《Graphomurk》Chapter 10.07 - Final Destination


In the year 2000, terrorists from Al-Qaeda were already making plans to carry out terrorist attacks in the United States. So, I helped them a little to get a thermonuclear bomb and codes to detonate it. When the terrorists attacked the military base, there was a technogenic accident, because of which the US military forces did not immediately realize that they are trying to rob thermonuclear bomb. By the time US military forces figured it out, the terrorists already had one hundred-megaton bomb and the launch codes of timer.

This failure immediately classified and raised all FBI and CIA forces, tasking them to search of the bomb. Only with my help, the terrorists were able to transport the bomb without hindrance and hide it in an abandoned factory near New York. They did not expect such a success, so they prepared to detonate a bomb and began negotiations about payment for this terrorist attack. After all, religion is a religion, but any business should bring money. And terrorism was just another type of business that allowed them to raise money under the pretext of doing God-pleasing things.

Meanwhile, Alex began to see strange dreams. In these dreams he was doing his own thing, and suddenly... died. The first two times, he didn't even know what was happening. And on the third night, he was able to realize that he was in a dream and managed to understand that he died from the explosion of a nuclear bomb. On the fourth night, he went in the direction of the explosion and was able to locate the bomb more accurately. When Alex awoke, he went back to sleep to see his dream again. He already understood that what he was seeing was not just a nightmare, but a future.

After dozen dreams, the guy was able to find the place where the bomb was located. It remained only to find out how to prevent its explosion. As always, Alex shared his thoughts with Clear. She offered to go to the police and tell them about the upcoming terrorist attack. The offer was so-so, because the clairvoyant believed that the police were hunting for him, but after another nightmare in which he was burned in a nuclear flame, he decided to 'open eyes' of the authorities, writing off his knowledge for the overheard conversation.

After school, the couple got into a car and drove to the police station. But as soon as Clear parked, Alex saw the near future, in which he begins to tell about his vision to a police officer, and immediately after that, a fuel truck drives into the station, after which they all burn up in a fire, although not nuclear, but still fire. After telling his girlfriend about this, he received an offer not to go inside, but to wait nearby. If the fuel truck explodes, they can just go to another station. And if not, they can go to this one, just a little later.


A couple of minutes later, a fuel truck past near the police station, and no accident occurs. Only after checking the future again, Alex saw that this time one of the detainees grabs a police officer's gun and starts shooting around, in result killing Clear. After that, Alex returned to the car and started over and over again to run through the options of the future, which are all subordinated to one idea: if he only tries to tell about the upcoming nuclear explosion, people around begin to die for various reasons.

Of course, they were just visions of future which I purposely showed to him. According to the terms of the assignment, I couldn't kill ordinary people. This restriction was only about reality. But in the unrealized lines of the future I could create anything, including explosion of thermonuclear bombs.

Alex didn't know how he'd fallen asleep as he ran through the probability lines. But this time he had a new dream. Same terrorists, whom he saw in the previous dreams, decided to take hostage visitors of a fashionable restaurant. And one of those visitors was Carter Horton. Then there was a shootout with the police, and all hostages died in the bomb explosion.

When Alex woke up, he immediately called to his friend’s telephone and found out that he was really in this restaurant. After that, Alex asked Clear to drive car to the restaurant, but to stay at a safe distance. Looking through the lines of probabilities, the prophet realized that he could only change the future with his own hands. If he told someone something or asked for something, the ending was unchanged, although some details of events changed. If he intervened personally, the explosion could be stopped.

In the end, Alex decided to personally intervene in the events. He just pushed one of the terrorists going to the scene, after which he fell and dropped the machine gun. The weapon was spotted by a policeman who immediately shot at a couple of terrorists, after which the other terrorists chose to sneak away from the scene. They were not arrested, but no one died from the restaurant visitors.

After making sure that Carter was not injured, Alex decided that he should personally prevent the terrorist attack with nuclear bomb to save the entire population of the city. At night, he set the alarm so that he woke him up every two hours, and then began to modeling of the future. So, he found out that most of the terrorists leave the city a few hours before the explosion. At this point, only a few fanatics remain near the bomb. In addition, by moving the dream events a day earlier, he was able to sneak up on the terrorist leaders and learn the code to cancel the bomb countdown. After that, in another viewing of the future version, he was able to get to the bomb and cancel the explosion without being noticed.


Confident in his own coolness, on the right day, Alex went to save the world, leaving his girlfriend at home. Using my gifted foresight of the future, he was able to get into the terrorists' lair, avoid all traps and mines, and reach the bomb.

The bomb itself was suspended on several cables low above the floor, and to stop the countdown timer, he had to crawl right under it and enter the code on the numeric keypad. But when he got to the 'super prize', Alex discovered that the bomb itself is a trap. If he enter the countdown cancellation code, hoist which lifted the bomb will be released, and the bomb will fell on the person who entered the code. No matter what he will do, he was only two simple options: either die in a thermonuclear explosion or die after entering the code, but saving the inhabitants of the city and his girlfriend.

After all of the moral torment, Alex put his head into the trap and entered the deactivation code. The bomb has been deactivated, and the prophet was smashed by its multi-ton structure.

I mentally wiped the sweat from my forehead and congratulated myself on my victory. The clairvoyant actually committed suicide, saving me from the trouble. After that, I activated the long-prepared chain of events, and the two remaining targets quickly went to the other world. Clear was hit in the head by a stray bullet fired from a sniper rifle during a mafia showdown a away, and Carter banally went into the elevator, went up to the 50th floor, after which the elevator cables broke off and it fell into the basement.

Once again making sure that all the people on the list are dead, I went to the Sariel. He was in the same room that seemed to be his office.

"Why are you here?" - Very embodiment of Holiness greeted me.

"I completed task.” - I said.

“What?” - He was surprised and began to do some magic. - "How could this happen? What have you done with this... Alex Browning? He was the chosen one and a natural Probability magician.”

“Well... I dropped a thermonuclear bomb on him.” - I answered.

"WHAT?!!” - Cherub yelled. – “I told you no nuclear explosions!!!”

"Well, I didn't explode it. Just dropped it from height of half a meter.”


The angel, apparently, was able to get the necessary records of events and began to study them. In front of him appeared a screen, in which played a video as from a surveillance camera, switching between different angles. After watching this movie to its climax, the angel turned his gaze to me.

"What if he couldn't prevent the explosion? Are you ready to destroy entire city and risk your fate to win?”

"Of course not. There was a defect in the timer of the microprocessor, so the countdown will be stopped on its own at the last second. And if this plan didn't work, I would have come up with something else. I had time more than a month.”

"All right, so be it. I confirm that the terms of the contract are fulfilled.” - The angel grumbled. - "And take back your figure out of here before he does something else."

A moment later, I was again in the void next to the Being.

"You're making progress." - It favorably nodded at me. – “To kill the enemy by dropping a thermonuclear bomb on him, and at the same time do not break the rules. Ha-ha. Looks like you've got talent.”

"Did you doubt it?" - I offended asked.

"Not at all. Ha-ha-ha.” - Being laughed. – “In general, considering your demonstrated skills, it is worth to send you to an educational institution for further training. You will study the course of a young fighter; pass the exam and you can once again prove to everyone that even a lame cockroach can win the race.”

With this exhortation, I was again pulled somewhere.

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