《Graphomurk》Chapter 11.02 - A Nightmare on Elm Street



The next night, Tina once again was in the abandoned movie theater. She wandered along the corridors for a while, then entered a dark hall where there were many Alien eggs. Shuddering with horror, the girl went to one of the eggs. It opened its leathery flaps, but inside, to her surprise, was a Teddy bear. She pulled it out and pressed it to her chest. But the insidious toy rushed forward, grabbed Tina's head with its paws, then forcibly opened her mouth and shoved into something soft, elastic and warm. The girl at first thought that it was a man's penis, but when this thing slipped into her throat, she realized that it had just deposited a Xenomorph embryo.

Tearing off the 'exhausted' toy from her head, Tina tried to vomit, but it was not possible to get rid of the ‘embryo’ in such way. A second later, she forgot about the embryo inside her body, because there was a fully grown Alien nearby, who slowly and leisurely went in her direction. The girl immediately began to run away and hide. But the Alien found her again and again, so the race went on and on.

Running into one of the rooms, Tina found me - Freddy Krueger, bent over the torn corpse of an Alien. I also rushed to her and tried to chop her with my 'claws'. The girl ran away again, this time hiding from the two monsters. But she didn't manage to run like that for long, and in the next hall she has been catch up by an Alien and Freddy Krueger at the same time. But to her surprise, when I attacked, the Alien came to her defense. A bloody battle ensued, and as a result I was torn to pieces, although the Alien was also badly hurt.

Having dealt with the enemy, the Alien approached the exhausted girl and hissed something invitingly. She kept trying to figure out why the Alien wasn't trying to kill her, but a sharp pain in her chest reminded her that she was now an incubator for another Alien. It was obvious that the Alien had been chasing her all this time, not to kill her, but to protect its offspring. After a few seconds, chestburster chewed its way to freedom, and Tina woke up with a wild scream, finding a gnawed hole in her nightgown near her chest.

On the third night, the girl found herself in a large technical room with a lot of different equipment and furniture. But the main thing was not this, but the fact that there were dozens of cats in the room of varying degrees of kawai. The girl began to stroke them and hug them, but after a few minutes, when she almost relaxed, from the mouth of another kitten came out the larva of Alien.


The pleasant dream immediately turned into a nightmare, and Tina remembered the contents of previous dreams. She ran away, trying to find a way out, but every time she saw a cat, it yawned, and then someone else came out of its mouth. Sometimes it was not just chestburster, but already adult Aliens or facehuggers. But no matter in what form these creatures appeared, they immediately tried to attack Tina.

The girl finally found the door, opened it and ran into an empty room, in the center of which sat a cute puppy. With disbelief she started to walk around it in a circle, heading for the door at the other end of the room. Her worst expectations were fully met when the puppy yawned. Except this time Alien didn’t come out from its mouth, but Freddy Krueger himself. Yelling, the girl rushed to the exit. But as soon as she opened the door, she found another adult Alien, who immediately pierced her with its tail, and then bit off her face.

When she awoke with a wild scream, Tina inspected her room, filled with moonlight. All the horrors were behind her, and now she was safe in her home. But something was wrong. Suddenly, a scratching sound came from the door of her room. The girl got up, turned on the light, went to the door, and slowly opened it. There are sitting a cute kitten behind the door on the floor. It mewed loudly, and then the two-meter height Alien began to come out from kitten’s mouth.

With a wild scream Tina awoke again. But this time, for some reason, she was not at home, but in the school nurse's office, where a couple of beds were provided for sick students. Her bed was separated from most of the room by a white curtain. Suddenly, the silence of the night was broken by a soft clacking sound. Tina was horrified by recognizing the tread of an Alien whose claws made just such a sound. There was a creak of the open door, and Tina froze, trying not to breathe, so as not to give out of her presence to the predatory creature. It was doing something in the office, strumming and squeaking. What was going on there was not clear, but Tina had no desire to find out. After a moment, the curtain swayed and in one sharp movement slid aside, opening the view of the Alien dressed in a BDSM costume with a big bright pink dildo between its legs. Alien languidly licked its lip and Tina again screamed at the top of her voice and woke up.

That night, every time Tina woke up, she found herself in a new nightmare. Sometimes it was another delusional dream with monsters. Sometimes it was like a normal everyday reality, which quickly transformed to a bloody frenzy filled with Aliens and Freddy Krueger. In one real night, Tina had spent more than two months in the Dream world. By the time when she really woke up, she was a twitching psycho on the verge of insanity. No matter how she hid and tried to escape, each time it ended in a bloody painful death. During these two months, she never managed to 'live' more than two hours.


The next meeting of the club of maniacs took place at the same place. Even the cactus I created was present, though without the Jack the Ripper decoration. This time my appearance caused fear in the aforementioned Jack, whose eyes spontaneously turned to the only plant in the area. I looked around and noticed that this time there was no dude with a chainsaw among the participants of the meeting. But I didn't have time to think about it, because Baku appeared from the fog. The dream demon was clearly displeased with something and looked at us with undisguised annoyance.

“So, everyone is gathered. Your comrade Thomas Hewitt was unable to complete the task assigned to him. First, he before time killed all those who knew him in the real world, and second, he spent all his energy of Awareness, fell asleep and ended his miserable existence. Let this be a lesson for each of you." - The Monk looked to audience with a stern gaze. – “The next task will be to inflict a wound in a dream so that this wound appears in reality. When a person does not sleep for several days because of nightmares, the reality around him begins to resemble a dream. And in this state dream events can penetrate into the real world. You must learn this technique perfectly, because only this technique will allow you to truly kill your victim and get their soul.”

With these words Baku again examined us and dissolved in the fog. Again, I didn't stay to chat with my teammates, but left in English manner without saying goodbye.

In general, all this part-time creeping horror job started to annoy me, but I decided to really bring my ability to control dreams to a level that allows to influence reality.

Next three nights, Tina Gray was afraid to sleep, because each time she had nightmare with me if she tries to sleep. I could be the main character, I could play in minor roles, I could just watch from photos and posters. But in every dream, I was present in one form or another, plunging the poor girl into the depths of fear and madness.

On the fourth day, Tina arrived at school in a zombie-like state. She didn't respond to her friends' questions or jokes, and even ignored her boyfriend Rod Lane. He was already seriously worried about the health of his girlfriend, but his anxiety had not yet reached the level when you grab a person in your arms and drag them to the madhouse.

In history lesson, Tina fell asleep unnoticed, and then found herself in the same class, but instead of the students at the desks sat plush toys. At the same time, they all turned their heads and stared at her, then all of them jumped to bind her and deposit the Alien larva in her stomach. The girl screamed and woke up, continuing to scream. This made half of the class laugh and disturbed the other half.

When the lesson was over, Tina ran out into the hallway, and then into the street. She was followed by her friends and her lover. But even in the schoolyard, Tina couldn't feel calm. Before that, all her nightmares had taken place in confined spaces, so once she was in the open yard, she felt safe for a moment. But all this futile feeling disappeared without a trace when Tina saw a cat nearby, warming peacefully under the sun.

Tina looked at the cat. The cat looked at Tina. And then the cute animal yawned lazily. Only when she saw the opening mouth, the girl screamed loudly, fell to the ground and tried to protect herself from the unknown danger, covering herself with her hands. At the same time, she pissed herself, which convinced the school children watching her 'madness' that she was not all right.

The girl was surrounded, picked up under the arms and taken to the nurse's office. Tina could no longer resist, so she didn't notice being undressed, showered, put on the bed, and given a sedative injection. When she began to yawn, she realized that the drug was not only sedative, but also had the effect of a sleeping pill.

She immediately started to fight and demand that Rod Lane sit next to her and hold her hand. The guy had no choice but to agree. A few minutes later, the girl was plunged into a restless dream.

After a while, Tina realized she was asleep. Now she was in an empty school. Rushing to the window, she saw that there was a gray mist swirling outside the building, in which strange and dangerous images flashed. According to the already developed system, the girl went to the nearest classroom to hide there in the most secluded place. As the statistics showed that in such approach her may live longer.

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