《Isekai trash story》CH2: Figuring out basic magic


There is no reasonable way for a baby to gather food, therefore the only way left is to use something unreasonable like magic.

If I can’t use magic or the mana I discovered to get food, then I have to depend on someone returning to the cave, or if enough time passes yell out and hope for the best.

Hoping for the best will likely get me eaten by some local predator so let’s avoid that option if possible.

First I try to make the mana into food, or absorb outside mana into my body, but neither method works.

Then with magic perception, I try to shape the feeling of mana into a bubble

Mana manipulation Able to more easily alter mana

INT+4 (90)

Okay, if I can manipulate the shape of mana, then I may be able to change other properties of it.

When I try to shape the bubble again it is much easier, then I try to give it the property of “feedback” but nothing happens.

I focus on perception, or implementing my senses on the mana, but nothing works.

I then try “pushing” the mana against walls and floors, while adding the concept of a sense of touch and get

Magic: mana sense Able to use magic to detect mana reations within a certain range, MP cost increases when sensing a larger volume of space.

INT+3 (93)

Name Auxentius Race Human, male Age 0 Lv 1 Class N/A HP 2/2 MP 78/80 (increases by 0.75/sec) Strength 1 Intelligence 93 Dexterity 2 Willpower 124 Stamina 1 Wisdom 75 Luck 32 Charisma 45 Skills Mana perception:ability to sense the mana of your surroundings Analyze: show known information about an object Mana manipulation: able to alter the shape and properties of mana Magic mana sense: able to make a field of mana that will detect objects within it, Uses more MP/second the larger the field Titles


The distinction between manipulating mana and being magic is still unclear to me, and looking more closely at my MP it seems that wisdom directly affects my max MP.

I suspect intelligence will affect the power of my spells while wisdom affects MP recovery rate and max MP.

Well for now I will try to search my surroundings.

Within my field I can see that this cave is very small and that there is a forest right outside.

The cave is about a meter tall and around 3 meters long.

So apparently either some parents decided to go out of their way to get rid of their baby in a cave, I was kidnapped by monsters, I was stored in a cave to keep me safe from some danger in a forest, or my body spontaneously came into existence.

None of these explanations seem plausible, but none of them will feed me either so I shelve those thoughts for now.

I try to see if I can try to speak, and while everything I try to speak is incomprehensible, but I can still make sounds which is at least something.

I try to expand my barrier slowly, I get the barrier to expand outside the cave and it seems to be going well for a while.

However, the further it goes the more drastically my MP is decreasing, so I cancel the barrier for a bit to gather my thoughts.

The barrier let me feel the cave floor, and I could also “see” different colors in the grass I felt slightly outside the cave.

I don’t need the barrier to feel the cave behind me anymore as I didn’t feel any secret entrances earlier, so I reshape the barrier to a rectangle and try again.

I make a mana sensing barrier going out into the outside with the dimensions of an 18-wheel truck, which reminds me of truck-kun so I start to feel somewhat annoyed.


I wasn’t sent to this world by a truck……. Unless one hit me after my heart attack! Truck-kun never misses after all……

Now is not the time for conspiracies of my old death, I need to stop/delay my next one! Back to mana sensing.

I can “see” quite a lot and it doesn’t overwhelm my mind, but while I can tell there are insects in the grass, it can be hard to distinguish them from the gras, but easy to distinguish from the ground.

Trees appear differently and I can sense more mana in them, but objects with similar mana appear like objects with the same color, it is difficult to tell them apart.

This color seems to coincide with the amount of mana I can perceive with mana perception.

The ground also has it’s own feel and color, so maybe I can use that for earth magic later.

I then alter the angle I project the barrier at and only find 2 animals of note, a mouse and a large centipede.

Now while it may be possible for me to learn wind or earth magic to push food to my cave, and I will certainly try to use water magic later to stay hydrated, I have always felt I would want to be a monster tamer if I was in another world.

The variety and possibilities of fighting using several monsters is far more intriguing to me than a mage or swordsman, though magic is also very intriguing.

I can still try using magic for food later, but first I want to try to tame the mouse.

If I was going the bug route, I would rather it not be a centipede, so I focus all of my mana toward the mouse and try to link it with myself.

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