《Graphomurk》Chapter 10.06 - Final Destination


Alex's ability to avoid all my traps was that his 'voice of intuition' never conflicted with the 'voice of reason'. In other words, his behavior was a perfect example of 'emotionally unstable personality'. If he 'suddenly' stopped liking the street he was walking on, he simply turned aside or even turned back. If he felt 'danger' from some actions, he never tried to do them, even if it was required of him by others. And so on. In his behavior, he always followed the slightest emotional impulses. If it would help, I could easily arrange for him to go to the madhouse. But alas, such a 'place of residence' on the contrary reduced all versions of reality to one, in which Alex just rot in the room alone.

However, I had a plan to overcome this obstacle. There were many restrictions on what I couldn't do in the rules of the 'faithful ascended'. But one thing was perfectly acceptable, and it was, one might say, an official entrance into the world of the living. I could give mortals 'revelations', opening the veil of the mystery of existence. The main thing was not to reveal the secrets of the spirit world. Well, it should be taken into account that for such communication, the exalted could be questioned. And in the absence of sufficient reasons, punishment could follow. However, I had my reasons, so there were no obstacles to the implementation of this plan.

My 'genius plan' was simple, like all genius. Alex could foresee the future just by sensing the danger that was coming from it, but not understanding what was going on there. I gave him the ability to literally see the future with his own eyes, just like the Rat did. However, there were some details in which the 'devil' was hiding. He could only see the options for the future that I showed to him. Plus, he couldn't see 'node events' that could change the future with minimal effort. All he could do was make other decisions and take other actions.

The 'awakening' of this ability began with the frequent occurrence of a sense of 'deja vu'. Alex watched some events and realized that he had seen them before. A girl catching a ball. A hat torn off by a gust of wind. Unusual advertising outside the car window. This lasted for several days, and then he was able to see the future for a few seconds ahead. A week later, happy Alex could predict what would happen to him in the next couple of minutes.

In order to encourage the use of this ability, I began to cause minor troubles in Alex's life. Nothing dangerous, just annoying failures. Stumble here, waste ten bucks there, get insulted here. With the ability to see all these troubles and avoid them, Alex independently learned to change his fate and... follow my plan. It was like a rat learning to run in a maze, receiving a harmless but sensitive electric shock.


Of course, Alex shared information about this ability with Clear. She was happy for her boyfriend, but being more 'practical', she was able to find a more practical use for it than saving dogs from under the wheels of cars. By this point, the couple had already moved quite far in their relationship. Alex moved into Clear's house so that he could spend every night in bed with his chosen one. But an independent life required at least some money income, and Alex was somehow not adapted to work. Even as a cleaner, he managed to stay only a couple of days, because when your employed cleaner refuses to clean a section of the floor because he 'doesn't like' it, it raises unnecessary questions.

Anyway, Claire offered to go to the casino and win some money to keep her pants up. At first, Alex wasn't sure if it was possible to use his abilities like this, but after the engine broke down in their family car, he had to agree that they needed the money right here and now, and people went to casinos just to try to guess the future.

So, in next evening after school, the sweet couple decided to visit the nearest casino. Alex's intuition told him that there might be danger ahead, but since this was just one of the options for the future, and Claire was pulling him forward almost by the scruff of the neck, he let himself to be persuaded.

As soon as the guy walked through the front door of the casino, I gave him a version of the future where he wins fifty dollars just by throwing a coin into the slot machine. With my abilities, it was easy for me to arrange such win. Having received easy money on hand, the sweet couple naturally lost their heads. They ran from one slot machine to another, taking the winnings one more than the other. Half an hour later they were 'stuck' at the poker table, and then they got to the roulette table. The lucky ones did not have time to recover, as they won more than one and a half million dollars in an hour. And only the oppressive feeling of the approaching 'Arctic Fox' made Alex wake up from this carnival of madness and start searching for ways to escape.

At first, he decided to banally lose most of the money, making obviously losing bets. But he quickly became convinced that any of his actions... lead to a win. No matter what number he put on the roulette wheel, the ball always went there. Any slot machine gave out a jackpot on the first attempt, and the cards themselves went into the hands, folding into a royal-flash. By the time Alex realized that fate was playing against him, he had three million dollars chips on his hands. After all, he deliberately made big bets to lose faster.


It is quite natural that such luck could not please the owners of the casino. Especially given the fact that the 'management' of this institution was the New York mafia, which was not going to give their money to stray guests.

With shaking hands Alex went to the checkout, where they exchanged chips to money. Then he was asked his identity card and explained that he must be eighteen years old in order to win. Laughing nervously, Alex declared that he was still underage and refused to win. However, once caught in the sights of the mafia, it was not easy to stay alive. However, there was no need even for the hypothetical possibility that after another birthday this kid would come to the casino again to shake the owners out of everything to the last penny.

As luck would have it, Alex and Claire didn't have their own car, so they left the casino and tried to get a taxi. But when trying to get into one of them, Alex foresee that just a minute later he will be seized by strange armed individuals. After escaping from the persistent taxi driver, he plunged into the alleys, trying to throw off the tail. Using his ability to foresee the future, 'prophet' managed to hide from under the noses of the prowling mafia.

Unfortunately, my plan was not to rescue him, so fifteen minutes later he was at the exit of the underground parking lot. Ahead was a deserted street, and the foresight of the future gave Alex a vision of how one of the mobsters him with a gun shot in the back. When he tried to choose a future scenario where he dodged a shot, he found that in this case, the victim was Clear. He couldn't agree with that.

In fact, this is exactly the situation I was leading him to. He had to choose between saving himself and saving his beloved, and then die from a surplus of lead in the brain. But Alex was able to break out of the trap, destroying all my plans. Before that, he only ran away. Now he decided to attack. I only showed him the options of confrontation in which he dies, but he used his own intuition to find a way to salvation.

He took a pen from his pocket, clenched it in his fist, and lurked near the door. As soon as the first mafioso from the pursuing couple appeared in the aisle, Alex abruptly jumped out and stuck his 'weapon' directly into the artery. After that, he intercepted the hand with the gun, waited until the enemy was weak from loss of blood, then took the weapon and managed to shoot the second bandit, who just ran out of the garage. After finishing the first pursuer with a controlled shot to the head, the new-found killer rushed away, dragging the girl with him.

After about hundred meters, they came across a parked car with keys in the ignition. Without hesitation, Alex took the driver's seat and drove away. Ten minutes later, they abandoned the car that the police were already looking for and moved to the bus.

When he got home, Alex quarreled with Claire, accusing her of all this swagger, murders and car theft. While the lovers were sorting out the relationship, I decided to clean up the traces of my intervention. It was a situation where the 'foresight' of the future could not give out the option of salvation, and for a moment Alex simply stopped paying attention to it. I was not happy with this precedent, so I instilled in guy the idea that this was the future he saw, but he just didn't have time to go through all of options.

After this story, the students 'lay low', trying not to shine in front of the police, not to mention returning to the casino. And I 'cleaned up' their tracks, because in the situation where this couple was arrested, they ended up in prison, received beatings and sexual assault, but not death.

In general, this experience was considered successful. The clairvoyant himself climbed into the mouth of the tiger, after which he was able to escape only because of the imperfection of the trap. After all, it was too easy to deceive people. It was necessary to use the technique that was the worst succumbed to manipulation.

For the next two weeks, Alex lived the life of an ordinary schoolboy, while I plotted the lines of probabilities, setting up another trick. Too much Chaos in the material world led to incredible and absurd events. I decided to use this pattern and initially set up a plan in which the absurdity will be brought to the maximum.

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