《Graphomurk》Chapter 13.15 – World of Elements


My next opponent was a Giant Flying Medusa. She would attack with a paralyzing poison, and she tries to twist the victim with her tentacles. However, the main thing was not this, it was the fact that medusa could heal herself, so to kill her, I had to disrupt casts of her healing spell. I had only a single Discharge from my control spells, which meant I'd have get close to this thing anyway. So, I will take the spear and try to chop the Medusa into a salad before she kills me.

This opponent had 1000 health points. Actually, it was quite a lot, but I have a spear for one hit removes 89. This monster does not have any armor. So, I will only need to hit 12 times, which can be done in 4 seconds. Due to the fact that the Medusa has a poison, its damage will be stretched over time. I just had to hope that in 4 seconds, it wouldn't be able to do enough damage to finish me off. Under this tactic, I even prepared a health recovery potion. The only potions available to the Air Mages were those sold by NPCs. So, I didn't have much choice.

Without a second thought, I rushed forward. The Medusa hit me with its tentacles, causing poisoning and paralysis, but the latter only held me for a quarter of a second. After that, I literally flew up to the enemy and began to deliver wide slashing blows. Medusa had fifty percent resistance to the piercing damage, but the slashing damage was completely included. As I approached, the tentacles immediately wrapped around me, trying to slow me down. But again, my Resistance proved its usefulness, allowing me to ignore this effect. And then just went to fight for the amount of damage.

I used all spells I had and attacked with spear. Plus, I swallowed a jar of healing potion as soon as my health dropped below 90%. This potion restores 100 health in 5 seconds, so it made sense to take it right away so that it could work.

Four seconds passed in an instant, though it seemed like an eternity to me. Finally, the Medusa gave up its ghost and melted to a disgusting slime. But the fight didn't end there, because the poison continued to deal damage to me. The effect of the healing potion was completed, and it could only be re-applied after 15 seconds. So all I could do is to wait, watching how my life slipping away.

In the end, I survived. The poison stopped when I had only two health points left. Another second, and this attempt would have been a failure. So, I read the notification about getting level 6. In addition, I was awarded by another record for raising 5 levels in 21 minutes.

Further I did not try to pass the next exam, but wandered into the city, remembering how to pass the quest to choose the profession of a Healer and get a second profession of a Magician. In general, I have not yet decided on the second profession. There were different options to think about.

"Where are you?" - I got another message from Dramg. According to the list of friends, he was already in town.

"I'm going to the library." - I replied.

"All right, I'll meet you there."

Seems, he isn’t going to stop. What does he even want?

In front of the library, a level 5 Wizard was already waiting for me, this time glittering with a more decent robe and a beautiful staff instead of the crooked piece of wood.


“Hi, what do you want?” - I asked to the magician, without stopping and passing into the library.

“What are you planning to do now?” – He immediately began to ask. – “I want to go through the quests with you with a good reward. Secret quest with a very good reward.”

The last clarification explained why this pepper want to talk to me. He wanted me to 'lead' him. And in return, he promised me access to these 'secret' quests. In general, the exchange rate is normal. My knowledge of the game allows me to hope only for luck. But here is a free source of information.

“In general, it is possible.” - I replied. - "But not now. I need to buy clothes, charge talismans and amulets to them, pass quests to choose a profession. More precisely, pass the quest for the Healer profession, and then do everything else.”

"Do you want to become a druid?" - Dramg surprised. We went into the library hall, where I took my usual place in front of the terminal. – “And what second profession will you take?”

"I haven't decided yet. Most likely the Demonologist, or maybe the Destroyer.”

"Why not Paladin?" - The future Destroyer wondered.

“What kind of build is this?”

“Quite a popular build. Tanking druid. Can heal allies, beat enemies and help to the tanks to control the boss. Using most damageable skills of the two professions can deal good damage. At the same time, he protects himself with the help of paladin shields and heal himself with druid skills. You can look at the statistics of the first server about distribution of classes.”

"How's to see that?" - I surprisal asked.

It turned out that the terminal really has a function that allows you to view general game statistics, dungeon records, and so on. By Dramg’s advice, I filtered out players who were at least level ten and had been online for the last two months. According to him, many players collected the most bizarre builds, and then went to other games or deleted the character. So, such a filter was needed to see only those characters that really plays.

Among these players, I chose only those whose main profession was a Druid. The top options were Druid-Demonologist, Druid-Paladin, Druid-Priest, and Druid-Destroyer. The remaining variation was found significantly less often. For example, a Druid-Scout combination was at the very bottom of the list. Such combination was somehow extreme, and only those who tried to achieve compliance with a specific role or simply do not understand what they should do at all.

“Here, the Druid-Paladin is in second place.” – Dramg showed.

"I somehow expected to be more a magician…" - I drawled, looking through the guides on the proposed combination of professions.

The main feature of these builds was the massive healing and 'unkillability’ of the character. For a guild healer, survival skills were very important. But if you collect skills that cause damage, then the option also turned out to be quite good. However, I myself was still more inclined to beat enemies from a distance. However, the Paladin had another plus - a large selection of control skills.

In the World of Elements, there was no such thing as a level of aggression. Opponents were quite reasonable, and could decide at any moment that killing a healer or a mage was much more important than a fruitless fight with a tank. So, the tank had to control the actions of the enemies, using different types of stun, hold, interrupt, blind, and so on. Actually, the ideal tank used six controlling talismans and a pair of protective ones, which he uses to save the allies. A priest or a druid had to protect and heal the tank. In general, I still had to figure out the tactics and strategy of fighting.


"So what? Which profession will you chose?” - Dramg continued to bother me.

“I'll figure it out later.” - I waved him off. – “First I need to take a Healer profession and stock up clothes and talismans.”

"You'll spent rest of the day for it." - My annoying friend immediately got bored.

“Well, then tomorrow we'll do your quests.”

“Okay.” - He cheered up. - "While we're walking, I'll tell you what the second druid professions are for."

"By the way, what's the reward for these quests?" - I clarified.

“There are different options. Basically, these are spells for the main profession, stones, if I remember correctly, in one armor was given, and money, of course.” - At the last sentence, Dramg grimaced as if he'd eaten a lemon. He knew exactly how much money I had now. I told him about it already.”

"See you tomorrow, then." - I very opaquely hinted. - "We'll check in around eight."


Dramg sighed and left the library, and I began to study the guides on becoming a Healer.

Here the developers of the game came up with most perverted way. To become a Healer, you had to pass an exam on the knowledge of the 'theoretical foundations of healing'. But these very basics were so absurd that to pass the test, you had to literally memorize the answers of the questions. Or read and memorize the contents of a dozen insanely stupid books. Of course, I did not memorize anything, but simply wrote down the correct combinations of questions and answers into my notebook in the interface.

Typical questions and answers were: How many tails does have an eight-tailed horned lizard? Two. What color is a ten percent solution of blue aukter? Red. How long can frozen Polar Cactus Juice be stored? Forever. And so on.

Having dealt with the quest, I thought about what I should wear instead of the rags that I was wearing now. Looking at the guides, I also found a reference book compiled by the players about equipment and spells. It was something like Wikipedia. After reviewing the options, I came to the conclusion that it is worth buying a set of Healer's Robes, designed for level 5. It could be worn up to level 8, and some people would change it on level 10. But only a Healer could wear these clothes, so first I had to become it.

However, there were clothes I could wear right now. It was a belt with four cells for talismans, bracelets and a hat. Going to the market and then to the warehouse, I bought a belt and two bracelets, and took the hat knocked out of the boss.

The next step was to create talismans and amulets. From the Mage's battle spells, I needed only Paralysis. I decided not to use the Bombardment that deals prolonged AOE damage at all. And there were no more useful spells available for a Mage to learn in the Mages' Guild. I could look for skill in books, but it's better to do it again when I become a healer.

It was a little easier with the amulets. They could be 'charged' to increase health and energy reserve, regenerate health and energy, and protect against various types of damage and control. In total, at my level, I could put seven amulets in my clothes: two in my shoes, two in my bracelets, and one each in pants, shirt, and hat. I decided to make three amulets for health reserve and four for energy regeneration.

Spells for creating amulets could be learned right now, as they did not depend on the profession. So, I went to the Mages' Guild, where I learned everything I could, and for one thing I bought blanks for talismans and amulets. Next, I went to the market, where I bought stones to create amulets and a talisman with Paralysis. Now all this stuff should be charged, and by the time I become a Healer I will be able to put on the finished equipment..

I also bought to myself a Luxurious four-cell Mage’s Belt. In future, it should match well with the appearance of a Healer's Robe. I put on my bracelets, belt, and hat, and looked at myself in the mirror and marveled at my strange appearance. The cap and belt looked rich, but the gray rags were even more conspicuous for their shabbiness.

When I had finished my preparations, I went to the Abode of Life, where the representatives of the Healers, Druids, and Priests are located. Finding the right NPC, I asked to him to start the quest for a change of profession

"I want to be a Healer."

"Very well, young man, very well. There are always not enough healers. You know that in order to become a healer, you have to pass a test?”


“What test do you want to pass?”

“What are the options?”

The guides talked about taking a writing exam, but there was no mention of any other options for passing the test.

“You can take a writing exam on the knowledge of alchemical reagents extracted in the Star Forest.” - NPC paused, waiting for me to say something, and then continued. – “You can go to the Star Forest and help to the mages who grow plants there. You can go hunting in the Star Forest. And you can search for medicinal herbs and plants there.”

“Each Element has its own test?” - I guessed.

“Yes. But the challenge doesn't have to match to your element.”

“So, what is people chose most often?”

“A writing exam.” - NPC confirmed my fears.

It seems that all the guides were written by idiots for idiots, I mean, by Earth mages for Earth mages. Memorizing all sorts of reference books is their approach.

"What kind of test is meant for Air mage?" - I asked.

“Hunting.” - NPC replied curtly.

“Wow! And, what kind of unknown beast do I need to kill?”

"You've already said it yourself. You need to kill an Unknown Beast.”

"Is that what it's called?" - I laughed. - "Very typical of Air mages. Well, I choose to hunt the Unknown Beast.” - I announced my decision.

“Then go to the Star Forest and find the hunter Liquid Striped Fluff.” - NPC gave me the direction, instantly losing interest in me.

I looked at the quest that appeared to me and went to the teleport site. After moving, I found myself in an area that bears traces of thoughtful agricultural development. It wasn't a forest, but rather a forest park. The trees grew quite freely, and between them were many beds, on which grew all sorts of plants, flowers, berries, herbs, bushes, and so on.

After examining the entire farm, I moved forward along the stone-paved path. From time to time I saw people picking at the ground or doing something with the plants. There were both NPC and players. My way lay to the camp of the Mages' Guild, where the management of the entire botanical garden was located. After about ten minutes, I reached the site where a couple of dozen tents had been set up. There were a lot of people here, and they were all running back and forth as if they'd been stung in the ass.

"Who's in charge here?" - I asked to one of the NPC.

He waved his hand vaguely, not distracted from the calculation of the bundles of dried weeds. I walked in the indicated direction and asked the same question to another NPC. He deigned to look at me, then muttered something unintelligible and turned away.

Looks like a little fire is needed here. Or a large but deluge. But before I could think of what punishments to bring down on the heads of the local inhabitants, a player slammed into me.

"Oh, I'm sorry...”

But just as he was about to run away, I grabbed him by scruff of neck and shouted in his ear.

“Stand up! Who's in charge here?”

“I... I...”

“Are you in charge?” - I asked in the prosecutor's voice.

"No! Twinkling Stars Waterfall is in charge. He should be in that tent over there with the blue stripe.”

When I saw the desired property, I let go of my victim and headed for a new target. Waterfall turned out to be a busy person, but after a couple of minutes I was able to get his divine attention, pushing aside not so boorish visitors.

"I have come to pass the Healer's test. Where can I find the hunter Liquid Striped Fluff?

"He's somewhere... somewhere.” - They gave me an extremely vague answer.

“And more specifically?”

"He must be somewhere near the camp. Look for him. He is a master of hiding, but if you make enough effort, you will come across him.” - After that, the Twinkling Stars Waterfall turned around and started a conversation with another visitor, pretending that I wasn't there.

Search for him. Awesome help. Giving up trying to find out something from someone, I began to walk in circles, looking for the desired NPC, and at the same time listening to conversations. As a rule, everyone said that the plan was not fulfilled, the deadlines were burning, the customers were roaring, and an Unknown Beast again ravaged the crops, devoured the winter crops and trampled the harvest.

I noticed a player in more or less decent clothes, and went to him. He was talking to an NPC, trying to convince him of something, and ruffling the hair on his head. Along the way, I looked at the player's name. His name was Straight Black Iron Sword. It's not like a name, but a technical specification. By the time I got to the player, he had fallen behind NPC and was staring at the horizon, sighing bitterly.

“Hi. Are you doing a quest for Healer?” - I asked.

“Hi”- He nodded. - "Oh, so you're this... Champion.” - He recognized my name.

“Exactly. If you want to set a record or accomplish a feat, you can contact me.”

“Yes, I have to perform a feat. It is necessary to restore eighteen destroyed beds, plant forty-three bushes and water eleven flower beds.”

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