《Graphomurk》Chapter 9.09 Evangelion


When, half an hour later, Kaji entered into his ward's room without knocking, he saw how she fucking with three guys at once. Shinji entered her from behind, and she doing blowjob to Toji and Kensuke.

"Ah, Kaji.” - Asuka said to him, pulling out the dick from her mouth. - "You're late. I'm a grown woman now, and I'm not interested in old people like you.”

After that, the 'woman' with renewed enthusiasm continued to do blowjob. Kaji from such a spectacle just fell into a precipitate and flowed out of the room to find 'comfort' in the arms of Misato.

On the way back to Tokyo-3, the USS resembled a natural brothel. Everyone fucked everyone, although in secret from each other. Only Shinji did not participate in this feast of flesh. As a punishment, I cut his penis by the very egg. And additionally, cast a spell that prevents this organ from regenerating when using a healing spell. As a result, Shinji pretended to be a sufferer and whined every day that he realized his mistake and now he will always listen to me.

I restored this organ to him only after he returned to Misato's apartment. Here he compensated for all the lost time, fucking Rei, Misato and Asuka for almost a day without a break. By the way, as in the canon, Misato settled Asuka in her apartment, so now in the evenings there was no free space from the number of people. After all, six people in a two-room apartment is too much.

At school, Asuka immediately became the most popular girl. Many guys dreamed of 'dating' her, and only a few understood what a demon in human form she was. Although Asuka wasn't a succubus, but she had sex even more than Rei. As an experiment, she seduced several school boys, but remained unsatisfied with this experience. After all, ordinary mortals were not possessing the magic of maintaining an erection, so sex with them ended in fifteen minutes, when the member of another lover turned into a kind of limp sausage. As a result, several students received the offensive nickname 'impotent', and Asuka decided to limit herself to having sex within an established social circle.

Rei and Asuka's relationship were not very good. After all, they were competing with each other for Shinji's attention. Rei because of the desire to subdue his will, and Asuka due to the fact that only Shinji possessed the spell to increase penis size. Toji and Kensuke didn't have the magic skills to do this. But Asuka was happy to agree to arrange a group sex with Mesucko, without being jealous of her classmates.

All these events happened in just a week. And then Tokyo-3 was attacked by another angel. Fortunately, it was spotted in advance, so it was decided to send Eve-01 and Eve-02 to intercept the angel to fight outside of the city borders.


As in the canon, Israfel looked like a humanoid figure with disproportionately broad shoulders. When meeting the opponent, Asuka again decided to show off and ran into the attack, leaving Shinji behind. With the appearance of a demon in the body of Eve-02, the robot was able to use Chaos magic. And now Asuka used one of the spells that created an invisible power blade and released it into the enemy.

With just one blow, the angel was split in half. Only a second later, these two halves turned into two smaller angels. Asuka was not confused and used the spell several more times, chopping two angels into cabbage. That's just each of the pieces remained 'alive' and turned into something resembling a cross between a squirrel and a hedgehog. So, these about hundred creatures immediately scattered in different directions, leaving Eve to stand as idiots in the empty field. The speed of movement of the 'pieces' of the angel was such that it was almost impossible to catch up with them.

By the time of this epic failure, I had an idea of what we were up against. If Ramiel could create just remote projections that only looked like to him, then Israfel was actually a multitude of beings. To be more precise, its entire body consisted of about four million independent parts. These parts could be combined, or they could act independently. In addition, if one of the parts was destroyed, a new one was immediately created to replace it. Thus, it turned out that to destroy this angel, we need to destroy all of its parts at the same time.

It was a bit of a problem, but in general, it was quite simple solved with the help of demons. All you had to do was summon four million demons and let each of them 'drag' their part of the angel into the world of Chaos. After that, the angel would have been in this wonderful place, from where he had no chance to get back. Just imagine: food that is constantly recovering, if you leave even a crumb of it. The inhabitants of Chaos will line up to try to subdue this angel to themselves.

The only problem with this decision was the number of victims. It was technically difficult to sacrifice four million people. And to do it even a little unnoticed and at all was unrealistic. Unless, of course, you use demons again. All that was necessary, was to call one demon, and then give him the task to go kill people and sacrifice their souls, calling another of his fellows. And when there were enough demons, they all had to do their part.

I explained all these details to Shinji, and he gladly agreed to sacrifice such crowd of people the demons. The first victim he killed by himself, just stepping on some human with Eve, and then called demon according to my orders teleported to Africa, where he began to hunt the Negroes, fortunately, there were hundreds of millions of them. And when the demons in our world reached required number, all of them at once teleported to their own part of the angel and dragged it into Chaos.


For NERV, the real battle with this angel remained completely unnoticed. Civilization in Africa was in decline, so that the loss of four million of Negroes was not even noticed. Of course, the neighbors of the sacrificed people shouted something about demons, but who would listen to the ravings of wild Papuans? As a result, it was officially recognized that Eve-02, under the control of Asuka, destroyed the angel with her AT-field, which gave to the Second Child a reason to be proud of herself, without having any reason to be. Naturally, this could not pass by Shinji, so the relationship between these two pilots cooled down a bit.

Just a couple of days after the destruction of the angel, the school announced a three-day trip for the entire class to Okinawa. There, students were supposed to relax, sunbathe and even scuba dive. But this holiday was not for pilots. After all, the angel could attack at any moment. The news about this 'disappointed' Asuka which already tuned to take rest. But Toji and Kensuke got the opportunity to go to the resort so that they could pick up new girls. Thus, Shinji remained the only 'man' in the house, which was to inflame the already difficult relationship between the two and a half succubuses.

But just two hours after the departure of the plane with the students, there was information about the discovery of another angel. It was currently in the mouth of an active volcano on the island of Kyushu. It was discovered only due to strange seismic activity. All information about the angel was immediately classified, and Misato decided to destroy the angel without waiting for its awakening.

Eve-01 and Eve-02 went back to the scene. And of course, Asuka was sent to fight against the angel. In the first place, this choice was due to the desire for glory of one pilot and the reluctance to strain of the second. So that Shinji remained as a safety net, and Asuka together with her Eve have thrown into the mouth of the volcano.

Of course, Eve-02 had been prepared to dive into the molten lava by wearing a special protective thermal suit. The demon didn't need such protection at all, but it was officially considered that Eve couldn't hold out without it, so for the sake of disguise, everything was left unchanged.

The original goal was not even to destroy the angel, but to capture it for research. It was not active at the moment, so Dr. Akagi was hopeful that she would be able to perform autopsy of such a promising specimen. Unfortunately, as soon as Eve-02 approached the angel, it awoke, and the capture operation turned into an operation of destruction.

That's just pretty quickly found out the obvious fact. Eve, even in a protective suit, was not adapted to move in molten lava. All she could do was hang there like a piece of shit and try to touch the angel. In response, angel calmly swam in the lava as in water, plus it could control the red-hot rock at will, forming fast currents.

In just five minutes, the protective suit was safely destroyed. True, it did not hurt Eve-02, but the trend was not very good. So, the high authorities decided also to dump Shinji into the volcano. After that, the fight with the angel began to resemble a little bit of a struggle. At least the demon in Eve-01 could use spells that could damage the angel from a distance. Of course, angel did not please by such attitude, so it began not only to study the strange guests, but also to try to melt them or squeeze them with high pressure.

All this turmoil led to the fact that in the depths of the volcano, all the obstacles in the way of lava was broken, and lava quickly flowed out. The eruption was unexpected and very powerful. NERV barely managed to evacuate the temporary base, leaving the Evangelions to fight on their own. There was no way they could help them now.

An hour later, it became clear that the two Eves had no chance to catch the agile prey. Even the nine shadow demons couldn't help much. Therefore, I suggested Shinji to start sacrificing people to temporarily amplify the demon in Eve-01's body. There was no need to kill anyone, because people were already dying by the thousands due to the eruption of the volcano. Lava and ash spread throughout the island, and no evacuation could save the local population. After all, they had nowhere to run. Roads could not provide transportation of such a number of people in a short time.

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