《Graphomurk》Chapter 13.07 – World of Elements


My "foresight” was almost exhausted by this time. I successfully delivered a spear blow when the opponent ran past me like a bun, but then he started running behind me, stabbing me with a dagger and hanging poisoning. By my calculations, three seconds should have been more than enough for him to kill me. My attempt to turn around to face the enemy failed, because he banally put his left hand on my shoulder and now ran with me, but only behind me. Under acceleration, he could move faster than I could turn.

I used the ‘Forward Jump’, then ran through the woods as fast as I could. The opponent also made a leap, catching up with me, but as soon as he took a couple of steps, moving after me, the spell of ‘Hunting Spikes’ unfolded under our feet, after which too nimble runner crashed to the ground. This spell only removed five health points from me. Quickly using the healing potion, I spun around and attacked helpless opponent, who couldn't even roll over or get back on his feet. Four spear hits and a Magic Arrow completely killed my enemy, after which I easily chopped into pieces a couple of goblins running towards me.

The scout's leather armor was already beginning to play a role, and it took me five hits to finish him off instead of four. If it wasn't for the extremely high level of spear damage, I wouldn't have been able to survive this encounter. The poisoning almost killed me, even though I thought it was too weak. The scout managed to throw it at me three times, which in total took me 45 health. Plus, he stabbed me several times with dagger, which also hit me at 15 per hit, instead of 10 as a first-level weapon. As a result, only a timely consumed health potion allowed me to survive.

After fight, I went back to collect the loot. Three more teeth fell from the goblins, but I collected almost a silver coin from seven players, plus a couple of potions of mana. Should I become a professional PK? This is a profitable business – farming of players. Looking around carefully, I saw that there were no players nearby. After that, I waited for my health to recover and ran towards to the city of Crabs.

It was a twenty-minute run from the site of my epic battle to the city. Oddly enough, I didn't see any screams in the chat about what a cheater I am, or that I have a Golden weapon. It seems that my victims have decided to keep this knowledge for themselves. While I was running through the Goblin forest, I was followed by an honorary escort, who gobbled up two groups of players along the way. After the goblins were left behind, I was already running in proud solitude, skirting the occasional Wild wolf. These creatures may easily catch me, but they were quite peaceful and will attack only those who came close to them. Or maybe it wasn't the peacefulness, but the poor eyesight of these predators.


When I almost got to the safe zone, a beastly-looking man jumped out to meet me.

"Where are you going, man?" - He asked me with the intonation of an experienced gangster.

I did not stop or reply, but took out my spear and struck him three times in his chest. Gangster did not expect such answer to his question, so he could not even dodge. Already running away, I noted that it was a second-level warrior named Wild Beast. I put this gentleman in the list of potential enemies and rushed forward, since the border of the city was already in front of me. But when it was only a dozen meters away, a player in leather armor darted in front of me. He used the ability ‘Foot trip’, but I just jumped over him. Although his skill worked, my immunity to such attacks still saved me. However, this my cheat should not last long. These are only the weakest spells and skills that can be completely ignored. Further Resistance will simply reduce the duration of the effects of control.

When I reached the safe zone, I turned around and saw a level 3 scout cheerfully waving hands to me who he tried to stop me. Maybe it was just a joke on his part, but I didn't relax. Having added him to the list of potential enemies, I started walking through the streets of the city, trying to remember which of the NPC can tie-up weapons. In the end, I couldn't remember, so I went to the library. There I found out who I needed, but since I got to the source of knowledge, I decided to immediately look at guide of how to pass the Earth Krait Worm dungeon.

As it turned out, the reason for my unrealistic luck was still the same Resistance equal to a hundred. In the dungeon, the passage was blocked by a web, with which the young Krait-Worms hunted. When the player touched the web, it slowed down his movements, after which he was attacked by one or more worms. According to the guide, players had to try to avoid the maximum number of traps without disturbing them. Then after the first hit on the boss, the worms from these traps ran into the hall and began attacking all targets in the range. That's why there was a stone in the hall, on which it was possible to hide... four players. It just didn't fit anymore. Thus, on the bottom remained the most “fat " player, usually a warrior. After the boss killed all his descendants, he will start to attack the players. But most importantly, at the moment of death, the boss will explode with streams of acid, which guaranteed to kill everyone around. That is, the warrior had to first fight off the worms, then tank the boss, not allowing him to attack the allies, and in the end, he did sacrifice himself. From the boss guaranteed to fall one weapon, corresponding to the type of weapons of the player who deal the most damage. However, the value of the weapon could range from white to blue.


With my resistance, the web just couldn't slow me down, so the worms didn't react to me either. When I hit the boss, they all attacked him and chewed him to death, after which the remnants of the small worms were destroyed by an acid explosion. It turns out that for all the time, no player has tried to pass this dungeon, having a hundred Resistance. Considering the overrated “value” of Dexterity, each player put at least a few points into it. Just I'm so frostbitten that local "authorities" don't mean nothing to me.

In fact, it was the same in all the other games. I have never followed all sorts of guides. The maximum is to read them and take into account the author's point of view. Here, another factor was that the dungeon was for group of players. So, only those who met certain requirements for the “correctness” of their build were taken into it. And “geniuses” like me didn't try to go through this dungeon alone. First, the dungeon had a wandering entrance and appeared only once every three days. And secondly, I slipped into it only by mistake. If it wasn't for the pursuers, I wouldn't have tried to pass it. Probably...

Thinking about the expediency of following the principles of kamikaze, I decided to immediately look at what I will lose on death. After all, there is no experience points at all. As it turned out, on death, the total number of character points temporarily decreased, which could only be restored by killing monsters. In addition, the chances of things falling out were quite high, about 20%. Only talismans and other “personal” items did not fall out. Considering, that I only got mana potions as trophies meant that they were specially placed one piece in each cell to reduce the chance of more valuable items to fall out.

When I had finished with my current questions, I left the library and went to the temple, where the priest could tie-up my golden weapon to me. That's just along the way I noticed that I was followed by some suspicious crowd. And when Wild Beast emerged from the alley ahead, everything fell into place. That meeting near the city was no accident. Unless this personage didn't expect me to have such a powerful weapon.

“Hey, stop.” - Gangster blocked my path.

In response, I demonstratable made a ‘Gliding Step’ to get around him, then continued on my way.

"Hey, stop immediately!!!” - Beast roared. But city was a safe zone. Although, even here it was possible to create problems for people.

The crowd of players following me started to run, clearly intending to surround me. So, they wanted to block my movement. But I had anticipated this step and also accelerated, using a ‘Double Jump’. My pursuers had more energy, so I wasn't going to compete with them in speed of movement. Instead, I turned sharply into a narrow alley and walked carefully between two guards who were discussing something with each other.

When I "looked” at the future, in which I run into this alley, I found out that the guards will grab the running person and try to arrest him. So now I walked slowly near them, pretending to be an ordinary law-abiding citizen. My pursuers rushed after me, but suddenly faced two guards who blocked their path. At that moment, I made a ‘Double Jump’ again and ran as fast as I could.

After successfully dropping my tail, I reached the temple. As I approached it, I noticed familiar names that I previously marked as enemies. But they couldn't stop me. I went to the temple, found desired NPC, and then asked him to tie one item to me. This service cost me one silver coin. At higher levels, it would have cost me a decent amount, but at the first level, they made discount for noobs.

Mentally wiping off my sweat, I walked away from the temple. Outside, a Wild Beast was waiting for me, surrounded by his pack of jackals.

“Wait, we need to talk.” - He tried to stop me again while the jackals began to surround us.

“Get off.” - I hit hand.

"Do you even know who I am?" – Gangster got angry, seeing my disdain.

"You're nobody and you are noname." - I expressed my opinion. - "Let me pass."

“What if I wouldn’t let?” - Gangster grinned. - "Will you complain to your mommy?"

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