the handsome boy loudly.

*smack* *clang*

Upon receiving another blow, my mind began to clear, and I began to process the information. First and foremost, I had to get out of here as fast as possible.


"Excuse me, could you please tell me where we are? And why I am here?"

When I saw the boy's confused expression, I changed my strategy.

"Perdon, entiende español? Portuguès?"

I carried on seeing that nothing changed.

"Française?" "Koko nande deska?" I uttered with my cheeks burning from the gibberish I had been spewing.

"Gadief udha jei" the boy was already laughing as he held his belly.

*laughter* *laughter*


*Registering 5 new languages*

*Creating skill*

*English Language(LV1)*

*Spanish Language(LV1)*


*Japanese language(LV0)*


*Checking 5 new registered languages"

*Creating skill*

*Learning languages(LV0)*

"Dafc dfs scum gadfk, I did hagke..." I became more focused on the words the boy was speaking as I began to comprehend what he was saying.

"Scum? What are you talking about?"


*Registering 1 new language*

*Creating skill*

*??? Language(LV0)*


*Skill Level up*

*English Language(LV2)*

"Acting ahdm crazy?When adjf jef stop ashk?"

“As I do not understand your language, I do not know what you are talking about, but I would like to know where we are” I was surprised as my words were similar to English, yet different.


*Skill Level up*

*??? Language(LV1)*

*English Language(LV3)*

*Learning languages(LV1)*

With disdain in his eyes, the boy leaned over and whispered to me:

As he raised an eyebrow, he said, "when will you dhja the act? It's not like you'll gain ljnknj right now, is it?". But one word caught my attention again.

"Brother?" I asked with a shaking voice.

"Hmm... Did I beat you too much that you can't even recognize me?"


Laughing almost as hard as he could, the handsome boy said, "I don't buy it, so try harder, older brother!".

Since I had no idea what to do, I stayed quiet this time. Since the only person I was able to speak to was calling me brother and laughing at me, what would you even expect from me?


This time a man dressed in royal clothes with a crown of pearls on his head spoke to the villain. He was surrounded by beautiful women and said, "Enough of this! We came here to see the hero teach a lesson to the villain.".

"Who are you talking about?" I asked as I slowly realized what was happening. When I saw the smile on his face, my body stiffened.

A cute smile spread across the boy's face as he asked, "Who else but my dear brother?".

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