《Graphomurk》Chapter 13.01 – World of Elements


Another reason that made magicians of different elements treat each other with coolness was the fact that the power of spells depended not only on strength of the talisman, but also on the concentration of energy of the corresponding element in space. Somewhere, this 'shift of energy of the Elements' was a natural characteristic of the place. For example, within an erupting volcano, the energies of Elements Fire and Earth were most strongly manifested. This increased the power of Fire mages in such places and reduced the power of Water mages.

But there was another effect. If in a certain place a magician used the magic of his element for a long time, then the energy of this place was 'soaked' with the emanations of spells of this element, making it stronger. And now, imagine a raid in which there are magicians of the Air and Earth. The more cast 'magic' ones, the weaker the other becomes. If a certain balance is established, then it turns out that none of them gets amplification. Therefore, mages of opposite elements communicated with each other only through the 'sight of a machine gun'.

But that wasn't all. The magician of each element used to live in places where the energies of this element were strongly manifested. And when he went to a place where the energies of other elements were at work, then... reality itself will begin to depress this mage, reducing his movement speed and causing damage. As a result, a Water mage who was came to a place of Fire power could die without even engaging in battle. Or you could kill an Earth mage by getting close to him, and then start healing yourself with powerful Air spells. In general, the wrestling of the Elements with each other, in the world of people, is manifested in the form of a wrestling of magicians of these elements.

Having considered all the information splashed on me, I decided to take a responsible approach to the question of choosing my Element. However, there were some doubts, what exactly should I choose? Which element will suit me best? And then my 'guide to the game' gave quite interesting advice.

“Sometimes players can't immediately decide which element suits them best. But after making the first wrong choice, you can ruin your entire subsequent life. Therefore, I suggest that such people navigate 'from the opposite'. Find the Element from which you are literally turned inside out. And you can be sure that your element is the opposite.”

This remark made sense, so I immediately said goodbye to such a useful NPC, and then headed in the right direction. The hall was shaped like a cross, and at the end of each 'branch' was a portal that transported players to the next location.


My choice was due to the fact that it was immediately clear to me with what kind of crafting I am not going to do even under the threat of being shot. Collecting all sorts of garbage in order to create 'wonderful elixirs' from it was, in my opinion, the worst way to spend time. Accordingly, it turned out that my element was the Air, where it was close to Chaos and my beloved Azathoth.

Passing through the portal, I found myself in an open area. As I descended the steps that led to the portal on this side, I looked through the notifications about the previous task and another new one: “- Choose your main profession.”. Even from above, I noticed a crowd of players and NPCs in military uniforms scurrying among them. When I reached this point, I stopped and started looking for a free 'guide'. One such has immediately found. In fact, he came straight to me.

“Good day... Cheater. Did you come here to choose a profession?” – This 'Captain Obvious' asked me a stupid question.

"No, I am just wandering around.” – I renounced, driving my interlocutor into a stupor. – “What are the professions? Can you tell me about them?”

Upon hearing the 'correct' question, NPC immediately unfroze and smiled, as if for every enlightened player, they give him a bag of gold. However, who knows, maybe they actually give it to them.

From the following lecture, I learned that I need to choose one of three professions: mage, warrior, or scout. Subsequently, each profession became a ladder for the next choice second-level profession, after which I could choose a third-level profession, of which there were twelve in total. I asked if there exist any information about professions in text form, and a frustrated NPC showed to me some kind of computer terminals, standing alone next to a building that resembled a barracks. Only a couple of people took communion with this technique, and the rest of the savages preferred to find out all details in a personal conversation.

After saying thanks to Captain Obvious, I went to torment the computer. After a few hours of studying various documentation and descriptions, I was able to more or less understand how things with professions are in this world.

As mentioned, all professions were divided into three large groups. The magicians cast different spells, hurting their enemies and healing their allies. The warriors fought in close combat, and their goal was to keep enemies at a distance from the frail 'rags'. And the scouts were engaged in all sorts of diversions, sabotage and contract killings.


Each profession had limitations on what adherents of elements could study it. That is, there was a 'recommended' element, two side elements and, accordingly, a forbidden one. The professions were as follows:

Destroyer specialized in direct damage with spells.

Demonologist summons demons and other creatures, who did all work for him.

Druids could adopt a single pet, and he also grow various types of flora that could heal or damage depending on the species type.

Priests worship his chosen God, and usually he heals and protect his allies, bestow blessings on them, but if necessary, he could also hit his enemies with a shovel.

Werewolf threw himself into the center of the battle and had a huge health regeneration.

Madmen also rushed forward, and their skills denied the very laws of this world, allowing them to do the impossible.

Paladins had the largest arsenal for deterring enemies and very good protection from all types of damage.

Fanatics fought their enemies, defeating them not only with the sword, but also with the power of their faith.

Assassins stab in the back, and it was extremely difficult to escape from their attacks.

Hypnotist was a very inconvenient enemy, since his abilities could cause you to open up for even the most primitive attacks.

Hunter was a master at tracking prey, using a bow and arrow in ranged combat, and a short sword in close combat. Plus, he also as a Druid could 'adopt' one pet.

Sniper was a real headache for everyone, because he could shoot opponents from a great distance, ignoring most of types of protection.

In addition to the main profession in the future, the player could choose an additional one, thus creating a hybrid or specialized character. Thus, it turned out that there are 12 professions and 144 combinations of them. At the same time, for example, a Werewolf-Demonologist is not equivalent to a Demonologist-Werewolf, because they had a different set of spells. In addition, the player could choose same main and additional profession, thus gaining access to unique spells available only to such 'double' classes.

For me with my Element of Air is contraindicated the profession of Priest, Fanatic and Sniper. In my lifetime, when I played computer games, I usually chose the role of a magician. I am not going to change that rule now. So, the choice of the main profession for me is to choose between Destroyer, Demonologist and Druid.

The Druid especially attracted me because it was a class that could heal other players. In my experience with online games, the healer is the center of any group. Even a tank was not always necessary for effective leveling and passing dungeons, but the absence of a healer made the game a similar torture. Moreover, according to the description, Druids specialized in mass healing, which made them indispensable in raids.

Demonologist was also a 'pet adopter', but with a bias towards dealing damage. He was more mobile than the Druid, and could even summon healing pets, however, only will heal him and other summoned creatures. This profession is best suited for solo playing, because a good Demonologist has his own team of pets. In addition, he not only relied on the summoned pets, but could also 'charge' magic directly into your forehead.

The Destroyer was perhaps too straightforward character for me to choose as my main profession. He could do damage and ... nothing else. He had no defense, and there was little control over his opponents, so the Double Destroyer was the most easily killable character in the game. But behind of a well-coordinated team the Destroyers could give damage, able to turn to dust a whole crowd of enemies. Although the Game task stated that I should create a guild, my playing style and life position did not allow me to depend on others. So, the Destroyer was excluded from the list.

So, the real choice for me was between a Druid and a Demonologist. But since they were both magicians, the choice of a first-level profession was predetermined. Having come to this decision, I went to NPC, who is supposed to give me the title of magician. But I was wrong when I thought that all I had to do is express my desire and they immediately would make me a mage.

“Well, are you ready to start choosing your main profession?” - A smiling NPC asked me. His voice filled with so much cheerfulness and enthusiasm that it began to remind me Maito Gai.

“I’m ready. I want to be a mage.” - I answered to him.

"Oh, no, no, no, not so fast, Little Cheater." - He stopped me, for one misspelling my name. - “You must not only choose a profession, but also learn your other gaming skills. First, open your character window and look up for section 'Characteristics'.”

"I did." - I confirmed grimly.

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