《A Space Odd-yssey?》Author's Corner 2


Hello Readers!

As an author of a story that everyone is reading, it is my desire that I satisfy your need from my story. I see that I have some followers and some that stated their likes, but why do you follow and why do you like my story?

Do you like the plot? The flow of the story? The character interaction? The uniqueness of an idea?

What would you like more? more explanations? more actions? more description of the setting?

It would be nice to hear from you.

Of course, I can't satisfy every single one of my readers, as I do have a goal in mind as to where I want to go with my story, but if there is something I am doing particularly well, I am sure I can give more of that, but on the other side, if there is something I am neglecting that you might want to see/read....I may be able to do something about that also.

So with that said.....

Tell me what you like! :)


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