《Graphomurk》Chapter 12.01 - The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath


A few hours later we emerged from the Dreaming Forest into a clearing, beyond which the forest began to rustle with green leaves. The sky above us also changed abruptly from night to midday. The stars shone on one side, and the bright spring sun shone on the other.

"Well, it looks like we're out of here.” - I asked my companion. - "I hope you won't go into the woods again?"

"Thank you, wanderer.” – Keldrun bowed to me. - "To be honest, at first I thought you are a dream demon, but it seems your appearance misled me.”

"What's wrong with my appearance?" - I asked, creating a mirror. Freddy Krueger's vile grin immediately gave me an answer. – “Hmm, it requires the work of a plastic surgeon.”

I focused and used my power to change my appearance. Although I was originally kind of a maniac, it was just an image. In this world, I could look the way I wanted to. Unfortunately, I quickly became convinced that this was not the case. My image changed, but as soon as I relaxed, it immediately returned to 'normal'. I had to use the power of Order to change my appearance and fix it. It helped.

Five minutes later I looked like an angel, my clothes were snow-white with gold patterns, and a halo shone brightly above my head. The only thing that spoiled this image is the bottomless darkness in place of eyes, exuding black smoke. All my attempts to get rid of this 'attribute' failed, so in the end I just spat on it and 'fixed' the shape of my body. The final image was more pleasing to eye, but it inspired a superstitious horror, making me think that Chaos itself was looking through my eyes. In general, it turned out well. Maybe there will be fewer people who want to attack me.

“So, now is it good?” - I asked hunter for expert assessment. - "Don't I look like a dream demon anymore?"

"Honestly, it makes you look even more like demon." - He swallowed, looking fearfully into my eyes. - "You look like a ruthless angel."

"Yes, that's exactly what I am.” - I nodded with satisfaction. - "Well, good bye, I need to go."

"Where are you going?" - Keldrun asked, following me.

“Forward.” - I said, pointing in the obvious direction.

"And what is the purpose of your journey?" - My companion persisted.

“Ulthar city.” - I decided to open the veil of mystery.

“City? Are there cities in this world?”


"Why shouldn't they be? It's a dream world. Anything can exist here.”

"Are there places where people don't have to hide from monsters just to survive?"

"Maybe there is.” - I shrugged shoulders.

"Can I come with you?" – Keldrun began to ask. - "My last attempt to find a better place ended up in this forest. You look strong enough to be able to get to the habitable places.”

"You can walk with me." - I nodded indifferently. - "But I doubt you'll be strong enough to get to the end of it."

"I'll try. – Hunter immediately cheered, habitually looking around in search of prey.

I chuckled and continued on my way. At the moment, this companion did not hold me back, maybe later will be any use from him. I'll use him as bait for a trap, or make him amuse myself with anecdotes. I have a long way to go, and it is more fun to go in good company.

Time passed in a very strange way in the dream world, so it was difficult to tell how much time had passed and how much was still left. Long, short, but gradually cheerful spring forest around began to replace the waterlogged lowland. The trees became more and more frail, and the ground became marshy. Here and there were sluggish streams, the water dark and muddy. Gradually it became obvious that if we continue on this path, we will get into the mud swamps.

I was not very afraid of this prospect, because I could walk on water as well as on dry land. But Keldrun was forced to use his hunting skills to avoid falling into unexpected holes and carrying kilograms of mud on his feet. Although it was a dream, it reproduced with surprising persistence all the most disgusting signs of reality.

Finally, we passed the last row of trees, climbed a small hill, and saw before us a vast swamp, overgrown with bushes and sedge. Its dull expanses were filled with fear and hopelessness. The white sky obscured the position of the sun, making the shadows blurry. The air was filled with the deafening roar of frogs and the bloodthirsty clang of mosquitoes, and in the depths of the swamps, slowly and unhurriedly wriggled vile creatures that resembled huge worms.

In general, the impression of this swamp was disgusting. I also felt that the 'laws of nature' had changed in the world around me. Someone powerful has established a rule that only locals, to whom I did not belong, can walk safely through the swamp. So, to move forward, I would have to put a lot of effort to ‘repealing’ this rule.


By the way, regarding the local residents. From the hill I could see five ugly toad-like creatures scurrying across the swamp... approaching us. And I didn't have any confidence in them, so I stayed where I was, reasonably assuming that I would have more of advantage here than in the bog. These pathetic creatures with green skin looked like a hybrid of a human and a frog. Their huge mouths were like toads, their four-toed hands were webbed, and their bellies protruded. They were mostly dressed in grass plaits, although one of them could boast of a slightly better performance of their 'dress'.

Stopping in ten meters in front of me, the most glamorous of the toad-faced humanoids stepped forward a little and growled in its toad-like language:

"Surrender, the lower ones, and then you will be able to see our Swamp God with all your limbs and internal organs. If you dare to resist, we will pierce you with spears, chop you with axes, cut with knives, and feed the rest to worms and leeches. In the end, you will be sacrificed to the God of the Swamp.”

"Will your God eat leftovers that even the worms disdain?" - I asked about my gastronomic value.

At this suggestion, the 'speaker' bulged at me with his eyes, which made him look even more like a toad.

"Don't you dare blaspheme our great God!" - This creature screamed.

"Actually, it was you who suggested to sacrifice the leftovers from the worms' meal to the Swamp God.” - I hit back the pinch.

In response to my words, a huge axe of black iron flew out of the mire, and with a single blow took off the head of the hapless parliamentarian. And after the axe, another Toad-man crawled out of the mire. It was taller than its relatives, had a larger belly, and its head was decorated with a 'helmet' made of driftwood.

"Surrender, lower one, and then our God can devour you safe, well-fed, and rested. Our God will surely be pleased with your concern that only the best will be sacrificed to him”

"So, where is your Swamp God?" - I clarified.

"There, three days journey through the bottomless swamps, is the capital of the swamps country.” - The toad extended his ugly hand and pointed in the same direction as my internal compass.

"Okay, you persuaded me.” - I nodded. "I give up.”

"What?" – Keldrun exclaimed, ready to join the battle to sell his life more expensively.

"You still have a chance to escape.” - I told him.

The hunter only looked at me with a suspicious look and sighed heavily.

"I give up, too.” - He squeezed out words.

"Great!” – Toad exclaimed. – “Grab them. And be careful. Such victim should not be harmed.”

As soon as these words were uttered, several hundred Toads sprang out of the swamp, and immediately surrounded us, seized us, and then began to build cages from crooked sticks right around us. Within five minutes I and Keldrun were sitting in personal 'palanquins', which solicitously hoisted on their shoulders and dragged through the swamp.

"Are you see?” - I asked the second prisoner. - "We can cross these swamps quickly, comfortably, and under guard.”

The leader of the toads, having heard my words, gave a deep cackle that must have been a laugh.

While our procession was rushing through the swamps at an unexpected speed, I looked at the surrounding area and our 'carriers'. The swamps hid many traps and terrible creatures. Sometimes our escort had to fend off various kinds of giant creatures, which they did with amazing agility, even without slowing down their running speed.

As the crowned toad said, our journey lasted three days and three nights. There was a change of light in the swamps, although there was no real darkness. But different creatures were active day and night, plus in the darkest hours the swamp was lit by billions of glowing beetles and larvae.

On the morning of the fourth day, the city appeared on the horizon, growing out of endless swamps and bogs. The main building material here was mud and sedge. The walls of the buildings were woven from grass and covered with a disgusting slime, in which at times you could see squirming maggots. Local 'palaces' were more like inflated sheds, ready to collapse under their own weight. Only a few of the most central creations of local architects could boast of having wooden structures that significantly improved their strength.

Most of our escort remained outside the city limits, and only our porters raced forward, weaving through the tangled alleys. I thought that these disgusting creatures had already fulfilled their function, and therefore it was possible to get out of the cage. But my attempts to destroy the seemingly flimsy structure were not successful. Of course, I wasn't doing my best, but my impact on the bars didn't have any effect, as if they were the only real thing in this dream world Several guards accompanying us saw my attempts to free myself and began to laugh profusely, discussing my stupidity.

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