《Graphomurk》Chapter 11.03 - A Nightmare on Elm Street


When she opened the door Tina saw a strange, shapeless, pulsing mass that occupying almost half of the room. From this carcass shot dozens of tentacles, which immediately grabbed the girl, tore a robe covering her body, and then began to rape her. After Tina experienced an orgasm, the tentacle monster carefully put her on the desk and 'flowed' through the door into the corridor, closing the door behind it.

For a few minutes the girl lay dumbfounded why she had not been killed and devoured again, but then she noticed that her stomach had started to grow. 'Pregnancy' proceeded quickly, and in five minutes she 'gave birth' to the larva of an Alien. Before her eyes, this larva grew to the state of an adult, which had a hefty penis and began to adjust itself to fuck the defenseless victim.

But in the most 'intimate' moment Freddy Krueger burst into the class, who attacked the Alien. A brief battle ensued, as a result of which the Alien was dismissed to ribbons. After that, the winner grinned his disfigured face and unbuttoned his pants.

When the dick entered, Tina once again woke up and saw that someone is fucking her. And not just anyone, but her boyfriend Rod Lane. She started to struggle, but he suddenly was inhumanly strong. The girl kicked, but as soon as she tried to bite a hand of her boyfriend, he began to transform into an Alien. Grabbing Tina's left hand, the Alien bit off her hand with obvious relish and swallowed it. The girl screamed in agony... really awaked.

Tina was again in the nurse's office with her boyfriend sitting next to her, but he wasn't holding her hand anymore, because she didn't have that hand anymore. Only the bloody stump spattered a blood, pouring her terrified boyfriend.

Of course, the girl was not allowed to die of blood loss. The hand was bandaged, an ambulance and the police were called, but the investigation immediately came to a dead end, because the missing hand could not be found.

The next meeting with Baku was already a routine. He again said a few meaningful phrases, and then demanded that we finally kill our victim in their sleep and obtain their soul. When I returned to my native boiler room, I decided that I had already mastered enough manipulations of the Dream world, so it is worth learning something else. For example, to find out how the world of dreams is connected to the world of Chaos.

I tried to use ritual magic before, but it didn't make much sense in the dream world. However, I was not discouraged and tried to find those elements of the ritual that still worked. In the case of Chaos demon summoning ritual, the main 'ingredient' was the human soul. So, I decided to use the death of Tina Gray and use her soul in the ritual that would take place in the Dream world.

I did not risk to arrange the call of the demons of Chaos under my nose, so I decided to create a ritual circle in the world of Baku. This world was big enough to find a safe place where I would not be disturbed at the most crucial moment.

In a crevice between the stones, I created a circular stone platform, on which I drew a circle of invocation, putting in necessary symbols and images. After the ritual was prepared, I entered Tina Gray’s dream, who at that moment was lying in the hospital in a state of drug-induced sleep. It was easy enough for me to lead the girl's soul into the world of Baku, where I could capture her, crucify her inside the circle, and then kill her by piercing her heart.


To my surprise, the demon summoning ritual worked. But not quite as I expected. The demons of Chaos did not appear in the world of dream, but in the real world right in the hospital. Moreover, the body shape of the demons one in one repeated the shape of body of the Alien. And for some reason I was sure that these creatures would reproduce as well. I scratched my head with my gloved hand and gave 'don't mess around' order to demons, and headed to my next meeting with my mentor, simultaneously wondering what had gone wrong with the ritual.

Baku issued next task, in which I had to break out from the Dream world into the real world and kill my next victim there, simultaneously showing myself before the eyes of other people, so that in the future I would be able to penetrate their dreams as well. In general, I had already figured out how to do it, so I didn't invent anything clever.

At night, I got into the dream of Rod Lane, who was still worrying about the death of his girlfriend. There I grabbed him by his throat and looked into his eyes and... made him to wake up. At that moment I found myself in the real material world in the guy's bedroom. He tried to resist, and even achieved some success. He tried to push me with hands, and then kicked me off from the bed. But I didn't resist much, because at that moment I felt the magic, the chakra, and the psionics again came under my control.

I quickly explored the world around me and focused on my own body. And it turned out to be quite an amazing education. This body was not material. It wasn't even an astral projection. It was a visual image in its purest form, the reality of which was provided only by the fact that there was a person in this world who believed in my existence. As you might guess, this man was Rod Lane.

While I was indulging in philosophical borrowings, Rod managed to rush out of the room and call police. Remembering the second part of the task, I didn't stop him, but just had a little fun until the cops arrived, chasing him and trying to cut him with my glove. When the local special police forces broke into the house, I literally felt how my image 'reflected' in their minds, creating an anchor by which I could find them in the world of dream.

With that, I considered the entertainment part of the evening over and moved on to the science part. In other words, I decided to perform another ritual of sacrifice to demons, with only minor additions. The sacrifice was to be made in the material world, and the demons were to appear in the dream world, where the ritual circle was already working. In front of a startled audience, I grabbed Rod, stabbed him with glove, and then pinned him to the wall, where the bloody lines of the ritual circle were spreading. The police tried to stop me, but a magic-based barrier protected me from any outside interference, including bullets. And after a few seconds, the ritual worked, and the soul of the guy went to the world of Chaos to feed the demons. After that, I turned to the audience, showed my most vile smile and just disappeared.

Alas, I have not achieved any effect in the world of dreams. The demons of Chaos stubbornly refused to appear there. There was something strange about the last ritual. It seems to have worked, the energy to it was spent, but there were no consequences. However, the ritual circle in the world of dream now looked more real than the world around it. With a sad sigh, I went back to the meeting of maniacs.


The next task was to develop the previous 'technology'. It was necessary to enter person’s dream, to crawl after him into the real world, and then together with his physical body move to the dream world, where I would kill him, without leaving even a corpse in the real world. As a diligent schoolboy, I completed this task, again without bothering with preparation.

Next on the list of victims was a certain Nancy Thompson. When I got into her dream, I was surprised to find that this girl was a hypothetical Dream Walker. Her talent was still dormant, but if she could awaken it, she could compete with even a dream demon. Actually, this girl had an aura of 'Law' that could define the rules of her dream.

Unfortunately, I didn't give her a chance to develop her gift. There were no nightmares, preparation, or anything else. I suddenly appeared in her dream, grabbed her by throat, woke her up, appeared in the material world, and using magic brought her into a state of wild terror and disorientation, then pulled already helpless victim into the dream world, where I crucified her inside the same ritual circle and chopped her to pieces. Again, the sacrifice was accepted, the soul went to the demons, but I did not get any benefit.

The next task was very easy. I had to kill two or more people at once. Considering that there were only two names on the list, this 'homework' was supposed to be the last. Here I decided to 'have fun'. I got out into the material world, and then began to cut 'pathetic people' to the left and right, flooding the streets of the city with blood. Having arranged a typical thrash horror with a budget of a couple of dozen homeless people, I returned to the world of dreams and again appeared before the Baku.

All five of my 'classmates' was able to survive to this moment. Now I was standing next to them in front of an old and experienced dream demon, who was telling us, to rookies, and how much honor they give to us by the chance to become a bastard and a monster like him. All this 'ideological pumping' is over with a typical demand to prove our coolness and 'dignity'. In other words, we had to fight each other to the death battle.

My opponent was Jason Voorhees. It was the guy in the hockey mask with the machete. Now he looked more impressive than when I first met him. Apparently, he was well-eaten on other people's nightmares, so now he is fueling by several hundred souls of his victims. In contrast, I looked almost the same as I had in the beginning, simply because I didn't change the mode of my disguise.

We had to fight in the 'arena' in the world of fog. However, this arena has size of a kilometer by kilometer, so there should have been enough room to turn around. I was not interested in this 'epic battle'. The only thing that looked interesting to me is to get answer to the question: 'What will happen if I will sacrifice a dream demon to the Chaos demons?'. Said, so must be done. Of course, I could not lure my opponent to the place where I had hidden ritual circle. First, the circle was outside of the arena. Secondly, I did not want to shine my dubious experiments in front of the 'superiors'. I really don’t care about this world, but they will live here. Therefore, I arranged a banal connection of two ritual circles. The large energy-filled circle was quite far away and on one of the blades of my glove I placed a small circle which purpose was to snatch the soul from the body of my enemy and move it to the main circle, after which the main ritual of sacrifice would begin.

Duel of two maniacs came out... boring. We stood up against each other, the referee gave the command, we rushed forward, met, and as Jason's machete went through my smoke-filled neck, the blades of my glove pierced his heart. Normally, such injury would not be dangerous for a dream demon. Just a scratch. But my ritual worked and instantly pulled his soul out of the 'Ghost body', after which my opponent turned into just the image of a corpse and collapsed to the ground. Outwardly, not much has changed, but in fact Jason Voorhees no longer existed in this world

Baku looked at me in surprise and declared me as winner. The battle between Jack the Ripper and Aileen Wuornos was supposed to start next, but it never came to that. Finally, my sacrificial ritual started to work properly. I felt how the fabric of this world shuddered and filled with the familiar energies of Chaos.

"This is breakthrough of Chaos!!!” - Buck screamed, instantly losing all its gloss and importance.

Now he looked like a wild monkey that had found himself in a pit with snakes. But before he could do anything, a familiar figure of Alien appeared from the fog next to him, and with a single movement pierced the monk's chest with its tail, after which he was literally absorbed into the scaly limb. Only his staff clattered on the hard ground.

The demon looked at me with interest, so I had to quickly remove my disguise and claim my rights as the owner of the ritual which all summoned demons supposed to obey. In addition, my aura of Order was supposed to repel the creatures of Chaos, for which an attempt to eat someone like me was like trying to eat a cactus - tasteless and needles do not allow you to chew normally.

Further bacchanalia could be described in one word - looting. The demons of Chaos devoured, consumed, and stole all images of the dream world that they could reach. They left only a black, shapeless mud that could swallow any dreamer who wandered into it. The demons didn't touch me. Moreover, in exchange for the summoning, I received some conditional 'right' to enter the world of Chaos. Now, if I find myself in this 'wonderful' place, at least I will not be devoured immediately, but a little later.

When the breakthrough of Chaos, I found myself again in the void next to the Being. It seems that in this game the winner has already been decided.

"Did you kill all dream demons?" – Being appealed to me with factitious claim. - "And other recruits, mentor, and even invisible observers who were supposed to evaluate your actions during the duel.”

"Well, anyway, ending will be same.” - I shrugged my shoulders. - "As they say, there should be only one survivor. I just sped up the denouement a little bit. Become proactive, so to speak.”

"Hmm, proactive.” - Being laughed. - "Well, I have a special task for someone as proactive as you. Appreciate my attention! Here, take this.” - In my direction flew a clot of light, which penetrated into depths of my soul where the parasite was sleeping peacefully, and hid between the tentacles of this creature. - "You will deliver this item to Eternal Seeress who lives in the city Ulthar in the world of dreams. This is payment for a service which she had provided. And don't fail! If you will success this task, you can get a reward.”

With that words, I was thrown into unknown distances, and again I felt that I was in a dream world, and in my mind shine the image of Ulthar - the city that the gods had chosen as a neutral territory, where their messengers could meet in peace and discuss important matters. Being put in my mind a knowledge about this city and how to behave in city.

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