《Graphomurk》Chapter 9.16 Evangelion


With these words, I began to dissolve in space, pretending to be a Cheshire cat.

“No! Wait!!! You promised!” - Shinji screamed, realizing the depth of the ass in which he located. - "I'll do anything. Whatever you want! Just save me!!!

“Anything?” - I smiled, returning to visible form. - "Then you will need to do the following...”

Meanwhile, in the depths of the Geofront, another ritual took place in the Terminal Dogma room next to the crucified body of the angel Lilith. Ikari Gendo was standing in front of a naked Ayanami Rei with Adam's embryo implanted in his arm. Now they were going to merge with each other in an unnatural ritual, after which the hybrid of Adam and Lilith under Gendo's control would interfere it the ritual the sacrifice of mankind and make Ikari Gendo a God. But then I intervened again.

In the canon, Rei went through the procedure of corrupting her consciousness with a depressive Asuka, as a result of which she decided to give herself not to Gendo, but to his son Shinji. In this world, this did not happen, because Gendo carefully protected his ticket to the world of the gods from outside contacts. But just a few seconds before the crucial moment, another character appeared on the scene.

Katsuragi Misato forgotten by all, whose actions were now controlled by the succubus Mesucko, emerged from the pool of LCL behind Rei's back and cast a simple spell of the magic marking. The spell itself could do nothing. But it served as a beacon for another succubus to break into our reality.

Yamirei used her connection with Shinji to return to this world on her own. Moreover, as soon as she left the portal, she entered Ayanami Rei's body and again suppressed her primitive consciousness. After all, the succubus long time controlled her body, so she long ago figured out where Rei has vulnerabilities, and how she can be captured with a minimum of effort. After that, it was not Rei, but Yamirei grabbed Gendo's hand and snatched Adam's embryo from him.

With a mad smile, the succubus flew into the air, heading to the body of Lilith - the real angel who gave birth to humanity. Now this body had no soul, because Lilith's soul was divided into individual human souls. Well, at least that's what the Dead Sea Scrolls said. But the succubus was not interested in all this metaphysical nonsense. She merged with the angel's body and took complete control of it. As a demon, she was not very strong, but now only Ayanami Rei's soul could compete with her, which was too passive for a real battle of minds.

Leaving Gendo to stand with a stunned view in the company of Mesucko and Ikari Yui, Yamirei used Lilith's ability to become immaterial to escape from Terminal Dogma and soar into the sky, where the ritual was about to begin.

When I studied the SEELE documents, I came to the conclusion that I could not change the ritual scheme in such a way as to achieve the desired result. But I knew what I had to do to stop the ritual, while simultaneously paralyzing all the participants except Shinji. Now Yamirei was using the magic formula she had learned, and the drawing of the Sephiroth Tree turned into a wild jumble of lines that made no sense. After that, the succubus flew to Eve-01 and implanted the embryo of Adam in Shinji's body. And then the initiative was taken by the game figure instructed by me

Shinji used all his magical powers and Eva-01 powers to activate a new ritual in which all people on the planet were to be victims, as well as all serial Evangelions hovering around. The glowing lines formed a new pattern, and the new ritual was activated.


All 1.5 billion people on Earth simultaneously transformed into LCL, and their souls rushed to the focal point of the ritual. Eva-01 had a body similar to Lilith's, and therefore had power over the souls of all people in this world. All this flow of human souls passed through the ritual circle, and then was absorbed by the soul of Shinji. In fact, this could be called not merging, but devouring of souls. All their personalities were erased, and their spiritual shells were absorbed by Shinji's soul.

At the same time, the ritual started to change the very essence of the soul of nascent God. The faith, feelings, and suffering of the sacrificed people generated powerful streams of Bahion, which were used to transform Shinji into cross of an angel and a demon.

At the same time, the power of the ritual subdued all serial Evangelions and forced them to merge with Yamirei, strengthening Lilith's body. As a result, male and female gods were being born, whose fates were bound by a spiritual contract.

I have observed this process, satisfied with the work that has been done well. In addition, I was now watching how Shinji's soul was changing, gaining the power of angels and demons, and I was convinced that the decision not to create 'tails' with these energies was the right one.

The power of demons in this reality was the embodiment of Chaos itself, while the power of angels was the manifestation of Order. Although it looked as if the two types of magic required a corresponding amount of energy to work, in fact there was no energy.

The material world was a combination of the laws of the universe and information about existing objects in the world. Only thanks to the laws of physics material objects had different qualities and characteristics. In contrast, the world of Chaos was the true embodiment of the concept of 'lawlessness'. There were no laws, rules and restrictions. So, when the portal to the world of Chaos opened, the Laws of the material world began to 'flow' into this hole, forming an area of 'reduced concentration of the laws of nature'.

The magician of Chaos could control the process of 'destroying' of laws, thereby changing the behavior of surrounding objects. He could deprive an object of its obligation to obey the laws of gravity. Or 'disable' the law of conservation of energy and create a fireball from nothing. With enough experience, it was possible to disable some laws, forcing those that balanced them to work ‘strenuously’.

Alas, this kind of magic had its price. Along with the laws of the universe, information about the world flowed into Chaos. In other words, any object could be 'sucked in'. And not entirely, but only partially. For example, a person could lose the ability to walk. Or the ability to perceive the world around him. Or all the bones in his body could just disappear. In general, a lot of different things could happen, and it was impossible to control this process. After all, it was the magic of Chaos

Well, the most 'interesting' was the limited 'capacity' of the material world. In other words, the number of laws was limited, and too much and frequent use of Chaos magic would finally exhaust the laws of the material world, turning it into Chaos itself. Such a phenomenon could be called a 'breakthrough of Chaos'. Of course, the world had a way of dealing with such phenomena. After some time, the entire 'bitten' area of space collapsed, sending the vicinity of the break into the depths of Chaos and leaving a scar on the 'tissue of the universe', pulling the edges of the gap.


In contrast, magic of the Order worked by opening portals to a world of Order where there were far more laws than necessary. To be honest, there were so many laws that it was basically impossible to live in this world. After all, every law was in fact some kind of restriction. Each restriction somehow reduced the object's mobility and the number of states available to it. In the end, with too many laws, the entire universe may crystallize and all movement would stop. But movement - is life.

Angels could 'pull out' from their world new laws of nature that allowed them to perform all sorts of miracles. But in return, they constantly received some strange qualities and characteristics that were almost impossible to get rid of.

The combination of chaos and order forces in one body might seem like a solution to the problems of both types of magic, but in reality, only the negative sides were summed up. The magician in this case turned into a real 'drain hole', through which the laws of the universe constantly flowed. At the same time, there was no real way to control this process, so the magician may constantly lose 'parts of himself' in the Chaos, in return receiving all the garbage from the world of Order. In this case, the concept of 'life' meant 'eternal variability', but who likes to wake up every morning and try to figure out what type proboscis has grown on your ass or why everyone around you begins to flatten into bloody mincemeat just from your presence.

In general, I had no desire to contact with these forces on a permanent basis. But I have developed spells based on magic, chakras and psionics that allow me to open a portal to the world of Chaos or Order at any time and start working with it, keeping safety precautions.

Now in the material world, Shinji just experienced all the delights of emergency pumping large 'volumes' of the laws of the universe through his body. Following my instructions, he voluntarily agreed to devour the souls of all people on Earth. It took a lot of energy to performs this ritual. Bahion would be not enough for this, so I compensated the deficit with 'laws' of Order and Chaos.

Under the influence of the ritual, Shinji's body began to change. The demon in Eve-01 spat out his 'employer' and hid not far away, also interested in watching the spontaneous transformation. Most of the changes were related to the internal qualities and properties of the body, but there were also purely external ones. Shinji had horns and tentacles, a nimbus, and the aura of a celestial being.

Finally, the ritual was over, and the rampage of energies dried up. Shinji hung in the air, gradually regaining consciousness. Yamirei reduced her body size and changed her appearance to look like Ayanami Rei. Shinji opened his eyes, saw his love, and immediately hugged her. Memories of having sex with Rei at Misato's apartment surfaced in his mind, and his new body automatically changed shape to match them.

"Rei!” - Shinji whispered, hugging the girl's naked body.

“Shinji.” - She answered breathlessly, smiling slyly until no one could see her face.

The two bodies, which merged in ecstasy, began to gradually sink down until they reached the ground. Although nature in Geofront suffered, the grass was mostly only pressed to the ground by the carcasses of the Evangelion. Now all the bodies and blood were gone, so next to this couple was almost a pastoral landscape, and prepossessing to have sex in the bosom of nature.

But when the new gods started this interesting activity, there was a rumbling, a metallic screech, and the sound of the fall of something heavy.

"Damn, did they even assume that the pilot might need to open the capsule from the inside?" Asuka's dissatisfied voice rang out.

I turned my otherworldly gaze on her and saw that she was not injured. A second later, I got an understanding of how she could have survived. I excluded from the ritual the absorption of all the people inside Eve and all the Eves inside which were people. According to my calculations, only Shinji and Eve-01 were supposed to fall under these conditions. But as it turned out, Eve-02 and Asuka also safely slipped through the needle eye of the ritual.

Shinji and Yamirei turned their heads and stared at the troublemaker.

“Shinji?” - Asuka identified the former pilot. - "What's going on here? And stop hugging and pretending unearthly passion. I'm jealous.”

The last words she uttered a little quieter, but clearly.

"Do you want to have sex with me?" - Shinji asked innocently, smiling openly. He didn't usually act like this, but the whole situation seemed strange to Asuka, so she didn't pay any attention to it. But in vain.

“Yes. I want to!” - She openly acknowledged her desires, critically examining the not very muscular body of the teenager

"Wonderful! Then I will make you the mother of a new humanity.”

Shinji uttered this phrase with an unexpectedly low rumble bass. His skin darkened, gaining a golden ebb, dozen tentacles sprouted from his back, and a halo shone over his head. Asuka was not even able to say ‘meow’, as Shinji’s tentacles tied her up, stripped her clothes and began to fuck in all possible ways and even a couple impossible, for which around her temporarily changed the laws of the universe.

I was about to enjoy an unforgettable sight but I was yanked out from this world, and once again I found myself in the void alone with the Being.

"What are mess you doing here?" - Being unhappily asked me. Next to him in space hung a 'TV', in which was visible picture of how Shinji fucking both Asuka and Rei, using all his divine capabilities. – “This show should have a PG-13 rating.”

“I have brought this story as well as I could in accordance with the canon.” - Actually, Asuka didn't figure in my plans, but how I can tell about this to the customer? Well, I will consider this not a bug, but a feature.

"What canon? Why is Shinji alive and healthy?” – Being become angry, however, watching the 'divine level of perversion' porn with interest.

“How is it not correct?” - I surprised. – “The series 'Neon Genesis Evangelion' and its ending 'The End of Evangelion'.”

“There was no such ending.” - Being calmed down a little bit. - "It's all apocrypha and pure heresy! In the true canon, all humanity merged into a single consciousness, and then happily self-destructed. What am I supposed to do with this 'God' now?”

The question was clearly rhetorical, but I decided to voice my own 'special opinion'.

“Just send him to hentai anime with magician girls to work as a tentacle monster”

"Hmm... that's interesting an idea.” – Being interested by idea. - "Well, what about these demons? From where did you find them?”

“What's wrong with them?” - I surprised. I examined Yamirei and hovering nearby Eve-01. – “I used the standard ritual of opening a portal to the nearest world of demons.”

“And of course, you tied the terms of the contract with the successful completion of the game?” - Being asked with an unrecognizable emotion in its voice.

“Of course. How else could I make them obey to me?”

Being sighed heavily and looked to the porn video at the screen again.

"Okay, then I’ll have to admit that you won the game. Dirty cheater.”

"What?" - I was surprised. But there were no clear explanations from the Being.

"In the future, you should know that the result of this ritual depends not only on the world, but also on who performs it. So, you will always have a passage to the world of Chaos. Okay, never mind.”

The screen went blank, and we were again suspended in a void where there were no concept of time or space. By the way, this place is too much look like a world of Chaos. But it's a little more comfortable and there are no creatures that wants to eat me alive.

"Well, while I'm thinking about what to do with you, there's a little side job for you.” - Being shared its plans. - "If you succeed, you can count on a promotion."

“Raising of bids?” - I asked skeptically.

"You're so smart." - Being grinned maliciously. - "That's why I like you. In general, you will meet with the customer and perform one of his tasks. It is easy job for you, so, there shouldn't be a problem.”

Immediately after this phrase, I was pulled in an unknown direction and swirled in a whirlpool of Chaos energies.

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