《Lucifer Dark the summoned fallen angel》Magic shop


I wake up, because sun shines into my eyes. Like always, Sariina is sleeping on my chest and I decide to wake her up.

"Hey Love! Wake up!"

I say into her ear and she slowly wakes up. She slowly gets up from my chest and sits on my stomach. She then streches and I'm just enjoying the view. She stops streching, puts her hands on my chest and leans in for a kiss. We kiss some time and after we stop I say:

"Good morning Love!"

"Good morning Luc!"

She says back with a happy face. We get up from the bed and start dressing. I wear my regular black boots, black pants and black shirt and put on my new black sleeveless trench coat, black hand warmers, that reaches to my elbows and a buff. I just noticed that this coat has a zipper. Probably introduced by one of the past summoned heroes. I leave the coat unzipped. I put my equipment on. Sariina wears her regular clothes and puts her equipment on too. We then go down and the twins aren't here. We wait for them and ten minutes later they arrive. They sit down at our table and Say:

"Good morning!"

"Good morning!"

Me and Sariina say back, Sariina says it with a sleepy voice. The waitress comes and we order our food. After we have ordered our food, Kara says:

"I like your new outfit!"


I answer her back and then Sara says:

"But your right arm is visible now. Aren't you worried, that it will attract attention."

"After yesterday, I stopped caring and most of it is covered anyways."

"I see!"

Sara says and Sariina asks:

"Are we going to the guild today?"

"Nope. I heard the heroes are here today and I think we don't want to pump into them."

Kara answer her. Fuck! That asshole is here and I'm still not strong enough to kill him. My stats are:

NAME: Lucifer Dark

RACE: fallen angel

LV: 35

TITLES: summoned one, true demon lord

HP: 18351

MP: 24573

DEF: 13265

DEX: 14784

INT: 11970

STM: 14047

STR: 23931

SKILLS: language comprehension, dark magic(max), void magic(max), space magic(max), ice magic(max), lighting magic(max), fire magic(max), sword mastery(max), knife mastery(max), martial arts(max), bow skills(max), wings of the fallen angel, analyze(max).

And his stats were when he betrayed me:

NAME: Subaru Ya

RACE: human

LV: 71

TITELES: the summoned one, hero, wielder of the holy sword, loved by goddess of life, light and love Cecilia


HP: 50246

MP: 56735

DEX: 40325

DEF: 45672

INT: 32470

STM: 40034

STR: 35952

SKILLS: light magic(max), earth magic(max), wind magic(max), water magic(max), sword mastery(max), language comprehension

He probably has leveled up more and I can guess he's near lv 100. I won't be able to kill him. I beat him at the training grounds, because he had never fought before, but now he will kill me again, If I fought with him right now. I need to level up. With that thought I eat my breakfast with a serious look and Sariina looks at me with a worried expression and asks:

"Are you okay Luc?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking."

After I say that I continue eating and the twins are a little worried too. We finish our food and then I ask:

"Then what do we do today?"

"We can go to downtown and look around, If you are okey with it Luc."

Sariina suggests. I think about it and agree with her. I don't want to ruin her day, because she would stay with me if I stayed at the inn.

"Yeah, sure! Let's check the town out!"

I answer her and Kara says:

"We will be your guides then."

Sara nods after Kara finishes her sentence. We get up from our table and I pull my hood up and buff. I then say:

"Call me John, because i don't want the heroes to hear my real name!"

"Sure! But why?"(Kara)

"Is Lucifer a common name in this world?"

I ask them, they think about it for a minute and then they say:

"No! I haven't heard that name never before I met you."

"And that's why call me John!"

I say that and then they nod. We then leave the inn and start walking. We decide to go to a magic shop. We arrive at the magic shop. Before entering I ask:

"Hey Kara! I'm going to ask it now, but is this your fathers shop?"

"Yeah it is. How did you know?"

She asks me with a curious face. I then answer her:

"Your mother taught you how to use weapons and owns a weapon shop. So I thought If your father taught you magic, maybe he owns a magic shop."

"You're pretty smart to make that kind an assumption."(Kara)

"It wasn't that hard."

I answer her and we then enter the store. We enter the store and see a tall high elf with silver hair and eyes. No idea how old he is, because he is an elf. He sees us and says:


"You are back my dear daughters!"

""Yeah we are back!""(Sara and Kara)

He then looks at me and says:

"So you are Lucifer, who I heard from my wife."

"Yep! That's me!"

I answer him and he then says:

"Why are you covering your face?"

I take of my my hood and pull my buff down. I then say:

"I'm hiding my face from the heroes."

After saying that I pull my hood and buff up. He looks at me like I'm some kinda criminal. Well, I understand why he is looking at me like that. The sentence I said to him makes me sound like a criminal. The twins notice their fathers gaze and Kara says:

"Father. He's not a criminal. He was betrayed by the hero and that's why he hides his face now. You should have heard that the heroes are in the kingdom today."

"How did he betray you and why?"

He looks at me with a serious face, when asking me.

"He hates me and he cut off my right arm."

I answer him and he still looks serious.

He has that kind of face as if he met his daughters boyfriend for the first time. He then looks at my right arm and his face goes pale. Then he says:

"Why the fuck do you have goddess Elises artificial arm brat! How the fuck did you got the [Divine Death Arm]!

How the fuck does he know it's name! I look at him with a surprised look and he is seriously pissed off. I then say:

"How the fuck do you know about it?"

"You wanna know how I know about it. I used analyze on it and I have heard stories about it. It's considered the ultimate magic tool ever created."

He says at me and I say back:

"Then why haven't I found any books, that mentioned it?"

"Because, all of the documents about the arm were destroyed by someone a couple of hundred years ago."

He answer me with an angry face.For fuck's sake! Who the fuck destroyed the documents about the arm?The twins didnt understand much and Sariina understood half of it. I can say that by looking at their faces. No one says a word and then their father says suddenly:

"Girls! Lucifer right here is the true demon lord!"

How the fuck did he know. Don't tell me it's thanks to my sword again. I stare at him with a angry look. How the fuck does he know my title. He looks at me back with a happier face. Wait! What the fuck! Why the fuck are you happy? What kind of a normal person would be happy, when they find out, that the true demon lord is in front of them. I'm confused. I look at the twins and they are happy too. Oi! What's up with this wierd family. I then decide to asks:

"Why the fuck do you people look happy?"

No one answers and after a minute of silence, their father says:

"I guess you don't know, but my side of the family has always served the true demon lord."

Wait! What? Their family serves the true demon lords. I then decide to ask him:

"Does Silphy know about me?"

"Yeah! She knew when you came to her shop and she told me. Because you came here today I decided to investigate myself. Ooh! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Alex!"

"Lucifer Dark!"

I answer him. Seriously he went from pissed off to happy pretty quickly. Sara and Kara are still surprised and happy and don't say anything. I decide to finally look around for something that catches my eye. I finally find dog tags. I analyze them:

[Mithril dog tags]

[Made out of mithril and offers the wearer 100% resistance of his magical elements]

I look around more and find a necklace with a gold chain and a red gem decorating it. I'll buy it for Sariina. After I'm done choosing my items I go to Alex, who is talking to his daughters. Sariina is quiet for some reason.

"Hey old man! How much for these two?"

I say that while holding dog tags and a necklace. He looks at them and says:

"Well because you are my master, they are free."


I answer him. He did say that his side of the family serves the true demon lord. I put on my dog tags and walk behind Sariina. She notices me and looks happy. I then put the necklace on her neck. She looks at it and says:

"Thanks Luc!"

After she says that she hugs me. We don't kiss in front of other people. The twins finish talking to their father and walk to us. I then ask:

"What did you talk about?"

I didn't want to eavesdrop on them, so I didn't listen to their talk. Kara answer me back:

"Family stuff."

"Okay. Then let's go!"

I say and we leave the shop.


Thanks to la Shub-Niggurath for proofreading

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