《Graphomurk》Chapter 9.08 Evangelion


High assessment of Shinji by her 'favorite' Kaji created a storm of emotions in Asuka's soul. She also wanted to recoup for the morning's humiliation. So, acting on her emotional urges, she found Shinji and invited him to watch Eve-02. For this purpose, she even harnessed a helicopter pilot to transport her and Shinji to another ship, where Eve was located.

There, she began to flaunt in front of her 'rival', calling Eve-02 the best, and herself the most brilliant pilot of the entire universe. Shinji, who already has some experience with girls, did not object to her, but only enthusiastically agreed, while applying the already proven spell of sexual submission.

Asuka didn't even have time to understand what was going on, as she found herself naked and having sex with Shinji right on top of her Eve's armor. And most importantly, she liked it, and the initiative came from her side. She tried to resist the effects, but Shinji, seeing her resistance, simply increased the intensity of the spell, giving to it more energy. In the end, he got so fascinated that he 'broke' the restraints in Asuka's mind, turning her into a real nymphomaniac. She 'tried out' what sex is, and decided that she would do it at every opportunity. And the case with Shinji was very convenient, because now they were next to her beloved Eve, and there was no one around to witness the debauchery that was happening.

But before this sweet couple got to the third orgasm in a row, they were interrupted by the sound of battle alarms and explosions. A fourth angel Gaghiel appeared. He swam underwater and sank the ships one by one, just colliding with them and additionally hitting with AT-field which covering his body. From such a collision, the ships were literally blown to pieces.

Asuka immediately realized that this was her chance to prove her coolness to Kaji and so she definitely can drag him into bed. She made the decision to take the pilot's seat and deal with the angel. She dragged Shinji with her, intending to have sex during the fight. The 'spare' pilot did not resist to this idea, because he was not against for such perversions, and did not suffer from sanity at all.

In general, despite the fact that Shinji liked to have sex, in relationships with girls, he preferred to give the initiative to them. Even now, he was using a seduction spell, and Asuka jumped on him. So, when he was dragged inside Eve-02, he just nodded in agreement, playing his role as a subordinate spineless slug.


Just five minutes later, Eve-02 was launched and ready for action. Although, of course, this readiness was solely in the intention of the pilot to destroy the angel with a single fist blow. Because the only weapon she had was a knife, and her armor didn't allow for the possibility of diving under the water.

Eve-02 threw off the tarpaulin covering her and rose to her feet. Asuka planned to get to the USS by jumping from one ship to another to connect there to an external power source via a cable. But reality, as always has made adjustments to these plans. Before Eve-02 could even crouch down for the jump, an angel emerged from the water. In the canon, it had the appearance of a toothy whale and was able to bite Eve in half. Here the angel was so huge that he swallowed Eve along with the ship carrying her, just as the fish swallows the snared midge.

Misato and her entire entourage froze in horror at the picture of what had happened. Unfortunately, there was nothing they could do. Of course, there were three possessed people on the USS, but their demons were too weak to even scratch an angel.

Worst of all, Shinji didn't even realize the gravity of the situation. In Eve-01, he never really piloted. After all, during the battle her movements were controlled by a demon. And he didn't have enough brains to understand that there is no demon here and now. But these very rudiments of the brain were enough to cast a spell of sexual arousal on himself and on Asuka, after which in the heads of both pilots there was only one thought: 'we need to have sex'.

So, the 'sweet couple' took off their newly dressed contact suits and began to have sex right in the LCL filled cabin. I, of course, tried to appear to Shinji and bring him to reason, but under the influence of the spell, the actions of the actively harassing Asuka interested him more than my wails. After evaluating this situation, I decided to just wait a little. First, my direct intervention at this moment could be considered as interference in the fight. And second, I needed to let Shinji experience the consequences of disobedience.

The angel didn't just grab Eve-02 with his mouth. He had literally swallowed it, and now the robot was in his stomach, slowly dissolving under the influence of gastric juice. As long as the armor was intact, it was almost imperceptible. But when it all peeled off, and the acid began to corrode the flesh of Eve, time has come for my revenge.


Unlike Eve-01, here the pilot's synchronization implied that the pilot felt the same as Eve. Moreover, the robot-pilot connection showed the same injuries on the pilot's body that Eve had received. So, after a couple of minutes, Shinji felt like he was dissolving in acid. For some time, these sensations were clogged with the pleasure of sex, and even an enhanced by spell. But when the skin on his body peeled off in the most natural way, he 'suddenly' returned to reality. The wail he had made was a joy to my ears. After a second, Asuka also came to her senses and now my ears were delighting by a whole duet.

When the acid eroded Shinji's eyes and went down his throat, he literally begged me to save him. After all, no one else could respond to his pleas. Eve-01 was too far away for him to reach her. But I did not hurry, and let the capricious game figure fully enjoy my revenge.

Finally, when Shinji's entire existence was plunged into the agony of death, I put the formula for demon summoning spell into his mind. If I had wanted to, in this state he would have easily agreed to sacrifice his soul to the demons. But I had no such goal. The victims in this ritual were the souls of all those sailors who were killed by the angel. After all, the nine demons guarding Shinji were right next to him and ready to do whatever I ordered. So, they followed my order to collect the souls of the dead.

Eve-02's body was possessed by a demon, slightly weaker than in Eve-01's. But in Asuka had to possess not a succubus, but a demon which gives the strongest ability to regenerate the body. Without it, the girl certainly would not survive. She was only temporarily alive at this point, only because her brain was almost intact. But all of her internal organs turned to soup.

After the summoning ritual was complete, Eve-02 began to regenerate, regardless of the acid surrounding her. Asuka resuscitated by her demon, and Shinji was healed by one of the nine guards. The other eight shadow demons began to eat the angel right from the inside, just like grave worms do. Angel, of course did not like it, but there was nothing he could do.

Five minutes later, Asuka regained consciousness. Her connection to Eve-02 was still working, so she took over the management. With her bare hands, she began to tear apart the angel's insides, making her way towards his core. When she reached the target, she began to punch it with a roar until the core cracked and exploded. After that, in just a few seconds, the entire body of the angel disintegrated. And on 'last effort' Asuka ordered Eve-02 to return to the US. Normal Eve would not have been able to carry out such an order, but under the control of the demon, the robot literally jumped out of the water and landed on the deck, after which it 'disconnected', deprived of power. It was too early to tell everyone around us that Eve could act without being connected to an energy source.

After making sure that the threat was over, I began to investigate what had happened to the fleet during the attack. In just a few minutes, the angel managed to destroy almost all the ships of the fleet, leaving only the USS afloat. In addition, when Ryoji Kaji decided to escape aboard the plane, the angel managed to shoot the aircraft with a jet of water, so that Kaji and the embryo of Adam carried by him were not harmed.

A few minutes later, the entire crew of the USS poured onto the deck to greet the pilots. But Asuka flatly refused to get out of the capsule, saying that she will stay in Eve until the arrival to Tokyo-3. The reason for this demarche was the fact that earlier, along with the skin of the pilots, their contact suits had also dissolved, so now both pilots were completely naked.

In the end, I ordered Shinji to activate the extraction of the capsule. Asuka, who did not expect such treachery from her 'lover', did not have time to react, so she had to get out of the capsule naked and go down by rope ladder in front of hundreds men. This didn't help her mood. However, the audience liked this spectacle, and only she was dissatisfied.

In the evening, Asuka suffered another blow to his wounded pride and broken psyche. Deciding to visit her 'favorite' Kaji, she discovered that the door to his room was closed, and from behind it came the unmistakable screams and moans of Kaji and Misato. After that, the Second Child finally couldn’t hold still and decided to arrange revenge. After writing a note saying that she urgently wanted to talk to Kaji in her room, she sent it with one of the sailors. At the same time, she invited Shinji, Toji and Kensuke to her room.

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