《Graphomurk》Chapter 13.23 – World of Elements


I began to predict the future, trying to find a way to get to the crystal. It seemed that it was the most important valuable thing here. The attempt to jump over the river with the appropriate skill ended with that half-transparent barrier appearing around the island, which trivially threw me into the water. At the same time, I learned that falling into the river is a guaranty of a quick death. A rushing stream of water carried me into an underground channel and threw me on the sharp stone 'peaks.

The next few predictions of the future produced the same result. No matter what skills I used, as soon as I activated them, the island was immediately surrounded by a protective force-field shield. I threw a few rocks and made sure that as long as I didn't use any skills, the forcefield wouldn't activate. So, theoretically, there was a way to get to the island. I tried a quick jump without using my skills, but I couldn't reach the 'pillar' for more than a meter.

It seems that getting to the island was not that easy. However, if it was possible to jump on it, the usual players would have done it long ago. Except that the native 'geniuses' must have used only the most obvious and simple ways of moving. Moving quickly through space requires the use of skills or spells. Meanwhile, I had never seen anyone here trying to make 'records' through ordinary body movements. That was understandable, because this virtual body itself was rather clumsy, and without the use of skills any attempt to move in space other than on foot or running was doomed to painful consequences. Which meant that I still had a chance to do something that no one else had thought of.

In the line of the future, I rushed forward, and near the precipice, I jumped, pushing off the ground with my spear. Using this peculiar 'pole' was effective, and I almost reached the island. Moreover, the protective field was not activated this time, and I was even able to cling to the rocks before I flew down. I spent the next couple of minutes going over my options for the future, 'practicing' in pole jumps.

At last, I picked up a more or less effective course of action and prepared to repeat it in reality. I decided to rush forward and cross the distance between the shore and the island in a swift motion. At the end, I clung to a comfortable rock ledge and climbed to the top of the pillar. As soon as the players saw me, they started shouting and discussing something with each other. One of the ninjas ran to the river side and used his Leap Behind skill to get to me. Except, to his disappointment, the protective field immediately activated, and he collapsed into the river with a wild yell. A couple of mages tried to attack me with spells, but the protection completely blocked all kinds of attacks.


Once I was sure that the envious witnesses of my success couldn't stop me, I concentrated on the crystal. When I approached it, I touched the crystal cube with my hand. I was immediately enveloped in an iridescent glow, and then I noticed the new 'Blessing of Elements God' buff on me.

Description of buff was:

“Blessing of Elements God”: “Protects player from Elemental damage for 24 hours”

I guess now I don't have to worry about dying here before I've dealt with this quest. It was a quest, because the ghostly figure of an old man in a mage's robe appeared out of thin air beside me.

“Greetings, adventurer.” - The ghost spoke to me. – “Please help me save this world from terrible danger.”

“What kind of danger?” - I glanced at the ghost, and then returned to examining the crystal.

The 'quest item' was not so simple. It was indeed a large cubic diamond, with iridescent streams of rainbow energy flowing through it. I noticed, however, that at the very center of the crystal there was a wisp of inky darkness. On top of that, the perfect diamond was cut through by a narrow but deep fissure that reached almost to the center.

“The Seed of Evil is sealed in this magical crystal.” - The ghost continued his exhortation. – “In ancient times, this creature of Chaos was sealed inside a huge diamond, to keep the world safe from deadly danger. Ever since, this treasure has been carefully guarded. Recently, however, the Seed of Evil awoke, breaking the seal that seals it, and the energy of Chaos began to seep into the world, manifesting itself as the element of Air. To stop the crystal's destruction, I decided to take it to this cave, where the element of Earth reigns. Alas, my contact with the Seed of Evil had caused me to be afflicted with dark magic, and I was unable to preserve my life. Stranger, I ask you to go to the Celestial Continent, to the Cloud City, and inform the Lord of Heaven that the Ancient Evil has awakened. We must try to stop the forces of Chaos, or this world will be destroyed.”

I had no time to feel the importance of the mission entrusted to me, when another ghostly figure appeared in the air next to the crystal. This 'guest' was filled with energies of darkness, so that it looked like a clot of black fog.

“Don't listen to him!” - The NPC snorted angrily. – “Calling me the Force of Evil. Ha! You are evil. It was your elemental mages that invaded my world with the gods that came to my world, ruined my prosperous country, and then killed me by tearing my soul into seven pieces and then sealing them in different places. Stranger, if you destroy this diamond and help me to be reborn, then together we will conquer this world, and you can serve me by ruling all the lands of my former Dark Empire.”


Serve you? This 'dark lord' seems to presume too much. But before I could be indignant, the representative of Light and Order spoke.

“Destroy the diamond? Ha ha. This crystal was created by the First Dwarf named Fiery Diamond Heart himself. He sacrificed his life to seal you in his heart. Only the First Dwarf's weapon can damage this diamond. Better surrender and let us seal you.”

“Oh, you know...” - I interrupted the conversation. - “... absolutely by accident I have the Spear of the First Dwarf.”

“What?" - yelled the bright ghost.

“Ha-ha-ha! Yes, set me free, and I will reward you by allowing you to serve me!” - The supporter of darkness shouted jubilantly.

“Rather, it is you who must serve me.” - I saddled this 'dark lord'. – “Without me you will remain sitting inside this stone, appearing as a useless ghost to others.”

The dark ghost only gritted his teeth at my words.

“Ha-ha. While you're fighting each other, the forces of Order will win again.” - The light mage exclaimed.

“You won't. Anyway, you owe me a reward, dark one. And by the time of our next meeting, you must decide whether you will agree to be my minion, or I will trample you in the dirt like all my other enemies.”

I didn't get an answer, and I wasn't particularly interested in it. In general, this story was quite interesting. What's more, I'd been asked to free a certain force of Chaos, and as an air mage I had no right to refuse. So, I took out my spear, aimed it, and stabbed the tip right into a crack on the crystal's surface.

The diamond immediately crunched and shattered. The darkness imprisoned in it ripped in all directions, dissolving into the surrounding space. That was the end of the illumination, and I was alone in the darkness in the center of the cave. Both ghosts disappeared without a trace, and even the diamond shards melted like morning dew.

“What did you do?!!!” - I got a message in the group chat from White Fluffy Fox. I was still in the group with them, so we could write correspondence.

“What happened?” - I answered question to question, looking around.

“Everyone's dead!”

I had already noticed that all players in the cave were lying on the ground, showing no signs of life. And a quick glance at the map showed the reason for this 'genocide'. The whole area around was under the influence of the Element of Air, the intensity of which had reached 15 units. Like the players' levels, the manifestation of the element had fifteen levels of gradation. That is, from the point of view of the locals, just now 'Chaos Breakthrough' happened here. And I only survived because of the Blessing of the Elements God hanging on me. What's more, the buff was a group one, so my allies survived as well, even though they were quite far away.

“Collect the loot.” - I wrote into the chat, already trying to figure out how I would get to the pile of corpses. I couldn't carry much weaponry, but the money that fell from the players would come in handy. As the saying goes, gold can never be too much.

But before I even reached the edge of the stone platform, another global system message appeared in front of me.

“Global notification: *** Attention!!! Players Cheater, White Fluffy Fox, Evil Son of a Bitch, Toothbreaking Brick, Last Furious Gasp have destroyed the First Seed of Evil. From now on, all monsters have a doubled amount of health and energy. ***”

“Freak, what have you done?” - A message came to me from Fox.

And right after that, another message appeared in front of me.

“*** The player White Fluffy Fox has declared you as a personal enemy. From now on you cannot be in the same group, raid, or guild. ***”

And a second later, three more similar messages came, listing the names of three would-be assassins. All four of them were immediately kicked out of the group, and they must have died immediately, since my buff only applied to group members. Well, my share would be greater. I was just about to jump back to the riverbank when another system message appeared in front of me.

“*** For destroying the artifact First Seed of Evil you get a permanent bonus:

Damage to adepts of the Earth element +20% Absorption of physical damage equal to 5% of the maximum HP per hit Energy reserve +20%.


Hmm, that's a good one. That''s what I call a bonus.

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