《Graphomurk》Chapter 10.05 - Final Destination


Somehow reaching the nightstand, the guy took out his cell phone and dialed the number of his classmate Billy Hitchcock. They weren't friends, but Billy was the only one he could ask for help. He couldn't beg to save this sucker Alex or his girlfriend Clear. After a long minute of ringing, when Carter was almost desperate, Billy picked up the phone. He swore profanely, but promised to come and help, especially since he lived not so far from the hospital.

Ten minutes later, the door to the room opened abruptly, and a figure in a long, shapeless cloak and hood appeared in the doorway. A dark liquid dripped from the cloak, and a flash of lightning highlighted an axe in the visitor’s right hand, which he was holding up. Carter's mind was once again subjected to peak stress, which caused him to scream, releasing the horror that engulfed him.

"Why are you yelling?" - He heard a question asked by a familiar voice. A light switch clicked, and the figure turned out to be Billy Hitchcock.

"Damn it! I almost broke my heart. Why do you need an axe?” - Carter shouted.

"I looked at your window today and noticed it was broken. So, I decided to grab some repair tools.”

With these words, Billy held up a large plastic briefcase in his left hand. Without undressing, he walked across the room, bypassed the bed and reached the window. It took him a couple of seconds to remove the scalpel, then the window opened again, letting in the cold wind and raindrops.

"Put it aside. Over there, on the nightstand.” - Carter said. The nightstand was the only piece of furniture in the room except for the bed, so there was no special choice.

Billy chuckled and walked to the designated spot and back. After that, he opened a briefcase filled with various tools and began to tinker over the window, intending to close the largest gap with a wooden plank and replace the broken latch.

But before he could begin to repair it, the nurse from the day before burst into the room.

"Who are you and what the hell are you doing here?" - She shouted, heading to Billy.

"I'm Billy. Carter called me to fix the window.” - He tried to explain, but the woman, apparently, was not in a mood to find a compromise.

"You have no right to fix that window. Get out of here, or I'll call the police.”


"Lady, calm down.” - The patient tried to intervene. - "Your hospital has an obligation to provide me with normal conditions of stay. If you don't let me fix the window, I'll sue you in the court."

"I don't give a shit! Get out of here, you filthy pervert.”

With these words, the nurse punched Billy in the chest. He didn't expect such a physical assault, so he lost his balance. Unfortunately, at that moment he slipped on a puddle that ran out of the open window, fell back, and reflexively kicked the nurse, sending her into the flight to the front door.

"Oh, sorry.”

The guy rushed to help woman, but she perceived his movement as a desire to finish off, so in response, she kicked him with two legs. Billy, once again not expecting such an attitude from her, flew back and collapsed on the bed, one at a time running into the stretcher system for a broken leg. Fragile structure could not withstand such treatment and began to fall apart along with the rusted bed. Carter flew to the floor, yanking the counterweight system with his broken leg. The weight swung dangerously again, trying to break Billy's head. Billy had no choice but to jump forward again, bumping into the crazy nurse.

The woman finally became convinced that the man in the cloak wants to kill her. In addition, she noticed an axe standing on the nightstand, which further convinced her of the correctness of this assumption. So, when the guy collapsed directly on her, pinning her body to the floor, she did not hesitate for a second to grab the scalpel that fell to the floor and began to stab them in the throat of the maniac, not allowing him to come to his senses.

Carter was lying on the floor, screaming from the pain of his re-broken leg. But when he looked to the side, he saw the crazy nurse repeatedly stab Billy in the throat with a scalpel held in her right hand. The guy had almost stopped twitching, but the crazy bitch continued to stab again and again. Realizing the dangerous situation, Carter shut up, stifling a groan so as not to attract the killer's attention. And then he saw the 'panic button', which was supposed to be in each room in case the patient becomes ill. Except in his room, some idiot had placed it near the floor, so he'd only just discovered it. Pressing the red button until it stopped, the guy began to pray to all gods, hoping that it worked and the wiring did not rot, like everything else in this hospital.


Half a minute later, there was the sound of footsteps in the corridor. The door swung open, and another nurse witnessed the bloody scene. She screamed, then ran away. Carter had already given up all hope of rescue, but a minute later security and several paramedics broke into the room, who dragged crazy nurse from the already dead body and tied her hands and feet. From his seat, Carter saw Billy's head almost separated from his body, and the scalpel lying on the floor in a puddle of blood. A mask of surprise and fear froze on the victim's face. Unable to resist, Carter sobbed in full voice, attracting attention.

As I expected, Billy Hitchcock was killed by a crazy bitch. In fact, Elizabeth Cole was not a nurse, but a patient of a madhouse. This morning, she was stricken by a colitis attack which was mistakenly diagnosed as an inflammation of appendicitis, which led to her being transported from a madhouse to a regular clinic. Here they performed a full diagnosis of her body, diagnosed colitis and left the patient in a separate room.

Elizabeth was not considered dangerous to society, so security measures were limited to her being locked in a room with bars on the windows. But the unusual patient was not reported to the doctor who made the evening shift, so he simply forgot to lock the door after leaving. As a result, in the evening, the crazy bitch got out, climbed into the resident's room and put on a nurse's robe, then went to 'watch patients', presenting herself as a doctor and head of the clinic. Further events and the 'maniac attack' tore the last gears in her head, which resulted in a fit of anger and a disfigured corpse.

The murdering, of course, could not be hidden, and all bumps fell on the hospital staff. Carter had a second operation on his leg, after which he was transported to the best clinic in the city, where he was in a VIP room under the constant supervision of doctors. In such an environment, it was impossible to even dream of setting up an accident. I looked at the probability lines of the future, but in all cases, doctors were able to help to Carter. Even if he fell into a coma, technically he was still alive, so the mission threatened to fail.

For the next month, I observed the lives of the three remaining 'clients', limiting myself only to predicting their possible future. As I said, Carter was safe. But Alex and his girlfriend Clear gradually more and more developed their foresight of the future, which made them almost invulnerable to my influence.

The funny thing is, I could foresee their foresight of the future. It required some tension on my part, but in general it was possible. But this couple was not limited to the requirements of the 'inconspicuous' impact on reality. They banally committed some actions that took them out of the attack. If I caused an accident in one place, they just went to another. If I set up a 'random' fall of the cabinet on their head, then they in advance found a broken leg of furniture, and so on.

On any ‘move’ I made, they immediately came up with their own 'counter-move', completely neutralizing my impact. But what infuriated me most was the fact that Alex was ruining my plans without even noticing it. He simply followed his intuition, which 'miraculously' led him past all the dangers. And Clear went to this clairvoyant as a free app. She was constantly near him, and she also possessed some abilities to perceive the future.

So, I spent the next month making crazy plans that were never going to come true. Nothing dangerous or unusual has happened to the trio this month, because I have limited myself to predicting the future. In the end, it became clear to me that the current approach had outlived its usefulness. I had to deal with Alex first. After that, I could engage with Clear and Carter’s death. The time allotted to me for the task was running out, so I had to hurry.

Fortunately, Carter was released from the hospital after month. He was still walking with his leg plastered, but at least he was no longer under the 24/7 supervision of doctors who were ready to bring him back from the hell at any time of the day or night. But I decided to leave this ‘idiot' as a desert, and first of all focus on the main 'pest'.

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