《Graphomurk》Chapter 9.13 Evangelion


Simultaneously with Shinji, 'fake' Ayanami Rei also was placed in a separate prison cell. Asuka was placed in an empty apartment under the strict supervision of security, which monitored her movements 24/7, limiting all 'undesirable' contacts with other people. To Toji and Kensuke has been simply and clumsily hinted that if they were seen again in Misato's apartment, they would collect their broken teeth with broken fingers. The head of the Operations Department herself, although she retained her job, was reprimanded by Gendo, plus she was banned from any contact with pilots and school children outside of working hours and duties.

In general, Gendo tried to tighten the screws to take control of the situation. But it was quite natural that the effect of this was completely the opposite.

Just in time when the motivation of all the pilots dropped to zero, the next angel appeared. Even in the canon, he had the highest fighting power of all the angels. Its impenetrable defense was combined with the strongest physical attacks that could cut through any obstacle, and ray weapons that could destroy a medium-sized city in a single blow. In this world, the power of the angel was beyond of all reasonable limits. With the first shot, he broke through the entrance to the Geofront, where he went, completely ignoring all attempts to damage it with conventional weapons.

By Gendo's orders, Asuka was exposed against the angel with her Eve-02. Irritated girl tried to foil anger at the enemy, but quickly realized that nothing can oppose to him. Any of her attacks were simply blocked by the angel's defensive AT-field, while even the weakest of his attacks dealt to Eve-02 damage, breaking through all types of defenses. Even under these conditions, Asuka tried to do the impossible, but as a result, the maximum she could achieve was to delay the angel for ten minutes, after which he began to act seriously, literally cutting Eve to pieces in a second. Of course, it was not fatal for a demon, but it was quite difficult to regenerate from such a state. Well at least the angel immediately lost all interest to the opponent and headed to the center of the Geofront.

Here he met the 'Secret weapon of NERV' - a clone of Eve-00 under the control of the real Ayanami Rei. But angel did not even consider the enemy as obstacle. Just one shot from the ray weapon was enough to literally evaporate an ordinary Eve, leaving only ashes from her and the pilot. For Gendo, this failure was an excellent indicator of the true strength of the Evangelions. In other words, the giant fighting humanoid robots were just useless garbage.

Under these circumstances, Commander Ikari had no choice but to release Shinji and Yamirei from their cell, put them in robots, and send them into battle. After all, the angel had to be destroyed at any cost.


The battle with the angel continued, fortunately, room in Geofront was enough. But it quickly became clear that the power of the angel is such that Yamirei and Eve-00 can do nothing against him. But Shinji already had a chance. In the end, he had been strengthened by the last sacrifice of four hundred million people, plus the demon had managed to get used to all this power. However, there were other problems.

Until this moment, the demon in Eve-01 had been trying to pretend to be a robot, keeping in her body various electronic components and modules that suppressed to power the Evangelion. But in this fight, it became obvious that with such a body, she could not win. So right in the middle of the fight, Eve-01 began to consume all the machinery that held her back, transforming from a robot into a giant monster that looked as eclectic as any of the angels.

After five minutes of fierce fighting, Eve-01 looked like a cross between a demon and an angel. Her entire body was covered with black dragon scales, which glistered with a dark haze. Her hands and feet had claws. A dozen horns grew on her head. Although the face was still human, the wide mouth was now filled with a palisade of needle-sharp teeth. But all these changes were not the most noticeable. The fact is that the demonic body, filled with wild beast power, was covered with beautiful golden armor that would have been more suitable for a representative of the forces of Light. On the contrary, these elements of 'clothes' were radiant with an unearthly radiance, spreading a halo of holiness.

This combination, oddly enough, proved to be quite effective. Now the demon easily simultaneously operated the magic of Chaos and the AT-field, not holding back. It was the combined use of these two types of magic that allowed her to break through the angel's defenses and grab it by the egg, in meaning the core. After that, the demon began to tear the angel apart, greedily devouring his innards. She no longer paid attention to Shinji's 'commands' but simply quenched her hunger with oily prey. Eve-01 absorbed not only the angel's flesh, but also his life energy, magic, and even his very soul. In front of the astonished 'public' robot turned into a wild animal, greedily chewing bloody pieces of meat.

When only the 'skin' was left of the angel, Eva-01 straightened up to her full height and froze in this position, imitating a state of sleep. In fact, the demon had simply moved to fulfill a clause in the contract that required it to pose as a robot, even in such a dubious way.

When the heat of battle had subsided, it was time to take stock. Ikari Gendo made sure that he could not remove Shinji and Yamirei from piloting the Evangelions, simply because only they had chance of surviving the encounter with the angels. Asuka made sure that no matter how super-pilot she was, against the angels her Eve-02 is useless. Of course, literally blinding himself from the pieces, but the pilot had no merit for that.


Eve-00 was barely injured, but Yamirei was not eager to obey the idiotic orders of NERV in general and Ikari Gendo in particular. At this point, she was well aware that she was the only pilot of a combat-ready Eve, which automatically gave her the ability to blackmail the management.

As for Shinji, he banally refused to leave Eva-01's body. Imprisonment and communication with his parents plunged him into such depression that he simply sat inside the capsule, receiving all the necessary substances for life directly from the LCL. Moreover, he has completely abandoned material reality and focused on the perception of the world of Chaos.

During the last absorption of the angel, he has received small piece of the angelic soul, which gave him a natural ability to control the AT-field. Using these abilities along with the magic of Chaos, he was able to 'look' into the world of demons, and that place pleased to him very much. After all, perceiving this world, he could fully focus on the way of thinking demons, in which there were not all these stupid people's problems with conscience, responsibilities and personal relationships. As a result, Shinji was just 'stuck' inside Eve-01, and no one around him was able to dig him out.

Shinji spent almost a month in this kind of suspended animation. During this time, the passions calmed down a little and life got better. Asuka and Rei attended school as normal students. Misato met Toji and Kensuke in a secret rented apartment, where they entered under an eye diversion spell. Rei was ‘keeping chastity’, because she was interested in sex only as a way to achieve her goals. But Asuka changed lovers like gloves, from time to time 'resting' in the arms of two of his classmates.

In NERV there were also quiet fermentations. The process of turning Eve-01 from a 'caterpillar' into a hideous monster was captured on camera, and the recording was made available to SEELE. They, of course, were not happy with this turn of fate and began to try to displace Ikari Gendo from the position of commander by all available methods of underhand struggle. As a result of all these secret passions, Ryoji Kaji was 'run over by a train', and no one else saw him alive.

Finally, when I thought that Shinji's vacation was over, I gave the command to the demon in Eve-01 to start working on it through their existing connection. This impact was not something special. It was just that the demon had begun to stimulate the pilot's sexual arousal. For the first couple of hours, it didn't have much success, but gradually Shinji began to realize that something was bothering him. This feeling grew and grew, until in one heartbreaking moment his consciousness threw him back into the material world. And this little maniac lost all common sense.

With a wild roar, Shinji teleported directly to the succubus in the body of Ayanami Rei, who was currently sitting in boring history lesson. With his eye burning with superhuman lust, Shinji tore off Rei's clothes with first movement, unfolded her with the second, and entered from behind with the third, beginning rapid movements. The entire class stared in shock at this performance. Except, of course, the history teacher, who continued to broadcast his 'program', completely ignoring reality. With his myopia eyes, it was hard to tell what was going on in the back rows. In addition, the entire class was so immersed in watching live porn that no one made a sound.

After five minutes, Shinji and Rei finished, and the maniac quickly moved to Asuka's desk, which was also enchanted by the appearance of her favorite male. With one more movement of his hand, Shinji tore off Asuka's clothes and began to fuck her. This picture turned on the brains of most of the girls in the class, and they began to run in different directions, thinking that now Shinji will start to rape them as well. However, some particularly bold individuals on the contrary began to get closer to have time to offer their 'services'.

Alas, to their dismay, after ten minutes, Shinji had finished, pushed Asuka aside and looked at Toji. Toji was sweating from the attention and began to step back. But after a second, Shinji's gaze stopped on Rei's naked body and his hands reached out to her. When he finished again, he switched back to Asuka. By the time the next orgasm was reached, a concerned Misato flew into the class, which Shinji immediately 'used' her for primary purpose, not even giving a word to say. A dozen of the bravest observers were choking with saliva, watching this porn festival, and the guys even found the strength to start molesting the girls. And then forester came and dispersed all of them.

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