《Isekai trash story》CH1: Dying 101


I cling to my sense of self and memories as much as possible in what seems to be a void.

A few minutes ago my heart was feeling incredibly painful and I lost consciousness.

I can’t see anything, I try to open my eyes, but it seems like I don’t have any.

What state am I in right now?

I try my other senses to try and gather my bearings.

I hear nothing, smell nothing, and can’t taste anything.

I can “feel” myself, but I cannot feel my surroundings at all.

Hopefully I am not stuck in some vegetative like state, but that doesn’t usually occur after heart problems.

It’s been a few days, I haven’t slept because I never feel tired. To pass the time I tried altering the shape of my sense of self, but it always reverts to a ball. I tried splitting of a small part of myself, but that was incredibly painful so I stopped before going through with it.

Considering I can alter the shape of my sense of self, and feel as if I am moving said sense of self, something very strange is happening.

I’m either alive and have some damaged nerves connecting my brain to my body, dead and the afterlife is actually a thing, or have gone full on delusional crazy as opposed to the more fun don’t think things through crazy.

I continue going moving around and contemplating what the fuck is happening until one day….

I wake up in a dark cave.

I can tell from the feeling in my back, arms, and legs that I seem to be a human baby, but I don’t see anything but a dark ceiling and rough rock floors.

Well seems like the “I died and the afterlife isn’t actually bullshit theory” was correct.


Unfortunately, I have either reincarnated in a cavemen civilization, was born while my parents were on the run from something, or was simply abandoned.

I go to all the trouble of retaining my memories through reincarnation, and now I am probably gonna die because some absurd level starting difficulty. Just please don’t put the culty in difficulty by making me some ritual sacrifice or something.

Well I may as well try some things before I starve to death.

I can wiggle my fingers and toes a bit, but I am hesitant to roll as a baby’s necks is fragile.

I could scream, but that has as much chance as bringing something bad as it does something good, if I wasn’t abandoned then the parents will return on their own.

I will scream if nothing shows up for, well, a long time seeing as how I can’t keep track of the time, just guesstimate 3 hours.

In the mean time I then try meditating incase this other world has mana/magic/spiritual shenanigan powers, which would totally make up for the crappy starting location.

I feel something odd after a few minutes and try magnifying the intensity of this feeling.

Then a text box appears in my head [learned mana perception] INT+1 and for discovering a skill without help WIS+ 2

YES! Where there are text boxes there are…….. (Thinks open menu in head)

Name Auxentius Race Human, male Age 0 Lv 1 Class N/A HP 2/2 MP 80/80 Strength 1 Intelligence 79 Dexterity 2 Willpower 124 Staimina 1 Wisdom 75 Luck 32 Charisma 45 Skills Mana perception: ability to sense the mana of your surroundings Titles


…….okay so apparently I don’t have access to the difficulty level, but I can’t blame me for trying.

At least now I stand a chance of doing something before I up and die again, dying to a random herat attack is bad enough, dying right after being reborn would be extra terrible.


Well clearly retaining my memories influences my stats, but whats with having so much more willpower than intelligence?

I had quite the self-control, but I was fairly sure that my intellect would be my most prominent quality, guess my ego really is bigger than my head.

Okay maybe the stat screen is accurate, but I still feel like this is mocking me somehow.

I also can’t tell if my charisma is supposed to be high or low, sure it is the lowest of my mind based stats, but it is still a fairly big number.

Anyway more importantly I now know that stats can be increased through skills, and that skills can be learned naturally.

The existence of classes is important, but when I try to select it all I get is [No class conditions met] so I will worry more about that later.

Levels imply that I can get stronger, probably either by training or killing things.

I am probably going to really enjoy this world provided I live long enough.

I really hope that this magic is the fun and useable kind instead of the limited, super difficult, hoarded by the powerful, or boring kind. Super difficult is only okay if it can become usable after enough training.

My dexterity may have increased when I wiggled my fingers and toes, or maybe I was born with a higher stat, I will need to test this more later to be sure.

[learned Analyze] INT+2 (86)-current totals of stats will appear in parenthesis for reader’s convenience, praise the author’s benevolence

Oooh another new skill so quickly, is this the legendary op appraisal?!

It seems odd how I didn’t get any wisdom for discovering it on my own, it could only occur for specific skills, or may occur less frequently the more you do it.

On the menu I see

Analyze Allows user to see all information regarding an object known by the user, objects that are unknown will show up as unknown.

So this is basically a weaker version of appraisal that will only serve to remind me of things I already- *grumbling sound*

Right, still slowly dying of hunger as a lone baby in an empty cave, live first then figure out how to understand and exploit the power system.

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