《Graphomurk》Chapter 13.12 – World of Elements


The Discharge hung paralysis for half a second, then there were two seconds of invulnerability to paralysis, and in half a second discharge could be applied again, because the recharge time it had was equal to three seconds. In total, it turned out that having two Discharges does not make much sense. But you could take two Burns, which caused 30 damage at once and another 20 for three seconds. In general, the damage from these spells was less than one blow of spear. So, I needed them for someone else. Because my spear was gold, its damage depended on my level and the “power” of the talismans embedded in it. The standard talisman with the Magic Arrow increased the spear's damage by 12 points. Now I wanted to make two talismans with different spells and see how many of them give an increase in damage. If the difference is too big, I can make two talismans of the same type, the meaning of which will only be in increasing the damage of the spear. However, so far all these were only theoretical reflections.

Coming out of the shop, I sat down in a shade under a bush and quickly "prepared" two blanks for talismans, putting in them the right stones and spells. Now it was necessary to get to the place with the correct distribution of world energies and there to complete the ritual of creating a talisman. In total, the game had 22 world energies. The higher energy number, the easier it was to find suitable conditions. Actually, every energy had its own name and description, but for me it was just numbers from one to twenty-two. At this point, I haven't seen how a title like "Green Life Stream" can help me achieve the right characteristics.

The Discharge spell required a special combination of three energies. For each energy, the "intensity" of its manifestation as a percentage was specified. Total was: E-17 by 26%, E-21 by 8%, E-22 by 61%. The value of other energies when charging this talisman was not taken into account. But with the spell of Burn, it was a little more interesting. The talisman with this spell could be created using different stones. Most players used cheap amethyst. That's just when using an amethyst you had to take into account three energies. And when using a red grenade, the value of only two, which greatly simplify the search for a place to create a talisman. Burn: E-19 by 57%, E-21 to 42%.

I read all these details in guides written by players of other servers. Now I've opened the talisman interface and placed the blanks in special slots. When selecting a slot, a separate window displayed a map of the area where I could see the distribution of the desired energies and their overall conformity to the pattern. Depending on the combination of energies, the resulting efficiency of the talisman could be from zero to one hundred percent. Only a talisman with an efficiency of 97% or higher could deal 30-point Damage. And if at the initial levels this value of efficiency was quite simple to achieve, then talismans with "advanced" spells could try to create for months. Pretty often players have stopped at an efficiency of 80%. Even 90% was considered as very cool. 97% and above could be created either because of a happy confluence of probabilities, or as a result of a very long selection of conditions and ... again luck.

After scanning the area around the pirate village, I headed back to the dungeons. Now there are 82 silver coins in my purse, so by local standards I was already an oligarch. But I wasn't going to stop there, setting a threshold to three gold. My greed was so great that I even began to doubt whether I was in a hurry to choose the elements. Maybe my element is Earth?


However, these cowardly throws did not affect anything, so I just continued the farm. As soon as I entered the caves, I noticed that in one area of the dungeon there is a roughly appropriate combination of energies for charging the talisman with the Burn. At the moment, the estimated efficiency was already in the region of 70%. So, I went there and started farming pirates in the area, constantly looking at the map.

My expectations were met after about half an hour, when a zone with an efficiency of 90% appeared next to me. Going there, I tried to see versions of future one by one, but a few minutes ahead. Thus, I was able to see the moment when at one of the moments, world energies coincided by 95%. Having reached this place in advance, I prepared myself for the talisman charge.

As soon as the 'stars matched', I immediately activated the charge, and in thirty seconds I had a ready talisman in my hands with an efficiency of 95%. Burn dealt 28 points of damage when used and another 19 for 3 seconds. In total, every 3 seconds, I could instantly cast this spell on an opponent that was one meter away. However, the use of this spell cost five units of mana, so it was not possible to roam with it on the first level.

But the main thing, as I said, was the combination of the talisman and the spear. To get the talisman out of the weapon or belt box, you had to go to a safe area. But you could insert it anywhere. The main thing is to stay out of the fight. As I shoved the talisman into my spear, I saw its damage increase from 62 to 83. the difference of 21 was quite significant. Immediately, I threw myself into battle to test my increased effectiveness. Now I could kill a pirate in three strikes. And if this was not enough, the Burn spell allowed me to increase the damage. After all, I could use the spell at the same time as the spear attacks. Knowing my damage and my opponent's health level, I could tell in advance if I needed to use magic or not.

Unfortunately, despite the increase in damage, I continued to kill pirates at the same rate. After all, on average, I met one pair of pirates in five minutes. So, most of the time I was running through the corridors, looking at the lines of the future to 'comb' the neighboring corridors. I don't think I could have made that much money without this cheat.

In two hours, earned amount of money reached one gold, and then I decided to stop. It was already nine o'clock in the evening, so I should have to find a place to sleep. Despite being in the capsule, I still needed sleep.

Coming out of the cave, I looked at the map as usual and notice that in one place there was an incomprehensible 'energy anomaly', which perfectly corresponded to the conditions for the creation of a talisman with Discharge. I immediately rushed there, forgetting about sleep and rest. The place I needed was hidden from all sides by rocks and thorny bushes, and when I found a passage inside, I was surprised to find the previous Earth mage engaged in some obscenity.

Dramg was standing next to the table that held the alchemist's travel kit. At the same time, he repeatedly used the Stone Projectile spell, sending boulders into a small rock protruding from the ground. The Stone Projectile broke into dust again and again, without causing any damage to the rock. But most importantly, after checking the map, I found out that the zone I need is exactly on the line of flight of the projectile.


As I watched, Dramg took out a mana recovery potion, drank it, and then started using the spell again.

"What are you doing here?" - I asked, coming in from behind of the wizard. I didn't want to come under his spell. Who knows what he 'improved' in it? What if this is angle of attack, and the entire area in front of the mage is 'under fire'?

The future Destroyer shuddered at the sound of my voice and interrupted the cast, then stared at me suspiciously.

“Don't come.” - He said quickly. - "I need to shift the energies of this place along the Earth element. And your pernicious influence of the Air can ruin everything.”

“Okay.” - I replied, stopping at a distance of 11 meters. If mage tries to use Paralysis on me, I will step forward and stop him with a Magic Arrow. He can't suddenly attack me at this distance with anything else. – “I'm actually also interested in the energy of this place. Your use of magic has shifted the balance of the world's energies, and along the trajectory of the Stone projectile is the zone I need. Wouldn't you mind if I went about my business next to your target?

"Do spells affect the distribution of the world's energies?" - The wizard ignored my question and asked his own.

“Well, why not? I think this is just the case when the magic of opposite elements affects each other.”

“So, what energies has been shifted?” - Dramg continued interrogation.

"On the E-17."

"What?" - My answer seems to have broken the pattern for the Earth mage.

“Sequential number of energy in the game glossary.”

“Green Life Stream?”

"Yes, that's it. The numbers are enough to identify the energy, so it's much easier for me to navigate by them.”

“So, to create a Stone Projectile, I used energy E-17, E-20 and E-22.” - Dramg began to mutter, looking at something in the interface. – “The green life stream was set at 22%.”

"Yes, and I need 26%" - I said. "There is too much of this energy on the surface of the island, and too little in the caves. But here it is just right.”

The wizard caught himself and started casting spells again, aiming at the rock.

"It's obvious.” - He said reproachfully. – “This energy is related to the life of plants. On the surface, everything is overgrown with greenery, but in the caves, on the contrary, nothing grows.”

“So, if you burn a hectare or two of the jungle, you can lower the energy level?” - I made a guess.

"No, I don't think so.” – Dramg authoritatively rejected my version. – “This method was investigated by the Air magicians, and they could not achieve clear results. But no one guessed to use the spells of the Earth magicians, because of the confrontation between the adherents of these elements.”

"So, will you let me use this place? In return, I won't go near your desk with the equipment.”

"It sounds more like an ultimatum than a request." - The wizard chuckled.

“I would call it a mutually beneficial cooperation.” - I didn't agree.

"What's my benefit?" - Another Stone Projectile flew forward, only to shatter into pieces when it collided with a rock.

“You have learned from me that your spells affect the world energies used by the air magicians.”

"Hmmm... all right.” - Drag nodded. - "Anyway, I'll finish my preparations in a couple of minutes.”

I remained to stay where I was, idly examining the mage's clothing. My starting 'rags' were light gray, but he was dressed in a kind of mantle of dark gray with a bluish tinge. I do not know what this set of rags gives, but it gave minus ten to his appearance.

Finally, the Earth mage stopped raping the rock and turned to his lab table. I looked at the map and noticed that there was indeed a small area around Dramg, shifted towards the Earth element. Moreover, if the world's energy shifted along the trajectory of the Stone Projectile, the Elements only shifted around the magician.

Quickly bypassing my 'benefactor', I reached the rock. The energy anomaly was already trying to dissipate, so I waited a few seconds before activating charging of the talisman. The resulting efficiency were 91%. Not great, but overall effect was not bad. In total, the Discharge would deal 27 damage, plus hung additional paralysis for 0.5 seconds.

However, right now I couldn't check how much will increase this talisman my spear’s damage. Surrounding area around was not relatively safe. But I knew a couple of places nearby where such replacement could be made. Attacking other players was not allowed in the 'mansions' of the local boss and inside of the shop.

"Thank you for your help.” - I said to Dramg, heading away. He didn't even turn to look at me and didn't say anything, being completely focused on his 'alchemy concoction'.

I went straight to the store. There I sell a few weapons that had been knocked out in a couple of hours and replaced the talisman with a magic arrow in the spear with a Discharge. Total attack increased from 83 to 89. How pity. However, it will do. This small amount was just enough to eliminate the need to finish off the enemy with spells. Eh, when will I become a real magician? It is not the royal business to wave a spear.

As I went outside, I remembered that I actually wanted to rest. When I returned to the shop, I found out that there was a similar tavern nearby, where I could buy food and stay for the night. There I rented a kennel for one silver and went to bed.

In the morning, I got out of my shack and went into the main hall of the tavern, and found out there crumpled Dramg. He was sitting at the table, devouring porridge. I looked through the menu and found out that porridge gives an increase in mana regeneration by two units for 24 hours. That is, my energy should have been restored by 3 every 5 seconds. It was three times more as it is now, so I also ordered porridge from the innkeeper and sat down near Dramg.

“Good morning.” - I said. - "How's it going?"

“Everything is fine. I've already earned 50 silver and I'm going back to Crab Island.” - Drag said proudly.

Fifty silver? I almost laughed. I collected two times more on yesterday.

"Oh, that's cool.” - I supported him. - "Listen, do you know where I can find the dungeon boss, that Urga Bloody Heart?”

"Why do you need him?" - There was a hint of suspicion in the Earth mage's voice.

"I want to kill him."

"PHA-ha-ha!!!” - Dramg burst out laughing. – “This is a five-star raid boss. How are you going to kill him alone?”

"At least I'll take a look at him."

Dramg defiantly scooped up a spoonful of porridge, put it in his mouth, and chewed it.

“This boss is part of a global quest. To make him appear, you need to kill four hundred pirates.”

"What kind of quest?" - I asked when I became convinced that the magician was not in a hurry to continue the story.

"According to the history, there was a riot here, and this Urg escaped to the caves with the Treasury. First you need to kill the pirates, and then Urg himself. He drops a map of the place where he hid the treasury of pirates. After that, there are two options. You can use this map to return to Ered, and then he will give one gold to each participant of the raid who killed the boss. Or you can find the treasure yourself. There's 50 gold and some purple stuff in there. But in this case, all pirates on the surface become enemies of the raid participants, and the radius of their aggression increases to two hundred meters. This whole story is repeats once a month, so Urg is considered as a rare boss. Usually, he is raided by players of the tenth level and higher, because the level of the purple item depends on the level of the raid participants.”

After this short lecture, everything became clear to me with this quest. Moreover, in total, the magician and I collected one and a half gold coins, which approximately required killing of 375 pirates. So, there is remaining to kill a little bit more pirates, and then the boss will appear. I was already salivating when I thought about how I can get 50 gold by killing him.

"You're good at explaining.” - I nodded. – “Where did you get such knowledge?”

“I played on the first server for ten years.” - The mage replied smugly, eating the remains of porridge. – “During this time, I learned all the quests, dungeons, bosses, and game mechanics. So, on this new server I will definitely become one of the strongest players.”

“Ten years? Cool.”

Outwardly, I was showing respect, but inside I was laughing at this idiot. You might think that knowing all this information can make someone a professional player. All this knowledge is a combined hodgepodge of other people's experience. In addition, experience has no value if a person cannot apply it, for example, because of crooked hands or limited thinking. And here you could see both.

I opened the interface of the game and send to Dramg invitation to friends. He looked at me in surprise, but then agreed.

"Well, I'll go on to earn a ticket from the island.” - I said, getting up from the table. – “Good luck.”

Judging by the smug look on Dramg's face, he'd missed my record-setting notification. If he knew about it, he would at least have asked maybe I am going to kill another boss again, to set a record. Plus, he would hardly believe that I didn't collect even 10 silver.

I left the tavern and went to the caves. To be honest, I'm sick of climbing these catacombs in search of pirates. But if there are only 20-30 left to kill them, then I can be patient. The main thing is to wait until the Dramg gets off the island. That's why I added him as a friend. Although the game didn't allow you to track your friends' location, but when they were in the same location as you, you could send them 'free' text messages. If they were too far away, sending messages cost 10 copper coins.

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