《Graphomurk》Chapter 13.41 – World of Elements


I didn't even expect that so many people would come for freebies. At least five thousand of them showed up, and in five minutes the whole crowd blew up the castle brick by brick. The castle's treasury was open, and all its contents immediately fell into the hands of the freeloaders. Some players started moaning that they didn't get anything, but I calmed the greediest ones by throwing away all the loot I'd just beaten out of the players of no longer-existing guild.

It didn't dampen the crowd's appetite, but it shut up the most greedy ones. When there was nothing left to loot, I suggested a run to the nearby castle of the 'Sacred Oath' guild. I had already nullified all of their 'top' members by stripping the shit out of them, so there was no one to defend this castle. I didn't wait for the crowd to swell up, so I rushed forward. Of course, the greedy ones immediately ran after me, and everyone else followed on herd instinct.

The castle of my next victim met the barbarian hordes, bristling with weapons, but not even a miracle could save them. I wasn't even able to play a decisive role in this assault, because the crowd simply swept away all resistance in a second and simply started pummeling the castle walls and all the castle buildings. Considering the number of attackers and the guild's low level, their 'straw hut' only lasted ten minutes, after which the treasury became accessible to everyone again, and the guild's central crystal was destroyed by me personally, although they tried to defend it with all their might.

After that epic battle, I shouted out a slogan that we should go destroy the next castle, and I got down from the scolopendra, turned on invisibility, and disappeared into the crowd. Without my intervention, the crowd self-organized and started to smash the castles of the other guilds.

Afterwards this day went down in the history of the game as 'Blood Locust Invasion'. Mad crowd of fifty thousand players demolished seventeen castles in a row, completely suppressing all resistance. Only when one hundred raids of level 13 players came out against this crowd, it became clear that quantity, after all, cannot beat quality. As soon as the crowd tasted their own blood, all of the players immediately scattered to save the looted wealth.

The funny thing is that at the beginning, the guild representatives who were the second to be defeated by the wave of ''popular anger'' were the ones who shouted the loudest about the need to continue plundering. After all, the players of the guilds that they defeated didn't go anywhere, but decided at least this way to get revenge on their rivals.


As for me, while the whole world was shaking with the news of how easy it was to destroy nearly two dozen guilds at once, I was enjoying the reward for completing the quest to destroy 10,000 players and destroying a guild castle. It was another title, even more pompous than the last one. Now I could be the God of Meaningless Massacre, and the aura for that title looked even more sinister and frightening.

The next thing I did was to raise my damage. Since I had achieved 'immortality,' it no longer made sense for me to use healing spells. As long as I was sitting on my 'horse,' I was invulnerable. Which meant that I could put the two spell slots I had vacated into something that would greatly increase my total damage.

I also decided to improve my weapons. A replacement for my spear was long overdue, but that wasn't what I was talking about right now. The pets could use weapons, too. They had to match their anatomical capabilities, though. For my scolopendra, I could make steel chews that could also be coated with strong venom.

While I was researching the plant cultivation issue, I suddenly found out that the assassin and the hypnotist had the ability to lubricate their weapons with poison. And the damage from this poison could reach astronomical heights. I even 'planted' on my pet's body a bed of extremely poisonous plants, which I was going to use to make poison.

The best weapons in the game could either be made from divine quality resources, or 'knocked out' from the rarest bosses in the elemental worlds. After trying the options available to me, I decided to custom-make the Fox's chews, whereas I decided to get a weapon for myself from a boss. Luckily, the boss I wanted could not only be found in the Elemental world, but I could summon it to the main world using the Supreme Essence of Fire. It wasn't as expensive as the divine essence, so my finances were enough to buy everything I needed at the auction.

The rest was pretty simple. I bought and 'harvested' the right essence, got out to a deserted place, and summoned the necessary boss, fiddling with probabilities again. The boss was certainly tough, but since I was now technically immortal, his fate was sealed. By this point I had already replaced the two healing spells with the new druid and hypnotist combat spells, so I had enough damage to overwhelm the boss's health regeneration.

Finally, after striking the last blow, I immediately collected the loot and equipped the knocked out weapon of 'diamond' quality. I originally wanted a wizard's rod, but when I learned that I could use poison, I chose a more interesting option. This weapon was actually a chain with a faceted tip. When I used the chain, it looked like I was 'shooting' it straight out of my hand. The chain could attack enemies 'piercing' them like a spear, but it could only hit at a distance up to 30 meters. Plus, it could be lubricated with poison, increasing its already enormous damage.


The 'Evil God's Chain' dealt 400,000 damage per hit, and its attack speed allowed it to deal one hit per second. But it wasn't the physical damage that mattered, it was the poison damage, because the chain gave a x4 bonus to poison attacks with it. 'Poison Blade Lubrication' was a non-combat ninja ability. It could be used instantly, so it couldn't be interrupted, while using a 'venom vial' that poisoned the weapon for 30 minutes. Since I was a druid and always had a bed of poisonous grass on scolopendra, I could make poison as needed.

The 'Cursed Azure Swan' could be used to make 'Heavenly Azure Poison'. Under ordinary conditions to grow even a weed of this swan was a great fortune. But I had a game rule that prohibited empty beds without flower on the body of a scolopendra. So as soon as I uprooted the weed, it immediately grew back, doing just a little damage to the Fox, which was immediately regenerated. Then I could use the druid's ability to turn the grass into poison, and immediately lubricate my weapon with that poison.

Heavenly Azure Poison did 300,000 damage per hit when used with a cold weapon. Considering the bonus from the weapon, this increased to 1,200,000 poison damage per hit, with the damage from the chain itself adding up to a ridiculous 1,600,000 damage per second. These numbers were literally beyond good and evil. And I was going to make steel chews for my scolopendra.

To get the resources I needed, I had to complete a quest that gave me access to one of the most difficult dungeons in the game. In fact, it was the Tower of the Dark Lord that I needed to capture. I thought I'd take it right away, but here I faced a huge bummer. On the difficulty chosen for a raid of 25 people, I was unable to go above the third floor. If an hour ago I thought that only a mountain was tougher than me, I realized now that in fact I'm still a complete nub. Sure, I alone tried to clear a dungeon that should have been cleared by 25 people, but it was only the third floor. No, I didn't die. I just couldn't kill the boss, who trivially healed all the millions of damage I was doing to him with the chain. I didn't get discouraged ahead of time, but concentrated on the current target.

When I left the tower, I went to gather other resources to make the necessary weapons, as well as other diamond-quality equipment. Again, I relied only on the damage of my weapon in combat. The spells I was using were all garbage compared to it. But that was just an indication of how powerful I was becoming.

It was only possible to enter the Tower of the Dark Lord once a day, so I had to wait for the timer to reset. This time I entered on difficulty mode for five people, so I had no problem getting to level 12, where I got the 'rusty claws of the god-killer' I needed from the boss. It was a rare resource used to make weapons. Once I got it, I immediately went to an NPC and created a weapon for my pet. Now one bite would do 300,000 physical damage, plus the same amount from Heavenly Azure Poison. There was no poison bonus here, but it could attack three times per second, dealing 1,800,000 damage. That was even more than my chain did.

After trying out my new acquisition in a couple of dungeons, I decided to take the level up exam. With that kind of damage, I could probably expect to be level 15 by now. Alas, my hopes were shattered once again.

I got level 14, but it was a tough battle. Even despite my 'immortality', despite the damage of almost three and a half million per second, I had to saw my opponent long and hard before he finally died. And when I started the level 15 exam, by choosing the easiest scenario possible, I realized that I wasn't even close to the right level of toughness. We had a natural draw. I couldn't kill the boss, and the boss couldn't kill me. As a result, after an hour of endless attempts to get a result, I just gave up. To get to level 15, I needed to rape the game a few more times, increasing my damage. I can't even imagine the amount of effort it must have taken to get to level 15 from a regular players who were unable to hack the game at the snap of their fingers.

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