《Graphomurk》Chapter 16.01 – Harry Potter


*** Today is Victory Day over the Being. Well... almost.***

I jumped up from the bed and immediately yelled as hard as I could.

“Being!!!!!!! Fuck you for the rest of eternity!”

That was the end of my strength, and I collapsed back onto the bed, my arms, legs, and the rest of my body aching from the bruises.

“Shut up, Potter!” - There was a shrill voice from upstairs.

After that, silence settled back into the house. I reached for the light switch and turned on the dim light bulb that barely illuminated the tiny room. How many watts are there? Thirty? Twenty? I looked around and found that I was in a small closet under the stairs. I was an eleven-year-old boy who hadn't even had a real hard-on yet, and wouldn't for another three years.

You bastard Being! Couldn't you at least show up an hour late? That's on purpose! The multi-dimensional bastard! May the Syphilis of Order strike it down. First it put me in the harem game, and then it put me in fucking Potter when I was about to have sex with her. Plus, that hateful Dursleys!

It' the dumbest story I know. Magic, where you have to wave your wand 'right'. A school of magic where all of the students and teachers are total morons. What's to say, Hogwarts translates as Pig warts. Dumbledore translates as dumbass. The great hereditary family of wizards is named as pot. And so on. A story about retards, written for retards. And I' ve been shoved into the role of the dumbest moron in it.

No, I'm not going to leave it like that. I'm going to destroy everyone! I'm gonna incinerate this whole world in nuclear flames!!! Fuck you, not the game show. I'll give you the nuclear apocalypse. Let your Voldemort rule the radioactive wastelands.

“Hey, hey, hey!” - The voice of Being came into my head. – “No nuclear explosions! And no radiation. And that thing you did in Superman's world, I forbid it, too.”

“Don't worry, I'll blow the place apart with your ugly local magic.” - I answered, radiating pure hatred toward the universe.

“Oh, well, all right then.” - The Being calmed down immediately, and the feeling of his presence was gone.

“You think I can't do it?” - I shouted into the void, but then I shut up, calmed my thoughts, and began to figure out what kind of a shithole I'd been shoved into.

After a couple of hours, the situation became clear: magic - zero, chakra - zero, psionics - zero point zero. However, there was a local ritual wand magic, which was in fact the use of the energy of a dead god. This sickening power was slowly decaying, growing weaker with each passing year. Even now, it was already more of a small scrap than a remnant. It was quite obvious that the skills of using this energy had zero value for me, because the entire magic was essentially rituals tuned to the personal power of a particular god. So for another god, all laws and dependencies would be completely different.

It was obvious to me that the Being had decided to get rid of me, and put me in a game where my abilities were completely blocked. Never mind, we'll see who's who. You'd think that would stop me. For not letting me fuck Moka and Kuruma, I'm going to destroy this world. No, not even the world, but the whole fucked-up universe!

I sat down on the bed, focused on the local magic, and began to bend it to my will. The local wizards used all sorts of wands, but for me such crutches were unnecessary. Besides, I was going to do a pretty simple thing that could be handled even with just willpower controlling magic. For dumb Potter were required to wave the wood and shout obscene ditties in goblin language. I could do it with a simple mental effort.


My plan for universal revenge was, oddly enough, based on the knowledge of the Eldar of the Warhammer world. These sub-Elves had been researching psionics and the laws of physics for millions of years. And among their discoveries was one that they actually considered a 'closure'. They cited this phenomenon as an example that mathematics could not reliably describe physics, and therefore psionics should primarily be guided by their sensations.

The essence of the discovery was that the space as a phenomenon was described by mathematical laws. And there was a tricky system of equations describing the properties of curved multidimensional spaces, which had one particular solution, in which space could not exist in principle. Since, contrary to this solution, space obviously existed, the Eldars made the conclusion that the mathematics here is at variance with reality.

In general, this assumption, oddly enough, was correct. There was a question that at certain parameters of the environment space should stop existing. However, the meticulous Eldars conducted full-scale experiments, which showed that under these conditions nothing happens, and the whole 'hole in space' is only a virtual mathematical artifact.

Only when I discovered the description of this 'funny mathematical paradox,' I was immediately able to cross-reference the knowledge of the Eldars with the knowledge of the Ancients. Although they were less technically advanced, they had a much better understanding of quantum physics. The Ancients themselves could not come up with the formula the Eldars found, but when I tried to find an explanation for the effect in terms of Ancient knowledge, I quickly realized that the 'hole' did exist. It simply could not be achieved using conventional methods. There had to undergo an even trickier trick with space, after which it... should stop its existence.

If you make an analogy with the human experience, space was a plastic film. And with this approach, the film could be pierced, after which it would literally burst. It could be compared to a soap bubble. It sort of looks like it's there, but if you break the integrity of its surface, the bubble disappears. The material of the bubble, i.e. soapy water, will not disappear, but the bubble as a spherical object, the space inside of which is separated from the space outside, will simply cease to exist.

In general, this technique could quickly, reliably, and guaranteed to destroy the very concept of space in the entire universe. Of course, as far as I knew, each world existed on its own and was not connected to the others. But the scale of a single world itself was incomprehensible. Forget about the distance of billions of light years. It's just a three-dimensional projection. But when we are talking about multidimensional space, in which the ultimate distances are counted in quadrillion light years, it is closer to reality. And all this bottomless worlds could be burst like a soap bubble without any effort.

That's exactly what I was going to do. You want to have fun at my expense? Take this and sign it! This is not a comedy show. ***Censored***, my ass!

I concentrated and formed a simple magic construct. It worked on the principle of calculating the point of a fractal, where the next state of the system was a function of the previous one. I had to achieve a special configuration of space curvature with infinite accuracy. In the usual state it was impossible to achieve this, because the required accuracy was greater than the size of a quantum of space.

The very concept of space quantization was controversial for many physicists because the size of this quantum was too small. It was so small that even quarks compared to it were like galaxies compared to an atom. But even this accuracy was not even close to enough to set the required parameters of the system. The Eldars, when confronted with this limitation, simply concluded that 'it doesn't happen' and calmed down. On the other hand, I knew exactly what 'it happens' and, moreover, I knew exactly how to achieve it.


My spell set the desired parameters of space, and then with each iteration it doubled their accuracy. Most importantly, my spell fundamentally lacked such concepts as average value, rounding, quantum indeterminacy, and so on. This, in fact, was a consequence of another quantum paradox.

In general, with each second the accuracy of determining the characteristics of space increased twice and now the only question was how many 'ticks' it would take for the accuracy of my 'clock' to exceed the accuracy of the laws of nature, at which the universe would decide that the values of the parameters coincide with the very 'virtual mathematical anomaly'.

This formula solution made no real sense. Rather, it was an example of 'division by zero', where the programmer forgets that the division operation is far from meaningful. Here just 'suddenly' it became clear that there was no sense in the existence of the universe, and it was now being ' reduced' for uselessness.

As time passed, the clock ticked away. After one minute, the space inside the spell became indefinable in terms of physics. In two minutes, the ratio of the scale of precision compared to an electron was greater than the ratio of the size of that electron to the size of the entire universe. After three minutes, the 'gears of the universe' began to turn with a squeak. After three minutes and seventeen seconds, the spring in the clock broke, and everything stopped.

I came to my senses in the Void, and there in front of me hovered the Being, spreading waves of anger and hatred toward the great me.

“You-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u!” - The Being screamed, hovering over me. – “How dare you to destroy an entire cluster of the universe?”

“It was a manufacturing defect. Contact the manufacturer for replacement of the product with a new one.” - I spit out my explanation.

“You dare tell me what to do?” - The Being yelled, going into an indescribable frenzy. – “Go back to the manufacturer and tell him he was wrong? To say that Yog-Sothoth was wrong? I'll destroy you for even thinking about it!”

Suddenly, the Being switched from spitting saliva to action and extended its raking hands toward me. A vile limb penetrated my soul and made its way toward my tail, which gave me power over psionics. The Being's power was so great that I couldn't resist it in principle. Even the parasite in my soul curled up in a ball and shook with fear. After all, it was not Azathoth himself, but only a minor projection of him.

In this situation I had no time to think, and I used my 'weapon of last chance' - the Flame of Oblivion, or rather its reflection in the world of dreams - the Phantom Fire. The tiny white flame touched the Being's arm, then suddenly erupted like a fiery whirlwind and instantly 'devoured' the entire limb, ripping off a good chunk from the Being himself as well. The fire finally extinguished, but I had no time to regret that loss.

The Being's wild scream sounded like it was piercing the entire universe. There was such agony in it that I thought for a second that it had gotten what it deserved. But after a second, the obsession was gone, and I realized that the Being should have been burned to ashes for its 'services to the fatherland.

Without wasting a second, I dashed away from the Being's agonizing body. Although the Being was writhing in agony, its energy was far from fading, so it was clear that, sooner or later, it would recover and try to find me and punish me. So now I had to get as far away from it as possible, and then I had to deal with the question of hiding my tracks.

The Phantom Fire burned not only the Being. It consumed the Void itself. I mean, the very essence of the space of this dimension. As a result, next to me there was a natural hole into the True Chaos, into which I dove with my head and ears. From here I had to rely on my intuition and the unexpected help of my parasite, who told me where to navigate in this endless chaos of destructive energies.

I cannot tell how long my 'flight' lasted, but at one moment I fell out into the quite material world. I was just a ghost now, but since magic and psionics worked in this world, maintaining my form of existence was not a problem for me.

As I looked around, I found myself standing on a grassy meadow near the edge of the forest. The area was deserted, but one human person was present. It was a boy of about fourteen, now lying on the ground, curled up in pain. The life was barely blooming in him, and his soul was in danger of going to the other world. Here's the donor.

I flew to the body, 'pushed aside' the soul of the owner and took its place. In principle, this was the trick that knowledgeable people call as a 'possession'. Now I temporarily possessed this body, but at the same time its previous owner did not die, but was temporarily 'removed from power'. In future, he had a quite real chance to return to a normal existence even in this life.

After I had subdued the body to myself, I immediately healed it. And through some simple manipulation, I created a tasty and nutritious meal from the trunk of a nearby tree that contained all the necessary proteins and vitamins. After I had a snack, I rubbed my stomach, set up a protective canopy, created something like a tent with magic, climbed into it and... fell asleep.

Such a non-trivial solution of my problems was due to the fact that I was going to visit the Dreamworld. In order to sleep, you have to have a brain. And to enter a conscious dream, you had to have a grasp of astral magic as well. Now the real owner of this body was really asleep. But my consciousness was transported to the dream world after him, like a passenger without a ticket.

It required some time for me to stabilize the dream world around me. After that, I immediately 'invented' the Stargate in front of me and activated the address dialing ritual. A minute later, a portal opened in front of me, and I stepped boldly into it.

When I left the Stargate at my destination, I found myself in the familiar forest on the outskirts of Ultar. From there, I sprinted toward the temple beneath which the Eternal Seeress dwelt. Of all the people I knew, she was the only one who could probably answer my questions.

When I entered the temple, I didn't see the local priest. Anyway, I knew where to go. Behind the altar, I opened the door to the basement and went down. It was a real labyrinth, but it didn't take me long to get there. After just a couple of turns I found myself in front of a familiar 'curtain', hiding the entrance to the abode of the seer.

“Greetings, Eternal Seeress.” - I said greetings as I sat down in front of the low table. The place hadn't changed a bit since my last visit. Except there was more trash on the shelves.

“Greetings, Cheater.” - She nodded. – “What brings you to me?” - From her tone, it sounded like a polite question, because she knew all about me.

“I want to know how I can hide from the Being so that it cannot find me.”

“The answer to that question will cost you two tails. You don't really need them anymore anyway.”

I gritted my teeth mentally and nodded. The two 'mutilated' tails were still with me, serving only a decorative function. But since the Being knew I had three other tails, there was no point in keeping these two. In fact, I had drained most of my energy from them. These tails were now at the level of a gifted mage, whereas the real sources of magic and chakra made me much stronger.

Concentrating, I unsealed the reserves of Bahion in my soul and began the operation. With a bit of a 'tweak' on the tails, I cut them off from my soul and immediately covered the wounds with Bahion. I slightly modified the tails themselves so that they could attach to any donor without an additional infusion of Bahion.

After I finished this masochistic session, I held out two glowing orbs to the seer. One gave off a cool blue, and the other breathed orange flame.

The old woman nodded and took the offering.

“Good. The heart of a true dragon and the tail of a demonic fox. As for the answer to your question, it's already known to your symbiote. What's more, it's already prepared everything necessary for it.” - I frowned, glancing at the parasite, who was pretending to be a kawaii kitten. – “The only one who can save you from the Being' wrath is Azathoth. You'll have to attend him and offer him a sufficient sacrifice. Moreover, that same sacrifice will be your guide to the Spirit World.”

“Spirit World?” - I asked again, trying to understand what she was talking about.

“It's like the world of dreams, but it's much harder to get into. It is a world inhabited by incredible monsters, demons and other creatures of Chaos. The spirit world is both material and not. It begins as the underside of the physical world, but gradually goes farther and farther away. To find your way to the deepest depths of Darkness, where Azathoth dwells, you'll need a guide whose destiny is to become a killer of demons and food for demons. You know him by the name 'Guts'. The more power you give him, the farther he can go on the spirit road. Perhaps he can reach even to Azathoth. And then the Lord of the Demons in return for this meal might draw his cursed attention to you. Now, go. The hounds of Order are already on their way to find you. Oh, and... - The Seer stopped me just as I was about to turn around and walk out. - You made two offerings to me today, so that when you again need my help in the future, but you have nothing to pay, you can use this prepayment.”

I nodded at this offer, and silently walked out of the closet and found myself right back on the street. I didn't turn around and walked away, adjusting to the consciousness of my donor at the same time. I should be awake by now. And at the very last moment before I left the dream world, I heard a soul-chilling howl that sounded the promise of endless torment.

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