《Graphomurk》Chapter 10.02 - Final Destination


After installing the ladder and getting to the desired paper, Tod shifted the center of gravity of the entire structure too much, which caused the board, on which one of the legs of the ladder peed, cracked and fell down. The guy staggered, but managed to grab the shelf of the pantry, restoring balance. After looking at the cracked floor, he decided to jump down the stairs a little further to get to the 'whole' floor. To his surprise, this is exactly what I was counting on. The boards that couldn't stand such load and broke, and Tod fell right into the basement.

The fall did not kill Tod, but partially stunned. In addition, the floor below was covered with several centimeters of water, so that the mud filled his eyes, forcing him to wave his arms and legs in an attempt to figure out where he was. One of these swings grazed the overhanging planks, which caused the ladder to topple over. She fell to the floor of the room, grazing an axe that was lying unsuccessfully on the edge of a shelf in the second storeroom. The axe slid down, slipped along the sloping floor, and fell into the basement, hitting with blade directly on Tod's neck. It wasn't exactly a beheading, but it was enough for the guy.

I checked off him from list with satisfaction and drew attention to Alex's actions. Controlling all the lines of probabilities in Tod's house consumed all my attention, so I could not distract myself. Clairvoyant at this time sat at home and tried to find information on the internet about the causes of the explosion of the plane. As I have already said, the effect on the probability lines had many side effects, and one of these effects appeared next to Alex as a 'sign of fate'. The persistent pigeon started knocking on the schoolboy's window. He threw a newspaper at the bird, which flew off the window and hit the working fan. The fan immediately tore up the prey that came to her, and one of the pieces of paper flew a couple of meters and stuck to the guy right on the forehead. And when he peeled off a sticky piece of newspaper, he could read three letters on it: Tod.

The guy correctly understood this sign and immediately rushed to the house of his friend. Alex didn't have an own car, and he lived quite far away. So, by the time he was able to get to the right house, his best friend was already being loaded into a body truck. After all, the newspaper event happened half an hour after Todd's death, when the police and rescue teams were already swarming around him.


After looking at the sobbing Waggner couple and the black body bag, Alex came to the right conclusion without even asking what had happened. And a little to the side, he noticed his classmate Clear Rivers. This girl also had a developed intuition, so she could sense a threat to Tod. Fortunately, her 'foresee ability' came too late for her to be able to influence anything. Alex and Clear met and went to a nearby cafe to discuss the sad news.

The exact circumstances of the death were unknown to the couple, so they decided to visit the police station to find out the answer to this question. The investigator, of course, didn't tell them anything specific, but assured them that it was an accident, so they don't need to worry.

The words 'accident' fell into Alex's soul, so he immediately made sure that this death was not accidental. In general, he was right, but I was not very happy with his insight. I had already found out how a clairvoyant reacted to a threat against his friends, and now I had to understand how much he could interfere against my plans. Besides, Tod was his best friend, so the guy really worried about him. But would he feel threat to someone who was nothing more than a casual acquaintance?

I planned the next 'death operation' in a couple of days. I prepared it in advance, so now all I had to do was watch the events and make sure everything went according to plan. Alex was an ordinary person most of the time, so his actions were as predictable as anyone else's.

This time the chain of events began to weave in the middle of Sunday afternoon, when Alex and Claire decided to meet in a cafe in the center of the city to once again discuss the threat from unknown forces. The sweet couple were sitting at a table outside, drinking coffee. Five minutes before the 'moment x', Alex felt anxious beyond what he had felt in recent days. I monitored him closely, so I didn’t miss this event.

While Alex was talking about how the fate of people is predetermined and leads them to certain death, which they can still try to avoid, next to the cafe passed in the car Carter Horton with his girlfriend Terry Chaney. A little way off, Billy Hitchcock was riding a bicycle. In the same cafe 'unexpectedly' was a teacher Valerie Lewton, now in a deep depression and about to leave the city, where everything reminded her a death of more than forty of her students and fellow teachers.


Carter saw 'shaggy' Alex talking to the beautiful Clear, and could not pass by without causing a scandal and accusing his savior for the plane crash. Like Tod's parents, he believed that the one who says about the problem is responsible for it. After turning the car around and nearly hitting Billy Hitchcock, Carter stopped next to the cafe, got out of the car, and started bulling Alex. At the same time, the teacher left the cafe and ran into her students.

"Hey, loser, are you still alive? I see we have a whole meeting here. Mrs. Newton, I hear you're leaving. Alex, this is all your fault. All these people died because of you.”

“No. Stop!” - The clairvoyant began to justify himself. - "We are all in danger. I must to tell...”

"Shut up!" - Carter snapped. - "It's you..."

"Stop it, both of you!" – Terry Chaney raged, interrupting the skirmish.

To a large extent, the scandal was provoked by the fact that Carter could not 'allow' to some sucker to build a relationship with a girl, which he would have been happy to 'blow her', if not already existing 'girlfriend'. Terry subconsciously felt that her boyfriend was paying Clear too much attention. In addition, she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown after this disaster, so now Terry decided to make a scandal.

"They are dead and we are alive. Life goes on. I will not allow this plane crash to become the most important event of my life. Is it clear? I'll move on, Carter. And if you want, you can spend your life fighting with Alex every time you see him. If you want go and die!”

During her emphatic speech, Terri stepped out onto the road, ignoring the bus that was rushing toward her. But Alex, whose anxious feeling had reached its peak, rushed forward and literally pulled out the girl from under the wheels of the car. The loud bang of the bus wheels on the sewer hatch sounded like a pistol shot, taking all those present out of the stupor state.

"Terry, are you all right?" - Alex asked the girl.

"I ... Yes." – She required few seconds to realize that she had just been on the verge of death.

"It's all your fault!" - Carter began another bully, trying to hide his fear behind aggression.

"You're in danger!!!” - Alex shouted back, interrupting the torrent of accusations. - "Death is hunting us. You saw yourself that Terri almost died. We need to be careful to be able to change our fate in time.” - He began to present his 'plan' to counteract my plan.

"Fate?!” - Carter soared, losing the remnants of calm. - "My fate depends on me. No one can tell me what to do or where to go. Especially you!”

Pointing an 'accusing finger' at Alex, Carter paused, taking a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his pocket. Taking a cigarette in his mouth, he chirped a lighter, but it did not want to light up. Chirping the second time with the same result. It was only for the third time that the lighter erupted, giving an unexpectedly large flame. The guy sucked his cigarette, blew the smoke straight into Alex's face, and walked backward toward the road where his girlfriend had almost died a minute ago.

"I control my own fate. Are you see?” - Carter stepped on the road, defiantly not looking around. However, in fact, he closely monitored the approaching car in the reflection of the glass door of the café

"Carter, stop!” - Terry shouted.

"Carter!” - The teacher, who was also watching the approaching car, became agitated.

"Even Death can't control me...” - The frostbitten brawler shouted. But before he could finish his sentence, two things happened.

The car at full speed drove past the guy, who at that moment was standing next to the dividing strip of the road. At the same time, he took a step back and stepped on a sewer manhole in the middle of the road. A bus that had recently passed at full speed broke the lid-holding vault of the manhole hatch, and now this lid has slid under the foot of the 'master of his destiny', opening a direct path into the depths of the sewer. Carter screamed and fell straight into the sewer, and the manhole cover closed tightly, cutting him off from the sun and the startled eyes of the witnesses.

But the misadventures of the school bully did not end there. A large amount of methane accumulated in the sewer at this moment, which ignited from contact with a lit cigarette. It wasn't exactly an explosion, but the clap caused an instant increase in pressure in the sewer, causing the manhole cover to fly up into the sky, accompanied by a colorful flame.

"Carter!” – Terry shouted, rushing forward. She got down on all fours and looked into the sewer. - "Are you ok?"

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