《Graphomurk》Chapter 13.32 – World of Elements


Over the next couple of hours, I was able to charge all my amulets, as well as my talismans with the spells Rainmushroom, Flower Glade, and Heretic Sacred Healing. I was just on my way to the place where the conditions for charging the Poison Spit spell were to appear. This place was away from the den of neighboring monsters. But when I got there, I found a raid battle with one of the bosses going on quite nearby. All of the players in this group were members of the ‘Celestial Holy Sacred Justice Law’ guild. I got a nervous tic after I saw that name. More importantly, it was one of the guilds formed by a game figure. And the 'cherry on the cake' was the fact that all the players in front of me were adepts of the element of Earth. So, it was a matter of principle to kill this group.

In my opinion, the Earth adepts were the ones who most often used words like 'heavenly' or 'holy' in their names, and they did all kinds of crazy things under the guise of those words. And considering the fact that there were three 'iconic' words in the name of this guild, there must be a terrible heinousness going on within it.

There were 15 players in this raid, and now they were attacking an elite monster with four stars. This indicated that the raid was barely strong enough to fight. I intervened in the flow of events and set up a 'surprise' application of a strong boss strike on one of the three healers. It was the Druid, who had planted his bushes all around him. A single strike from the boss was enough to smash his victim into the ground. At the same time, five more players lost their health, and the remaining pair of Priests began to heal them. At this time, I got close to one of the Priests from behind and attacked him with my spear. At this point, the spear's total damage for one hit was 1220. That's not counting my damage buffs. So one swift strike was enough for me to 'nullify' the Priest's life before anyone realized what was happening. After that, I 'jumped' to the second Priest and killed him. A couple of spells were already hitting me there, but they didn't remove even half of my 1950 life.

After killing the priests, I immediately rushed away, hiding under the invisibility. My insidious actions deprived the group of all three healers. Moreover, the bushes grown by the Druid became ownerless and began to heal the boss.

“Run away! To the exit!” - Panicked shouts erupted.

The players began to run in different directions, and the boss began to chase them, killing them with one or two blows. It was a complete failure. In fact, the raid had already been destroyed. Five minutes later the boss returned to his lair with a satisfied face, and silence settled in the vicinity. I made my way to the right spot and activated the talisman charging. I was still a little wary of other players trying to attack me, so I looked carefully around me and into the future.


Even after the charging of the talisman was successfully completed, I realized that I could now sense the presence of players in the area, even if they were hidden under the invisibility. In particular, right now one of the assassins from the raid I had destroyed was watching me. Since I knew where he was now and what he could see, I decided to set a trap for him and kill him without any risk to myself. Next to me there was a rock, and on the vertical surface of which I began to plant my Rainbow mushrooms. Assassin could not see these mushrooms from his position, and using the spell itself did not have any visual effects.

After 20 seconds, having accumulated the maximum 'stock' of mushrooms in one place, I ran sharply away. Of course, the assassin ran after me and came within range of my trap. All of the mushrooms activated simultaneously and literally tore the poor guy apart. I used the spell 4 times per second, and the mushrooms 'lived' for 20 seconds. So, I could support 80 mounted mushrooms at the same time, which combined to deal 36,000 damage. That was twenty times more than necessary.

I returned to the corpse and picked up the valuables that had fallen from the body. The more powerful the "finishing" blow, the greater the chance that my opponent would lose something valuable. If the battle lasted a few minutes, and the winner was barely alive when he won, he might not get anything at all. And if the victim died in a split second, having 'absorbed' damage far in excess of his life reserve, then everything that could be dropped from him would fall out. This was great news for all the 'gankers' who liked to kill weak opponents. Because of this fact, everyone hated Snipers. In terms of people's hatred rating, he was right behind the Druids. After all, the Sniper's skills allowed them to kill the victim with a single shot at a distance of up to a hundred meters. Ordinary mortals had nothing to counter such insidious attacks, so they solved this problem 'preventively', destroying snipers at the first opportunity.

Then I headed to the last place where I planned to charge the talisman with the 'Grow a Bush' spell. This place was pretty close to the caves, so there must have been a lot of players hanging around. When I reached my destination, I froze in a corner, watching the unexpected activity of the players around me. Ironically, they were all discussing the fact that the famous Cheater was nearby, insidiously attacking opponents. Yeah, insidiously. But as far as they are attacking me, it's okay.

A minute before the moment I needed, I got close to one of the group of five that was beating the monster nearby. I didn't invent anything here, but simply started planting mushrooms around the fight, blocking escape routes. And when they finally spotted me, I began planting mushrooms right in the center of the group. The damage from my spells was serious, and literally immediately one of the mages 'folded'. The others abandoned the boss and tried to attack me, but they did not pay attention to the 'mines' in front of them, and all fell into the trap that killed them in a second. I'm beginning to like these mushrooms. There it is, the power of 28 gold coins.


After I had disposed all the bystanders and the half-dead monster, I began to charge my last talisman. And once that was done, I used the last 'log' to equip all the new talismans. A second later, the excited shouts of the players could be heard in the distance. I was once again being hunted by the whole 'world'. Well, this time I can fight back. Let's see who's going to get who.

Several groups of players from different guilds tried to surround me. But since monsters 'lived' nearby, they couldn't just run after me. After all, even if the opponents had assassins and hypnotists, the whole team couldn't hide under stealth and sneak past the next boss. I could move under stealth, passing obstacles with Ghost Leap. And as 'surprises' I constantly left mushrooms behind me. When I used the spell I came out of invisibility, but the activation of the traps had no effect on me. I deliberately placed the traps so that it was impossible to see the threat beforehand. After activating the mushroom, the delay of a quarter of a second was more of a plus than a minus. During that quarter of a second, the victim had time to enter the range of the other mushrooms. But it was impossible to dodge their attack. The mushrooms easily 'shot from around the corner,' using self-targeting.

After killing three dozen pursuers, I suddenly stumbled upon a group whose members could see me, despite the working Stealth. Using psionics, I was able to read the information that it was the result of the assassin's special skill. Moreover, not only he could see invisible enemies himself, but his teammates also saw the invisible enemies that the Assassin was seeing at that moment.

I had a lot of trouble with this company. But in the end I just dashed away, sowing the area around me with mushrooms. My enemies had to either 'collect' all the damage to follow me, or avoid the traps, inevitably slowing down. In this way, I was able to break away from the pursuit, hiding in the forest on the surface. But after a few minutes, I became convinced that this team was still on my trail.

It remained only to set a trap. And that's where the most common rain mushrooms that grew in the forest suddenly helped me. They didn't explode and were a cheap resource, but they looked exactly like the ones left by my traps spell. I only noticed the mushrooms when I wandered into a meadow overgrown with them. Immediately a cunning plan formed in my head.

After gathering a hundred mushrooms, I stepped aside, laid them out on the surface of a large rock and a couple of smaller ones nearby, and then stood right behind this trap, smugly folding my arms across my chest. In fact, I had planted my mushrooms on tree trunks 20 meters away. And I placed them so that they could not be seen when approaching to me in a straight line.

My little scam was a success. When they saw me and the mushrooms beside me, the pursuers moved forward, lined up. There were five of them, their colorful robes flapping in the wind, creating a heroic areola. From left to right were the Assassin, the Destroyer, the Werewolf, the Sniper, and the Priest. The last looked very unusual for this world, because he was dressed in a classic kimono, with a bamboo hat on his head and a staff with a golden tip in his hand.

“Have you decided to surrender?” - The priest shouted smugly.

He wanted to say something else, but at that moment they ran next to my trap. At the very last moment, the enemies realized what kind of situation they were in, but they didn't have time to even use any kind of ability. Eight dozen mushrooms swept this pathetic group away, tearing them to bloody scraps. I walked over to the 'battlefield', gathered my loot, and then headed away. No one was following me this time, so I was able to get a safe distance away and use the spell that transported me to Crab City. It was a non-combat spell, would take 30 seconds to cast, and would stop at the slightest nudge, but it allowed me to travel quickly to the county capital. I would have used it earlier, but I wouldn't have been able to stay in one place for 30 seconds in the caves, illuminating my surroundings at the same time. The other players would find me there immediately.

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