《Graphomurk》Chapter 12.13 - The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath


After our detachment came out of the mountains to the plains, I introduced the dwarves in such a miracle of engineering thought as an AFV (Armored Fighting Vehicle). However, in our case, the AFV was designed for comfortable transportation of thirty passengers, so the resulting monster was truly huge. But its eight giant wheels allowed it to overcome any obstacles, including swamps and rivers.

With the use of technology, our speed of movement has hugely increased. However, the average speed of movement to the target did not change much, because the dwarves decided to 'test drive' the AFV on the way in combat conditions, by destroying all villages of intelligent beings that they only managed to find. Against massive artillery and mortar fire, no magic helped, and the opponents of the dwarves for a place in the sun went 'to the fields of eternal hunting'.

In general, everything in front of us was trembling, and behind us it was burning. So, leaving behind a trail of burned villages and cities, we arrived in the vicinity of the desired Sheer Rocks. This poetic name was given to a high chain of snow-capped mountains where the people with wings lived. These mountains were called Sheer, because they rose to a great height with almost no foothills, which is why their snow peaks were visible at a great distance.

Along the mountain range stretched the path of an ancient road, built by the dwarves in ancient times. It used to look more like a high wall rising above the plain. Over the years, dust and vegetation had raised the level of the plain by tens of meters, but still the road rose above it, cleared of dust and debris by powerful runic magic.

We had to drive along this road for about five kilometers before we reached a special convention where we could climb to it. Here the dwarves found a whole slab, in which were carved the names of the builders of this road and explained how and why it was made.

While the bearded men were jumping around this archaeological find, I looked up at the sky, where I saw a lone winged human scout. And about half an hour later, when the dwarves had calmed down a little, a whole procession of people dressed in colorful armor and armed with bows came down from the sky.

"According to the decree of our king Mirshitonrun 119, everyone who uses this road must pay a tribute to the Winged People in the amount of a tithe of the value of the goods transported.” – The messenger proudly announced, naively believing that a distance of ten meters allows him to be safe from 'stupid shorties'.

Before I could respond to this statement, the leader of the dwarves responded. Usually, he handled all current problems, so this time he decided that this problem with feathered upstarts does not worth my attention.


“Listen to me, bird. This road was built by dwarves for dwarves, and it's written right here. You have no right to demand anything from dwarves for passing through their property. So, get out of here, stupid chicken, before I pluck your feathers.”

The dwarf did not know this, but in his speech, he twice managed to fatally insult Winged People who could not tolerate comparisons with chickens, and plucking feathers was considered as a most shameful form of punishment. So, the 'hot mountain dweller' did not hesitate to respond to these insults, and quickly pulled a bow from his shoulder and began to draw an arrow. Unfortunately, this was the end of his success, because the entire group of parliamentarians had long been under the gun of machine guns and AFV. So as soon as his intentions became clear, the winged man's body was literally torn to shreds by bullets. A few seconds later, the same fate befell the rest of the delegation.

I sighed woefully and turned my gaze to the sky, where the 'support group' was hovering, now flying away at full speed towards the mountains. Actually, these Winged People were my target. I had to get into their dream to get through it to the next 'checkpoint'. Unfortunately, dwarves had killed all potential victims of my nightmares, which meant that, now I need to show myself to another group of Winged People.

I made a suggestion to my companions, made them get inside the AFV, and waited for developments, looking up at the sky. The development of event did not take long, because an hour later a whole cloud appeared from the mountains, consisting of Winged People who were going to punish the wingless aggressors. During this time, I had already interrogated the soul of one of the parliamentarians, so I knew that such a reaction was natural. If the winged people met resistance, they flew to war with all their people. Men and women, soldiers and peasants, children and old people, all gathered in one pack, and then swooped down on the enemy, overwhelming them with their numbers and fury.

This strategy worked well enough, because knowing about it, none of the inhabitants of the plains risked bullying winged maniacs. But this time the nut was too big for them. Although this race had magic, like all the magic of this world, it was quite weak. Moreover, most of the winged people's magical abilities were focused on maintaining themselves in air. Therefore, in battle, they preferred to use bows and spears, just throwing them to opponents from a safe height.

But in this case, arrows and spears could not even scratch the armor or break through the reinforced rubber of the wheels. At the same time, a cannon and two remote-controlled machine guns mounted on the roof of the AFV could destroy any targets at altitudes less than one kilometer. So, the denser the packs of the attackers, easier it was for the dwarves to kill them. A few hours later, I even had to order to start firing with rubber bullets so as not to kill all the winged people of this world.


In the end, half an hour before sunset, the remnants of the flying army moved away, leaving more than ninety percent of their race on the battlefield. I couldn't call it as a war, because it was more like a mass suicide. What is most ridiculous, the highest ranks, who control the actions of the army, did not get into battle, and therefore survived.

When night had fallen and the stupid chickens fell asleep in their nests, I gave the order to the dwarves to return home after sunrise, and I rushed to the mountains. There, under cover of darkness, I slipped into the bedroom of Mirshitonrun 119, and then I entered into his dream. I needed a Royal Blood bearer with access to a special area of the Dream World that he was supposed to guard. Unfortunately, like the rest of the world, the dream-walking tradition of this race had fallen into disrepair, so that the rooster could not resist my influence. So after just five minutes of torment and nightmares, he gave in to my persuasions and moved to the place I wanted in the Dream World.

Star Dust Abode was a small mountain valley lost in an endless sea of clouds. Here live the remnants of the once great people of the Winged People. Only here in the Dream World they still remember the former greatness of their race, while in the real world their descendants had degenerated to the level of anthropomorphic chickens with chicken brains. The representative of the 'Royal Dynasty' who brought us here was also not distinguished by the presence of brains, so immediately after our appearance in this place, he began to yell to the entire neighborhood, calling for help. I had to carry out my threat and send his soul to the demons. Considering that all of his direct descendants died in this afternoon, the Royal line was completely cut off. However, this is not my problem.

Meanwhile, in the Dream World, I was surrounded by a crowd of Winged People, bristling with various piercing-cutting equipment.

“Let's make a deal.” - I made an attempt to hold peaceful dialog. - "You let me get away from here, and in return I'll leave you alive."

“You pathetic wingless worm. Your life will end here.”

Alas, all the representatives of the flying kings were quite quarrelsome, so they responded to my generous offer with threats, which they immediately began to execute. Of course, among the local inhabitants exist quite strong magicians working with the forces of Order, but I had already changed 'magic orientation' and met them with a powerful flow of Chaos energy. As I suspected, none of the attackers managed to cope with such gift, so this world suddenly lost its entire population. Chaos energy literally dissolved everything and everyone.

I miscalculated my efforts a little bit, and after my attack, this whole place began to fall apart, dissolving into the clouds. Fortunately, I was able to start walking on the right Path and moved on rainbow road, not caring at all about the fate of this stupid winged race and their heritage, whatever it was.

My further movement took place in very picturesque places. The rainbow road led me through the clouds from one flying island to another. It is not surprising that the winged people had dreamed of such a place. There was no ground underfoot, and even flying islands could hardly calm the fear of heights because of its small size.

After about a week, I am pretty tired of all these 'heavenly beauty' around me and caused only irritation with their too bright colors. But before I got bored, a huge flying island appeared on the horizon, the entire surface of which was occupied by a beautiful shining city. When I got to its snow-white walls, I was able to plunge into the atmosphere of a real developed civilization, more suitable not to this fantasy world, but to some Star Wars world.

The point was that not only people walked on streets of the city, but also other very strange creatures of completely unimaginable shapes and colors. Some of them were walking, some were flying, others were swimming, pretending that there is water around them. And all this panopticon was hurrying somewhere, negotiating something and for something bargaining. The guards at the entrance to the city enlightened me that this topographical element of the area is neutral territory and is under the protection of Ethereum the great spirit of the Dream World. It was forbidden to attack residents and visitors of the city under any pretext. And the penalty for such a violation was a meeting with the Lord of the city, which was hard to survive.

Armored Fighting Vehicle

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