《Wandering through the stars》Prologue



Earlier, while making the camp, I had sat on a log of a tree that I had cut. People would think that I was watching the fire in front of me while keeping guard. As I gazed through the fire at the flickering blue portal that I and Beo (Beowolf) found while chasing down the prey, my heart was in turmoil.

The panel that I had received as soon as my eyes landed on the portal, however, had shaken me even more:

*Final Quest*

*Enter the portal and return to Earth*

*Rewards: ??? *

I realized that all I had in common with my past memories were my blurry memories of Earth. While I wasn't even able to recall my own name, something was pushing me in that direction. A sense that I belonged there. Moreover, the rewards were unknown, which was quite good since only dungeons had rewards like this.

My thoughts were conflicted. I wanted to go back to Earth and find out who I was that even the system wouldn't reveal, even though I had a name, Alde. How about this world, though? As for the people in this town, I didn't have many feelings for them, and I just went shopping in a couple of towns. Camping with Beo in the Eternal Night Forest occupied the remaining time.

Right, Beo. I had Beo. I was such a fool. However, my heart was hurting when I was remembering Gloomy Wolf's memories. These were the most recent memories I had retrieved from the system. Even though I received an explanation for why it was I that had the system... I was still troubled by Gloomy Wolf's love story. Would I be able to love Beo for over a thousand years if I were in his shoes? Furthermore, the pain and regret in his love were causing me headaches.


Could Beo be just playing games with me and eventually leave me? Since she had the looks, the strength, the money, and the rank, she could always find a better guy than me. As Raul did, she could always leave. In that case, wasn't Earth a better choice? Unlike before with Raul or when my parents abandoned me, I would not have to deal with another painful separation.

"Open status" I whispered softly.


*Host: ???*

*LV: 31*

*HP: 230/230 MP: 300/300*




*Skill Points:3*

*Active skills: Map(LV2); BERSERK(LV1); SLASH(LV3); Sprint(LV2)*

*Passive skills: Learning languages(LV1); Geographic Knowledge(LV1); Cool-headed(LV2); Swordsmanship(LV5); Pain tolerance(LV2); Danger Sense(LV2); Hunger tolerance(LV0); Dagger Mastery(LV2); Fear tolerance(LV1)*

*Buffs: Pain-killer(medium)*

*Debuff: Fear(low)*

I was well prepared for the trip, but I still suffered from a fear debuff. What am I doing ... Am I really frightened of what I have in front of me? What should I do?

The tent's fabrics moved as I stood up to add another branch to the fire. Beo was staring at me in front of the tent when I turned around.

"Where are you going?" Beo looked at me as if she already knew. She didn't say anything last night, but it was to give me time to think about it.

Trying to keep my voice from shaking, I declared, "I'm going home.".

Clearly confused, Beo pointed at the portal and asked, "Home?".

While lowering my head, I said, "Right, I'm going home.".

"When will we leave?"

"Wait, Beo, we can't go together!"


"Well, that's because..." How do I explain the fact that there are only humans on Earth? "Since there is no war there, we will not be well seen. Furthermore, we don't have an identity there. The kingdoms there have tight control over their citizens, so they will know when we attempt to blend in soon. Furthermore... you might be captured and experimented on there.."


My speech continued without stopping until I couldn't look at her anymore by the time I finished.

A small laugh escapes her lips as she wonders "Isn't this the same as when we first met?"

"That's quite different. In that case, you'd at least be released."

"I see. Then what's the problem?"

"Wha..at?" you still ask me after everything I have told you? Her clear eyes couldn't help but draw my attention, yet they made me feel guiltier than I felt, so I avoided staring at her again.

"NO MEANS NO! You can't go with me, this will be too dangerous for you." I said as I lowered the bag with the coins that I had on me on the ground. "Here, this is my share of your rewards" I said as I rounded the corner and turned away from the tent. Together, we have completed quite a few requests and split the money 50/50, so her savings should double without any problem. This will last for a while, at least until there are new requests.

Taking a look at her, I replied, "I will be leaving with this.". Whether I did it to clearly remember her face or for some other reason, I didn't know. However, seeing her gaze made my heart thump again.

“I’m sorry, Beo” As I said this, her eyes widened, and she spoke something, which I did not hear as I was already past the fabric of the portal. Her rushing towards the portal caught my eye, but she was blocked by something as the portal behind me broke.

That was good. It was better this way. While traveling through space, I kept repeating these things. As a result of my high Willpower, I managed to stay awake long enough to hear the prompt from the system:


*Final Quest updated*

*Return to Earth*

*Reward: System Authority x1(NEW)*

*Final Quest completed*

*Will you use the reward? Yes/NO*

"Use it"


*Final Quest reward used, obtained System Authority x1*


It was as if my heart had frozen. Out of all the things I had hoped for, this was the last. Deleting the system?! Well, maybe that was a good decision. It is the only way for me to leave a regular life on Earth. I would remember all the time I had spent in the other world only as memories. Perhaps even a book could be written about it. It would be better to delete it.

Just as my finger was about to touch the screen, a blinding light erupted from below me as I fell through the newly created portal.

Finally, I've made it to Earth. But Earth had changed.

(END OF ARC 5-Gloomy Wolf)

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