《Graphomurk》Chapter 9.14 Evangelion


I mean, crowd of NERV security personnel broken into a class, and pinned down everyone present and dragged them for questioning. Shinji by this time had already removed most of the 'tension', so he allowed himself to be interrupted without even killing anyone. Rumors about this case spread at the speed of sound, and in absentia Shinji immediately received the nickname 'sex machine'.

Alas, the 'triumphant' return of the Third Child could not restore the former relationship in the company. Although Asuka was happy to have sex, she quietly hated Shinji. Rei, of course, was a devoted concubine, but she was a cold bitch when it came to dealing with everyone else. Toji and Kensuke found girlfriends, and with Misato met secretly, so the point of going to visit Shinji was not seen, communicating only at school. And Shinji himself, despite his return 'to the world of the living' has become a closed weak-willed type, unable to respond normally even to an elementary greeting.

Another problem was Asuka's difficulty in synchronizing with her Eve-02. The demon himself was not eager to execute the commands of a quarrelsome bitch, so Asuka could only count on standard synchronization with Eve. But her depressed psychological state affected synchronization, day after day reducing her self-esteem and ability to control the robot. It came to the point that even Eve was now walking haltingly and 'on a sinusoid'.

A couple of days after the return of the prodigal son, another angel was discovered in Earth orbit. Almost immediately after its appearance, it began to emit waves of AT-field that enslaved people, causing them to fall into a rage and destroy everything around them, except for the same madmen. Not all people succumbed to this influence, but there were enough of them to immediately start mass riots all over the Earth. At the same time, the situation was getting worse by the minute, and more and more people were going crazy.

Governments of all countries immediately began to demand from NERV take immediate action and destroy the angel, sometimes falling into an uncontrollable rage right during the telephone call. Gritting his teeth, Ikari Gendo gave the order to send Eve-00 and Eve-02 to battle under the control of Yamirei and Asuka. The latter was already on the edge, so as soon as her Eve-02 came to the surface, she was immediately subdued by the angel and began to mindlessly destroy everything around her. Yamirei was not confused and was able to neutralize her 'friend', but then the question arose, what to do next?

The angel was at an altitude of more than ten thousand kilometers, and at this distance, none of the demon's abilities worked. So Gendo had no choice but to give the order to Shinji. He in principle had now enough strength to become the ruler of the whole Earth in the shortest possible time, but he did not have the brains to decide on it. So, the weak-willed slug just did what he was told.


Once on the surface, Eve-01 used all her power to create one spell and shoot the angel with the strongest ray of Chaos energy. The sound that was made for the surrounding area like the explosion of nuclear bomb. The stream of pure destruction covered the distance to the target in a fraction of a second... and it splashed helplessly against angel’s defenses. No, there was some damage from this, but the angel quickly regenerated all the damage.

The reason for the failure was that the angel used the AT-field of all subdued people to feed his defense. And the number of these people was increasing every second. Therefore, I gave order to Shinji to sacrifice all people who were subordinated by the angel. This way we killed two birds with one shot. The angel will be deprived of the source of energy, and Eve-01 on the contrary will be strengthened.

It took five minutes to develop and activate the ritual. After that, more than a billion people died all over the world in one second. A second later, Eve-01 fired an even more destructive spell. Together, it was enough to just instantly vaporize the angel. After using such powerful magic, even Eve-01 and the demon in her body experienced a temporary 'rollback', weakening their defenses. This was the moment when another enemy chose to attack.

As it turned out, just next to Eve-01 among the buildings of Tokyo-3, another copy of Eve-00 was hiding under the control of real Ayanami Rei. Moreover, the robot was hidden under a spell of invisibility, and in her hand was the same Spear of Longinus, which Adam was once destroyed. Rei used it, piercing the central core of Eve-01 from the back. Although Eve's appearance had changed, its basic structure remained unchanged, and the demon's energy core was hidden under the armor in the belly area.

The demon roared in a silent scream. The spear completely blocked all of her abilities, giving her extreme pain in return. A small part of this pain was experienced by Shinji, who also started screaming. The clone of Eve-00 was about to do something else, clearly intending to finish off Eve-01, when two circumstances intervened. First, the original under the command of Yamirei rushed to meet the clone of Eve under the control of Rei. And second, Eve-01 summoned nine shadow demons to help her. But instead of saving their master, these stupid creatures attacked her, trying to devour the temporarily defenseless 'food'.

I had to literally put in Shinji's head the idea of getting a spear out of the Evangelion. Yes, the demon was now paralyzed. But Shinji's own magic powers worked without problems. As soon as the thought that he could get rid of the pain appeared in his mind, just on instinct, Shinji used magic to pull out the spear from the core.


A second later, Eva-01 grabbed the weapon that wounded her so much and destroyed all the attacking demons with one quick stroke. Then she grabbed the spear with both hands and broke it in half. Then again, and again, and at the end she grabbed a handful of wreckage and... she threw them into her mouth and began to chew them crunchily.

By the time the last remnants of the spear disappeared into the demon's bottomless throat, Yamirei was able to catch up and immobilize the agile opponent. With obvious relish, she began to tear her apart and devour her alive, chewing the pilot's capsule with special relish.

After this, in the literal sense of the word, Shinji lost the last drops of respect to his father. He went to his office, intending to kill off the 'arrogant geek' on the spot. Unfortunately, to his disappointment, Gendo and Yui could not be found in the office or anywhere else. In anger, Shinji said that he was now in charge, and all dissenters would be killed or fed to the demons on the spot. And as a demonstration of his intentions, he finished off a squad of commandos who tried to capture him.

The revolution was fast and not particularly bloody. At least the walls were cleared from blood and guts fairly quickly. The nominal commander of NERV was Fuyutsuki Kozo, who turned all arrows to Gendo and was able to convince the narrow-minded Shinji that now he was his best ally and in general always wanted to obey Ikari Shinji, and not his ugly father. In general, the movement was counted, and the new government retired to celebrate the victory in the company of its succubus.

The fact that somewhere there lies a mutilated Eve-02 with Asuka inside the people remembered only the next day. The girl was extracted, the robot was 'pumped out', but the further effectiveness of this 'tandem' was under question.

The next couple of days were in constant vanity. A lot of people died all over the world, so the confusion was terrible, and people were trying to figure out how to live. But before the survivors could bury the dead, another angel attacked the base.

Externally, it resembled a glowing ring consisting of a double helix. Asuka by this point could not achieve even one percent synchronization with Eve-02, so she was left to rot in the hangar. A couple from Shinji and Yamirei went upstairs, managing their Eves. The succubus by this point had almost unlimited power over Shinji. But at the same time, this power was combined with boundless loyalty to him. After all, when I drafted the the contract for summoning this demon, I included the appropriate conditions.

As soon as the two Eves appeared in Tokyo-3, the angel immediately turned from a ring into something like a glowing worm and went to the ram with Eve-01. As a result, the blow 'on the chest' was taken by Eve-00, who shielded her master. The angel passed through all the shields without seeming to notice them, and began to penetrate Eve-00's body. As it turned out, his 'special power' was the ability to merge with other living creatures. It was almost impossible to resist, so the succubus made the only correct decision and ordered the demon in Eve-00's body to activate self-destruction.

Shinji tried to cancel this order, but he didn't have time to do it. Eve-00 took cover with her shields, and then ... fell through the opened portal into the depths of Chaos, where it was 'self-destructed' by feeding herself to the strongest demons.

As a result of this act of self-sacrifice, Yamirei lost her angelic body, and her soul returned to the world of demons. Realizing this, Shinji fell into a wild depression, weighed down by the desire to kill everyone. Any attempt to contradict him ended in a terrible death, so that the people tried to banally not come across his eyes. As a result, Shinji walked the 'deserted' corridors of the Geofront, trying to understand where everyone had gone.

On my advice, Misato and Shinji went to explore the premises of Terminal Dogma, where they encountered Dr. Akagi, who is also deeply depressed because of the termination of her affair with Gendo. Together they went into one of the halls, where behind the glass in the LCL floated a lot of clones of Ayanami Rei, which were preforms for the production of autopilots to the Eves. Shinji, seeing these bodies and hearing that they were shells devoid of souls, was about to summon his favorite succubus to one of these bodies, but Akagi broke off his dreams by activating the self-destruct system. As a result, in just a second, all bodies fell to pieces and turned into disgusting mucus.

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