《The Legend of JaWal by WarWalker》Chapter 11


Blessing of Xenogoth

Being the archfiend of Hebereus, Xenogoth blesses you. He dislikes him deep to his core and offers you a hand of help. This blessing grants you immunity to holy attacks, the speciality of Herbereus's henchlings.

'Child, it may be unknown, whether there are still followers of Herbereus but I give you this gift so that you can fight against them and other orders of light. I have heard that the goddess of Freya has a huge rise lately and I won't ignore that. Hence go forth and fight this holy weaklings! Don't be afraid of the light but stay close to the darkness. Embrace it so that you can become one.'

New stat: Storage of darkness (Beginner 1)

Description: When you linger around in dark or desecrated places you store unholy power. The power of darkness may be used to strengthen your attacks or to defend yourself. This is not all but you have to discover the secrets of this skill yourself. You cannot add points to this stat. Storage capacity 100(+5 per stat).

'Unholy, and immune to holy attacks? That's friggin awesome. '

I rejoiced. I rejoiced so happily - well as happily as you can if you are corporal or whatever I was. Still I was happy about what I just received.

A man suddenly manifested in a forest. The sun shone fiercelly on his face which was pale white. He had long pointy ears and a statue of an athlete.Trees staggered high all around hin and made a huge roof out of leaves.

It would have looked really beautiful if you didn't were in pain. The man was lying on the ground covering his face with his palms. He roared out in pain.

'What's wrong with me? My skin is burning.'

I didn't know what to do at first. My HP bar dropped to the half in mere seconds. I began to panic.

The man who obviously did not know what was happening continued to roll over the ground. Maybe out of luck or maybe because fate had it's hand in the game he rolled into a shadow of a tree.

The pain suddenly stopped. I breathed steadily now. The shock was still there and I tried to find out what happened.

Only then did I notice that the sun was blocked by a big old oak tree. I wanted to try sonething out. Taking the glove off my right hand, I held it out inside the sun.

The man was getting weirder and weirder. His pale face from before was now fire-red. He looked like a tomato head, and it wasn't even Halloween. He stripped off his right hand glove - topping everything else, he holds out his hand and burns it miserably. He shook his hand through the air and pulled it back into the shadows, slowly grasping what was happening to him.

'Unholy mother of hell - Is this the effect of my vampirism?'

"Open skill window!"

And to no surprise the vampirism was on a new stage.


Evolved Vampirism

You get burned when you walk through the sun. Without any protection you might turn into ash in seconds.

Additionally you get a boost of 35% to all your stats at night or in darkness.

'Hmm. Goddamn it so early already?!? That's just stupid. But I still got the passive to protect myself from the sun so there's one other positive thing about this.'


The surroundings didn't look familiar at all. On top of that did it seem that I was outside of town. But there were no monsters or anything around.

After rummaging through my bags and checking out what I had left which ran out to be my equipment and some breads, an empty canteen, japtem and things I couldn't equip I went into the direction most comfortable for me.

The man walked deeper and deeper into the forest without knowing what was awaiting him. Rumors of this forest had spread out like a wildfire after a caravan was slaughtered, massacred to say the truth. It was like a horror nightmare. Everyone was killed. And the finished picture was extraordinary ugly. This was art in the cruelest form possible.


Fáilariel could not believe her eyes, as she stood there in shock between the leftovers of her former comrades. Everything happened so fast that - that... She still couldn't believe it - if she would not have witnessed this she would never have believed anyone who might have told her in the future. Not that anyone was still alive except her - the bandits slain by the once so bluish sapphire brigade which itself fell most likely into the same trap as the bandits they had pursuited. And now everyone was dead except Fáilariel who had survived out of sheer luck and the demon which was starring at her with bull eyes.

The demon was a massive nine feet high red monster that still looked agile even with his overlayered muscles. He had long fingernails that looked like they could slice through stone. The eyes were pitch black through which the demon emitted an even shaddier aura than it already had.

"Finally." The demon said it with a satisfactory yet at the same gluttonous voice. "Finally someone summoned me after all this time. It has been too long that a drop of blood ran down my throat. This taste, how I have craved for it, is almost hilarious. I had sat in my realm - on my big throne - waiting for a mortal to challenge me but no human dares to come into my realm since "that" time."

You could see in her face that she didn't understand one word. Still being under shock, she couldn't make up one clear thought. The only thing she could hear inside her head were the screams of her now fallen, new conrades. Even though she did not know them for a long time she still grew attached to them. And now they were dead and she was the only one still alive. Again.

“So, it seems my old master had abandoned me. And you, a mere elf took up his position of being my master? That’s somewhat weird. But it seems you have made this sacrifice for me.” The demon said it so naturally that you wouldn’t have thought that this was totally weird if you looked at the situation. An elf in a state of well whatever because of her thought that she’s going to get killed and a demon who says master to her.

‘Me, his master? What is this? A sunday morning comedy show or what?’

“Are you the one who made this sacrifice or not? I won’t ask again.” The demon prepared to attack and raised his hands to the sides to show off his long sharp claws. A deep roar could be heard from his throat.


Fáilariel didn’t know what to do. So she followed the flow.

“Of course I am your master. I lead all the humans here so that I could summon you, a loyal companion and servant.” Hopefully the demon didn’t see the drop of sweat running down her forehead.

"So be it then. For now I will follow your lead but if you do anything stupid I will haunt you for the rest of my life. And I have already lived for many centuries and don't want to die in the near future. And by the way I am the demon Azrad, the fierce. People fear my name throughout Versailles and in the future they will fear it all around the world!" With that, the demon made a contract with Fàilariel. Her first contract with a demon.


I wandered around aimlessly. The forest blocked most of the sunlight and I could cherish the moments I had. It was so peaceful out here. The rustling of the leaves, the singing of the birds, the flow of a river somewhere, somewhat cracking on the ground - cracking on the ground? I looked to my feet and gasped. I was so fixed on the treetops and everything that I didn’t realise that I was walking through the leftovers of a big battle. The cracking came from an arrowhead beneath my feet. Suddenly a urge that I couldn’t resist formed, and my body moved behind a tree. Behind the tree lay a person on the ground, or what was left of it which was the upper part. It looked like a soldier, he still had his helmet on and in his right hand was a rusty sword. But to me only the blood was visible at that moment. I couldn’t resist the urge to bite into this dead person’s neck. So I bit into his flesh vigorously and salvaged what was left of his blood.


You drank the blood of a dead person.

+ 5 Infamy


You drank blood.

Stat boost of 10% for the next three hours.

Now that you got introduced to blood you can control the urge.


The vampire took up the helmet of the guard and made a face cover with the cloth of the soldiers armor. Eventually he stood up refreshed and went around searching for more japtem. He took his time and didn’t notice the newcomers at the other end of the clearing.

“Hey, you!” A weird dressed guy said.”What are you doing in our territory? This is our japtem!”

As the vampire turned around, his mouth still bloody, he looked at the four guys without a hint of fear. You could see that he had been through a lot already. “Your territory,” he said,”I would say it’s mine.” He turned around completely and faced the four guys face to face.

One of the four guys whispered to another. “Hey bro, I don’t think this was a good idea. Don’t you see the blood around his mouth?” The other man hit him with his elbow into his stomach. “You idiot, we all see it. But we have to keep up a straight face and don’t show fear so that we look stronger than we are.”

The whispering went. To their disappointment the vampire could hear it all through his enhanced ears. “You know that I can hear everything you say?” He had a smug look on his face.

They gulped. ‘Oh man, it’s over with us.’ They thought in union. Still they took out their weapons. They wouldn’t give up so easily. Two of them took out shields and positioned themselves in front of the other two. Another equipped a bow and the fourth guy just stood there.


'Fuck it. They are getting ready to attack. Maybe it is time to test out my new strength.' I unsheathed my katana that hung around my waist in it's sheath way too long.

They circled me. Wary. The archer took an arrow to his bow and pulled the string. And let loose. The arrow went with a hiss beside my head. With that the battle begun.

I stormed at the two enemies waiting in front of me with their shields raised. Using the momentum to my advantage, I ducked low and cut both of their legs. One of them dodged the attack, the other one got hit straight and received a huge amount of damage. At least it looked like it. The archer shot arrow after arrow, some of them cut my arms but did no major damage. The one I hit earlier stumbled back and you could see a gash.

‘Seems like he deceived a bleeding dot’

The attack was followed by another strike. I began to continue swinging my sword against his shield and forgot about my surroundings. Sparks flew, and if you would have the time it would have looked really beautiful. His shield-arm got heavy and as his shield lowered a bit I sliced his hit and did a critical hit.

Just then I collapsed to the ground. My health dropped enormously. It seemed that the fourth guy backstabbed me. As I looked around I didn’t see him but I still knew that he was there.

“Finally, what took you so long?” One of the shield guys said.

I heard a demonic chuckle. I couldn’t locate it. The guys regrouped but he fourth guy was still missing. A bush rustled behind me and I turned around immediately. But to my disappointment no one was there and on top of that did a arrow struck my helmet. If I hadn’t equipped that thing back then I would have regretted it now. Furthermore did the helm make a weird sound and I could sense that something happened to it.

As I breathed in deeply I could feel the other two guys who already got damage behind me. I could hear their blood pulsing through their veins and especially through their wounds. It was really tempting but I couldn’t avert my eyes and my thoughts from the battle.

'Wait, if I get the chance to drain their blood then I could replenish my Hp.' Another thought went through my mind. 'I totally forgot about my skills. I am such a fool.'

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