《League Of The Void》Trickster


For two weeks now, i studied illusion-theory under the watchful eye of Jude. It was not the most exciting way to spend time, but i had to admit.. I learned a lot. Although Jude was strict, and i mean really fucking strict, she was also fair. And tried to help me as best she could. So she only lost her temper once or twice when i escaped into the realm of dreams (dozed off).

[Hehe, she said today she will teach you a skill!] Whispy greeted me at dawn. I stretched and stood up from the bed where i had received two new lifes so far. I was down a few silver because i rented the room for three more months, starting a week ago.

Yeah, Fluffy, finally! I pray to the gods that the blessing will awesomarise (AN: Like familiar / familiar[ise] -> just using -ise to express conversion) the skill she will teach me.

[Better pray to the True One.] Whispy responded jokingly.

Haha. Alright. Oh dear Mr. Blessing, give me a blessing, like, please?

[How poor was that? When you prayed to O'Ra (Goddess of light) two centuries ago, it sounded much better.]

We laughed internally a for a bit, while i got ready to head out. As i walked through the city, i munched some bread.

So, a cup of black ecstasy, then a new skill! A great day indeed, i thought.

"Hey Anne!.."

"Thanks Anne!.." She had handed me a freshly brewed cup without me specifically asking. Benefits of being a regular customer, i think. I handed her a few coppers.

"No problem dear. How are you today?"

"I am great. Today is a good day. What about you?"

"Haha, that is nice. You sound all excited, something special happening today?"

"I will finally learn a new skill." I smiled widely.

"Well, that sure sounds nice, honey. Me? I am fine, really. Business as usual, you might say. Tomorrow will be special though, my boy reaches the age required to join the guild." She looked like tomorrow had come early, bliss on her face. And a bit worry.


"That sounds awesome, too! Eh.. How old is he?" I didn't know the minimum required age. They didn't ask me for mine, at least. Maybe the 'Appraisal Orbs' check it?

[Hm, i guess so.]

Anne had gotten used to my sometimes odd behavior and questions, so she just answered. "Seventeen, tomorrow."

We talked about pointless things for a while, then i had to go obtain my skill.

"See you!" - "Take care!"


"Good morning, Alira. Eager today, are we?" Jude greeted me as i walked into her office, my training ground.

"Yes, because you said i would learn a skill today!" My voice a tinsy-tiny bit higher pitched than usual.

[Half an octave higher, and i will have to stab you, because i rogered that!] Whispy joked.

Not now, Fluffy!

But his remark made me calm down a bit, a certain blonde fan girl of Magur flashed through my mind.

Jude sighed. "Yes, you will. I presume more theory before the learning a skill part is not something you want?"

"Well.. Honestly? No."

She sighed again.

"Fine. Just one short test then."


"Tell me how to acquire skills and the necessary conditions to do so."

..Jeez, fine.

"There are three ways to obtain skills.." well, four if you count blessings like mine..

"..First, scrolls. All you need to do is read one. For the scroll to activate, you need to meet the requirements listed on the scroll. Possible requirements are level, class, affinity and race."

"Good, the second way?"

"Hm. Someone can inherit a skill from a person. Possible requirements are the same as for scrolls, plus some skills require established relationships, like the bond of an apprentice."

"Yes. And the last way?"

"If you know the moves for a skill, and copy them, understand them, after a while the skill will be granted?!"

"Exactly. And the requirements?"

"Other than level, class and understanding the skill, nothing, i think."


"All answers are correct. Learning a skill by yourself bypasses the need for affinity. That is the major difference."

[Skills granted from the supreme ones don't have conditions.] Whispy enlightened me.

Yeah, no shit, i already suspected that. Because i can't imagine a 'lower' level thief like me could learn something like 'True Shadow' if those requirements did apply.

[Yeah, true.]

"So, can i now learn a skill, please?"

"Yes, as i promised. Give me your hand."

Jude Esmerat has decided to gift you the skill 'Phantom Object - Level 2' Do you accept the gift? Yes / No

"Hell, yes.." [STOP!] Whispy shouted, disturbed by something.

Gift is being transferred... (59 seconds left)

Too late, Fluffy! Why are you so upset all of a sudden?

[I thought she would give you a fucking scroll, not use the apprentice bond! This is not good, Alira.]

I was confused. Why does it matter?

[Because, BECAUSE, she can see if the gift she gives is altered. She may see the blessing..]

I was more confused, and started to worry. I thought no one can see my blessing?

[Usually, yes. But bonds are used for a lot of things. Higher beings use it to access the status-screen of others, for one. I doubt she can try to access something she doesn't know exists, but your message list is shared by default.]

FUCK FLUFFY! You need to tell me those essential things. How could i have known that?

[Sorry, i was not allowed to. Blame the higher ups, not me. Still, shit..] Whispy kind of freaked out, which made me freak out, too. After all, he was almost me.

Gift is being transferred... (26 seconds left)

Can i cancel this somehow??

[I am afraid not. Try to move and you see what i mean.]

With a bad foreboding, i attempted to lift a feet.

Of course, i can't move. Damn!

[This is to guarantee successful transfer.. Forcefully cancelling it has serious backlash on both parties.]

Ha! Another ultra important thing no one fucking cared to mention to me. Am i the blissful ignorant one, or what??

[No use in gallows humor.. All we can do is hope there is no upgrade..]

Honestly, how likely do you think that is?

[I can't answer that.]

Oh, shit, Fluffy. You and your fucking rules.

Gift is being transferred... (12 seconds left)

Wait a second, how serious can the backlash be?

[Worst case? You could both die.]

I will just revive, won't i?

[Are you okay with killing someone that tried to help you? Someone innocent? Also, you don't have any way to cancel right now. You are still weak.]

..So, pray, for real?

[Best option. ..Wait, you don't want to kill someone without cause, or you just accept there is nothing you can do right now?] Whispy asked, suspiciously curious.

'I can't answer that.' I mimicked him for once. Damn, i begin to understand you a little bit, fluffy one.

Great. Anyway.. Oh merciful exalted being, who is called 'the True One' by lesser beings, kneeling at his feet in awe. I beg of you, don't let your blessing fall upon me. Not this time. Please!

[Much better than this morning.]

Gift transfer success! Skill 'Phantom Object' granted. Mana Cost: Phantom Object - Level 2: The user can create (2) illusionary objects (max. 10cm^3 each) for (60 seconds). Illusionary objects can't be interacted with, except for skills. (Every level increases duration by thirty seconds, amount of objects by one, maximum size of objects by five centimeters x,y,z. Every level decreases chance entities notice it is an illusion.) 50/Object

Please no blessing...

Please no blessing...

Blessing of §'#&, the True One, was triggered. ...


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