《Graphomurk》Chapter 13.06 – World of Elements


After examining the insanely expensive loot, I drew attention to its name. 'Spear of the First Dwarf'. Fuck! If anyone sees me with this spear, they will bury me in a grave, just to appease their greed. I don't know what to say.

I pulled out Magic Arrow talisman from my usual spear and inserted it into the golden one. The damage immediately jumped from 50 to 62. And that's just one of the weakest spells in the game. What if I put the Burns and Discharge talisman in there? I sighed again heavily, pulled out the talisman, and stuck it in the Spear of the Poor Dwarf.

Not today. And not tomorrow. I need to put this thing in the chest and forget about it until I reach the tenth level. Because otherwise they won't let me live. Really, there's a question, will they let me live, even if I don't shine with such wealth? Messages about my achievements were seen by all players on the server. Moreover, they can be seen by anyone looking at the table of records.

I searched all over the room, but I didn't find anything more valuable. Not even a penny of money fell from these worms. However, where did they get the money from? The dwarf's spear must have ended up in the worm's stomach only because it had previously devoured the corpse of its former owner. The first Dwarf simply died when he met the worm, however I killed this worm with one blow. I'm cool, what to say.

I leaned to stone and began to think about what to do next. The Golden weapon will not tie up to the owner after receiving it. To do this, I had to get to the city and pay to special NPC. Only then I could you be sure that these weapons could not be stolen, lost, or sold. No one in their right mind will tie up a Golden weapon, because after that it can't be sold. Although on the other hand, even the minimal chance of losing such a jewel would cause any person's inner toad to rebel and demand to immediately take ownership of this weapon in any cost.

There must be a lot of people sitting near the entrance of the dungeon right now. If ten people throw a Magic Arrow at me, I'll be dead in a quarter of a second. I didn't know what is the chance of dropping of Golden weapon after death. It could be one percent, or it could be a hundred percent. But even a one percent chance made my heart clench with anger and greed. I won’t give. Mine!!!

I don't think I can escape from them. There were not only newcomers on this server, but also those who came here from other servers. And they know exactly what you can get for setting such record. Even if they don't think about a Golden weapon, they will definitely assume the presence of a Purple one. Such a value in any case will make them try to pressure me and force me to give up my weapons or become their 'chain dog', which they will use to clean up dungeons and kill bosses.


In general, it turns out that the easiest way to go immediately and kill everyone. What else can I do? Since I have shocked the entire server with my record, I can only continue in the same spirit. Rather, let them afraid of me. The game on this server has just started, so with this spear, I can immediately go ahead through the levels and suppress opponents not only with my greatness, but also with the best stuff, rare spells, and so on.

However, there is one 'small' problem. There are a lot of them, but I am alone. To offset this advantage, I need something more substantial than just one spear. I'll need a... magic. Real Air magic, magic of Probabilities. It can help me succeed where everyone else will fail. Because luck is one type of magic.

Having made my decision, I pulled out ‘the first Dwarf's Spear’, inserted the talisman with the Magic Arrow in it, and focused on my still dormant psionic abilities to see the future and how my actions might affect it. This will be exactly the 'luck' that made it impossible for me to do anything with Alex Browning. Only foresight of the future and my own actions. This will be enough to destroy the enemies in my path.

Morally prepared, I went to the portal leading out of the dungeon, gripped my spear tighter, and leaped forward. As soon as I appeared, I immediately made a wide swing with my spear, hitting three opponents at once, who did not expect such an attack. They thought that when I will come out of the portal, I will be spent couple of seconds to try understand what is going on. But I already saw my near future, and even miserable three seconds available to me already allowed me to do miracles. Another swing to the opponents who did not have time to react, and two of them went to respawn. One managed to retreat, but he chose the wrong way – he rolled behind his back. Yes, he was able to dodge from my chest-level strike. But rolling was a slow method of evading, so I took a step forward in advance and delivered a stabbing blow to the crouching enemy who was trying to roll over his head. Minus three.

After that, I took a long jump to the right, wasting all my remaining energy. Right in front of me froze a dumbfounded magician. The first blow cut him from shoulder to groin. In response, the Magic Arrow flew to me, but my second stabbing blow to his neck nullified my enemy's life, and he began to fall to the ground. Minus four.

Against me, there are still two first-level magicians and a second-level scout. Without stopping, I ran “through” the falling corpse, running to the left. Another mage finally reacted to my appearance and threw to me a Magic Arrow. But at that moment I was able to hid behind the nearest tree. A first-level mage's spell was “homing", but it still had animation of cast and flight. Due to this, the charge was aimed at me, but it hit an obstacle in its path.


As soon as I went behind the tree, three opponents lost sight of me. I paused, recovering my energy before another rush.

"Follow him!" - The most slowpoke of magicians rushed forward, who hadn't even had time to cast a single spell, rushed forward.

Of course, he did not rush straight to the tree behind which I hid, but began to circle it in an arc. But by the time he saw me, I was already too close. A double Somersault through the tall grass caught the enemy off guard again. However, I hid from the other two enemies behind the body of their ally, and struck him twice in throat with my spear. Immediately, I jumped behind another tree, no longer using my skills, but simply moving my legs. This barrier was worse, but I was covered not only by the trunk of a tree, but also by a nearby bush. Although two remaining opponents could see me, it was not enough to use their skills, since their skill required a “straight line of sight”. This was one of the disadvantages of “homing” spells, for which it was necessary to choose a target.

The most intelligent in this team was a magician. When he saw my rapid execution of five enemies at once, he correctly estimated his chances and tried to retreat, using the same Double Somersault that I used. Then he made a stupid mistake by starting to run. Just a dozen meters later, he was caught by goblins with Lasso, after which I could be sure that if he did not die by himself, then at least he would not run away.

My next target is a scout. But he has already received a second level, plus he ‘clothed’ in a set of leather armor with amulets, which significantly increased his survival. Unlike the first-level bums, he already had 240 health and four scout skills. I don’t know exactly what is the scout’s Element. I was hit by a fireball and an electric shock, so there were magicians of fire and air in the group. If we assume that the group had representatives of only these two Elements, then the scout has a ‘Poisonous Touch’, a ‘Stone Throw’, a ‘Jump to Spine’, and one of two spells: ‘Retreat’ or ‘Insidious Strike’.

I can ignore his ‘Jump’ and ‘Touch’. The ‘Touch’ is too weak, and the ‘Jump’ requires two seconds of preparation. An ‘Insidious Strike’ deals good damage. If he hit in my spine, he can deal 70 damage, plus weapon damage. In general, we can assume that if he manages to stab me in my spine, then I am a corpse. ‘Retreat’ was the worst option for me. It allows him to instantly jump back to a distance of 10 meters. That is, no matter how close the scout is to me, after using this skill, he will instantly be at a distance of 10 meters away from me.

While I was trying to figure out what to do next, the scout made a detour so that he could target me. The bush behind which I had hid was frankly frail. In response, I began to walk around the bush and tree so that they remained between me and the enemy. The magician was currently fighting goblins and was generally outside the spell's range, so he could be ignored.

Seeing my actions, the scout quickened his pace, at the same time approaching my shelter. In response, I waited for him to take a few more steps, then started running in the direction of the magician, at the same time hiding behind the trees to prevent the scout from using the ‘Jump to Spine’. The magician as a whole, held up well. He drained mana, by repeatedly using the Magic Arrow on the goblins. Only three of the five goblins were still alive, and one of them has half-dead. But the magician was too busy dodging Goblin attacks to notice my approach. The scout's belated cry did not help him. It was enough me only one strike to send the magician to the next world. With a second blow, I finished off the half-dead Goblin, then turned around and rushed in the opposite direction, right to the player running towards me.

Actually, it was not very clear to me what this scout was hoping for at all. When he saw me jump out from behind a bush in front of him, he immediately used a ‘Retreat’. This gave me to understand, that before me adept is adept of Air, which means that he has no ‘Insidious Strike’ and to inflict at least some damage to me he will not have enough time. Here is only after his rapid retreat back, the scout used a ‘Stone Throw’ and suddenly rushed to me. It seems that he used the ‘Retreat’ reflexively. But when we got closer, the enemy suddenly sped up a lot. First, he jumped forward and made a roll to get behind me, and second, he used a ‘Light Step’ - the ability of scouts of the Water element. If he stays behind me, he could move twice faster than me, while simultaneously using a ‘Poisonous Touch’.

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