《Graphomurk》Chapter 9.15 Evangelion


Realizing this, Shinji came to indescribable anger and with bare hand tore out Akagi’s heart from breast, and then sacrificed her to the demons with demand inflict to her as much suffering as possible. Shinji's inner dissatisfaction after this incident only increased, so he went back to his apartment and lay down on the bed, dreaming of just falling asleep and never waking up.

Meanwhile, Asuka finally realized her insignificance as a person and as a pilot. Also, she finally realized that her actions were controlled by a demon, because as soon as she wanted to tell someone about what kind of perversion Shinji was doing with Misato, she immediately felt her throat paralyzed. In the end, the girl just went into a binge, finding a flock of homeless people in the suburbs and nailing to them. There, she gave herself to everyone for a dose of drugs and booze. Her life had reached the bottom, and like Shinji, she only wanted to die.

However, for a long time she was not allowed to have fun, and a week later she was caught by the NERV security service, and then once again put in a solitary confinement cell.

And the next day Nagisa Kaoru arrived to the Geofront, who was supposed to be the new pilot of Eve-02 instead of Asuka. The Fifth Child immediately showed up at the Eve control center, where he began to get acquainted with everyone and poke his nose into all cracks. Even Shinji crawled out of his lair to see this rare beast. He looked at the guy who looked suspiciously like Rei with a bleary eye, and then some suspicions crept into his head.

Kaoru in his energy, strongly resembled an angel. If Rei was only remotely similar to this life form due to her body, then Kaoru's body hid a miniature, but full-fledged angel core. And traces of his work could not pass by the attention of Shinji, who felt such power every time he came into contact with Eve-01. Even now he possessed this power, since his soul merged with the fragments of the angel's soul.

Meanwhile, Nagisa Kaoru began actively inciting wedges to Shinji asking for him in friends. Or even not as friends, but as partners with a much closer relationship. Only suspecting this, Shinji immediately asked a direct question.

"Nagisa-kun, are you faggot?" - From the emotions in Shinji's voice, it was impossible to tell what he was thinking, so the faggot angel immediately confessed everything.

"Yes, of course. And I like you. Tell me, Shinji, do you prefer to be a dominant or a submissive?”

In response to these words, the heart of the Third Child simply began to swell with overflowing fury. Although Shinji was a sucker and henpecked, in his mind he considered himself as a great macho and conqueror of women's hearts. So, when he was explicitly asked to engage in such a perversion, the remnants of his morals reacted with grief of loss of Yamirei and were compounded by the perception of Kaoru as an angel.


As a result, with the roar ‘Death to faggots!' Shinji instantly blocked all abilities of the angel who did not expect such a setup, then activated the sacrifice ritual and fed the pervert to the most terrible demons he could remember. What's most interesting is that he did all this on his own instincts without any help from me or the demon in Eve-01. So, the last of the angels perished, and the war with them ended nominally.

Not immediately, but after about a couple of hours SEELE learned about the destruction of the last angel which was created by them, and on their orders sent to NERV. Convinced of his death, they ordered the beginning of the final phase of the Human Instrumentation Project. According to this project, Eve-01 as the heiress of Lilith was to 'mate' with nine serial Eves made from the flesh of Adam, after which the 'fruit of wisdom' will be appear. All humanity had to merge into a single soul, lose their identity, and then achieve some 'perfection' and 'absolute happiness'. Well, at least that's what was written in some crazy prophecies written in ancient scrolls found by heretics in the Dead Sea area of Israel.

In general, the plan was so-so and I was not satisfied with the fact that the ritual with the use of Evangelions took place according to some strange scheme of ritual magic, with which I was not familiar. So, I couldn't predict what would actually happen if the ritual was activated. And accordingly, I cannot say how this ritual can be influenced to achieve the desired result. Therefore, in my plans was to hold a completely different event, with a clearly guaranteed final

The attack on the NERV headquarters began with an attempt to hack into MAGI computers using five similar MAGI backup systems located in different countries. But the three Central computers in our MAGI were no longer 'artificial intelligence'. Their intelligence was the natural intelligence of demons of knowledge, able to foresee future events even in the eternal Chaos. In general, it required to the demons only a couple of minutes to reverse hack into all the enemy's computers and activate their self-destruct system.

Realizing that there would not be easy solutions, SEELE gave the command to launch a regular assault to the Geofront using the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and UN assault squads. That's just this idea failed miserably. At my command, Shinji performed a ritual after which the entire remaining population of Tokyo-3, with the exception of the staff at headquarters, began to turn into demons. It wasn't just an obsession. Under the influence of Chaos magic, people's bodies changed, and in just a few seconds they turned into invulnerable monsters whose only desire was to devour everything that had a human soul in it. As a result, the entire UN army infiltrated the Geofront, after which... they disappeared without a trace, leaving only records of wild wails in radio interception systems.


To suppress the resistance the army of demons, the human army began mass bombing of the Geofront with the help of artillery and aircraft. Even N2 bombs were used. In response to this, Shinji sent Asuka to deal with the 'little things'. Of course, it was a little less than useless at the moment, but we just needed her to have at least one pilot in the contact capsule, so that events would conform to the canon. So Asuka has been banally stuffed into capsule, inserted that in Eve-02, after which the demon took control and went to waste the enemies.

Even the rather frail Eve-02 was able to destroy all the enemy troops without the slightest effort. After all, conventional weapons couldn't even hurt her. Even the massive bombing of Tokyo-3, which broke through the 'roof ' of the Geofront, could not cause any harm to Eve.

However, SEELE was not upset by this failure. In the end, this whole operation was just supposed to distract the attention of the NERV staff. And the real shock force was the nine serial Evangelions, which had an S2 engine that gave them an infinite amount of power.

Nine Evangelists, able to fly and armed with replicas of the Spears of Longinus descended from the sky and attacked the lone Eve-02. And here it became clear that SEELE was able to surpass the characteristics of Eve from the canon, creating a truly formidable weapon. Even strengthened by the demon, Eve-02 could not resist the opponents. Not the least role in this was played by the Spears of Longinus, which banally blocked the forces of Eve-02, after which it was literally torn apart. In general, the demon and the central core of Eve survived, but as a combat unit, Eve-02 was lost for at least a couple of hours.

At this time, Shinji sat in Gendo's office on a throne made of human skulls and watched the fight with an irritated expression.

"Useless bitch.” - He commented Eve's defeat. Although the battle was led by a demon, he considered Asuka as guilty of defeat. After all, it was her fault that she couldn't control the robot.

A second later, Shinji teleported inside the body of Eve-01 and gave the command to the demon to go into battle. Right now, he was acting like a real Dark Lord, feeling like he was going to become an almighty God in the very near future.

Teleporting outwards, Eve-01 began to destroy the serial Eves, using all his incredible power. But even with this increase, the battle with them was not easy. The Eves resisted, and the Spears of Longinus were dangerous weapons in their hands. However, there were only nine opponents, so after ten minutes, the demon destroyed them one by one.

But it wasn't the end. As soon as the last enemy took last breath, new serial Eves appeared on the horizon. And this time there were more of them. Much more. Not even thousands, but millions of flying monsters came from all directions to attack Eve-01 and immobilize him. The demon began to fight seriously, giving everything to the last, but even his strength was not unlimited. In the end, he was banally covered with bodies and stuck with spears like a pillow for needles.

Nine of Adam's bravest descendants captured the incarnation of Lilith and crucified her in the sky, forming a glowing ritual image that looked suspiciously like an inverted Sephiroth Tree. The time for the beginning of the ritual and the promised reunion of all people in the form of a Single God was approaching.

At this moment, Shinji was in a wild panic. His body was tormented by pain, his soul was gnawed by a numb conscience, and his mind was consumed by the sadness of losing all that he had. And to complete this bouquet of feelings, he was struck by a sense of imminent death.

"Sorry, Shinji. Looks like you're not going to be God.” – I 'delighted' my ward, appearing to him directly in the capsule. - "I guess you didn't have enough overcome. Or maybe it's because you still have too much of the human in you. But most likely you are just a sucker in life and your fate is to become food for angels.” - Shinji stared at me with a mad look, not even finding words to express his feelings. - "Anyway, I think I should go. I need to find a new host before you get eaten. Bye-bye.”

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