《Graphomurk》Chapter 13.08 – World of Elements


It looks like this animal was one of the game figures. If he knew a little about the rules of the World of Elements, he wouldn't be so defiant. From the moment I realized that I was being followed, I started recording video while tagging “suspicious” players. Now I already had a sufficient “evidence base” for filing a complaint. It remains only to push this idiot to a clear display of aggression in my direction, and in the next few days it will not be necessary to fear him. The rules of behavior I read in the same library said that it is forbidden to interfere with other players in safe zones by "non-gaming methods". Blocking the path and forcing a conversation were two points of the "execution list".

"You and your pack of jackals are blocking my path.” - I began to explain my position patiently. However, “moderate " insults didn't break any rules. - "If you're afraid to meet me outside of the city walls, you should not pretend to be cool in a safe zone.”

"What did you say?!"

The bandit tried to grab my ‘my neck’, but his hand slipped off my clothes. This was already more than enough, so I attached the video to the report and sent it to the game administration. The result was immediate. A special AI was responsible for checking reports. I think he already noticed that there was a violation of the rules, so, my report was a great reason to immediately bring justice. Wild Beast and its jackals began to disappear in flashes of light. Now they will be imprisoned in the mines for a few days. Not all of the ‘suspicious’ players disappeared, but the main thing is that the path in front of me was cleared, and I was able to go to the next goal.

This time, my goal was a market - a special zone where players could sell different things, advertise themselves and their services, and so on. As I passed the market gate, I immediately plunged into the loud noise of the crowd. Then I started looking for the yellow orthoclase. Initially, I wanted to knock it out my myself, but considering beginning of the hunt after me, it made sense to buy it with the rest of the money and create at least one additional talisman. When I found the right stone that I suddenly realized that doing the talisman now would be a loss of money. With my spear, I can easily take the exam up to the third level right away. And at this level I could receive the ability to create talismans with two crystals. However, I need money for second crystal, and I will have to buy new blank crystals.


With an exasperated sigh, I went to... no, not to take the exam, but to the library. I needed money urgently, so I wanted to know where to make it. As long as I have the first level, the chance of falling valuable loots from the monsters will be higher. So it makes sense to first earn my "million”, then pass the exam for the third level, and then immediately buy all the necessary equipment and consumables, and go to charge the blank talismans.

Now the game economy was just beginning to take shape on the server, so people didn't have much money. There were three ways to get them: to get money directly from monsters, to get money in the form of junk that can then be sold to NPC, to get something useful, and then sell this something to other players who earn money using the first two methods. But now the game had too high a requirement for basic expenses, so, no one could afford to buy something really expensive. And the first levels were pass quite quickly, making the initial equipment useless. Already on the third level, all the talismans of the first and second levels turn into trash. So, an attempt to make money on noobs could turn into tons of "non-liquid" goods.

As a magician of the Air, I did not have to fall to the level of pathetic traders, so my choice was the first and second ways to earn money. However, just knocking out money directly from mobs seems to be a bad idea. The ‘richest’ in the local forests were the cave goblins, which I had already met. About half a copper coin fell from each of them. Maybe a little less. In total, to earn at least ten silver coins, I will have to kill two thousand goblins. Even if I spend an average of twenty seconds per goblin, I'll need six hours of continuous farming. Although there were no problems killing goblins, there weren't many of them in the forest. But, I'm not in the mood to run around and collect them in a crowd so that I could mass kill them.

After studying the possible farm options and popular guides, I found an interesting option. Crab Island was so named, of course, not because of the players, but because of the many crabs that live in its vicinity. On one of the small islands that could be reached by teleport, there was a zone where crabs lived on the third level, whose shell cost as much as a silver coin. However, on the island itself, greedy merchants bought them for only ten copper coins. Only a few people had reached the third level yet, so it made sense to go there, collect the shells, and then go back to the city and sell them wholesale. Then surely such a lucrative place will be packed with crowds of players, and a natural war will begin for crabs.


After leaving the library, I went to a network of portals that allowed ordinary players to travel long distances. The cost of ‘travel’ to the desired island did not please me. Fifty copper coins. I have only seventy-two. With a rueful sigh, I gagged my toad and parted with the indicated sum, then passed through the portal.

A moment later, I was in a place that anyone on Earth would call as a Paradise. Sea, soft sandy beach, palm trees and... hundreds of crabs. I immediately rushed to the nearest of them, but found that it was not the crab I was looking for. I needed a Large King Crab, but here was a Small Raspberry Crab. I had to temporarily postpone the fulfillment of my dream of becoming a millionaire, and then go to look for local residents.

One of the fishermen kindly informed me that the prey I want, lives on a small island that could be reached by swimming. Or by boat for 50 copper. As I looked at his sly eyes, I realized that I am beginning to have vague doubts about the success of this adventure. I refused the boatman's services and went to see what there was in this village. Surprisingly, I didn't see any players. Apparently, no one are willing to pay half silver to go unknown place. It was a long walk. Despite the fact that it was a computer game, the distances here were very realistic. Although not everywhere.

After exploring the area, I went to the shore, which had a great view of the desired island. I was only two or three hundred meters away from my goal. However, the water ahead looked suspiciously dark. Maybe sharks live there. But I didn't see anything threatening, so after another look around, I went into the water and swam forward. After a hundred meters, I realized why the fisherman was smiling so slyly. At this point I realized that a powerful water stream was passing here, which began to carry me away. Fortunately, I managed to overcome it and get out on the right island, although not at exact place where I expected to be. When I reached the shore, I looked out to sea, but there was no sign of that water stream was passing at this point. Next time I will need to take it into account in order not to drown in the open sea.

After circling the island, I came to the right beach, and then realized why the shell of these crabs is so expensive. Their size was comparable to Main Battle Tank. Well, not exactly the size of a tank, but they were exactly three meters long. And their claws were the size of me. In addition, each level three crab had 600 health points. Cheering myself up with visions of my future millions, I sprinted to the nearest crab, coming in from behind. From the front, these monsters looked menacing, but from behind they were defenseless. In addition, the back part was almost touching the ground, so I didn't hesitate long and jumped on my victim's back.

The crab became agitated and began to spin on the spot, menacingly snapping its claws, but it could not reach me in principle. I reached the center of the "mobile dance floor" and began to hit the shell, working with the speed of a sewing machine. Three beats per second. Each strike deal about 30 hits due to the crab's strong armor, which reduces damage. The victim tried to throw me off his back, making a kind of dance, but my "combat foresight" allowed me to stay "on the horse". After seven seconds, the crab could not stand the mockery and died. But I was glad early, because only eight “shell fragments” and three pieces of “king crab meat” fell out of it.

I scratched my head, puzzled, as I collected loot into my inventory. In the guide it was said that with careful conduct of the battle, the chance of falling out of the shell is almost one hundred percent. Maybe I was unlucky. I looked at the next crab and started toward it. But the next victim left me with only fragments of a broken trough, in the sense of a shell. Suspecting something was wrong, I decided to attack the next crab’s legs. But the closer I got to the ‘edge’ of the ‘dance floor’, the stronger the pitching became, so even just staying on my feet was difficult. I had to use this crab for meat, too.

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