《Graphomurk》Chapter 9.07 Evangelion


The peaceful days that followed after the angel's attack pleased me with their events. Shinji finally 'fell in love' with Rei, because now she responded to his love, and she was not averse to go on a date or fool around with him. And just a couple of days later, Ayanami officially moved into Shinji's room, because she already spent the night there, not leaving her lover alone with an empty bed.

Mesucko influenced Misato to get permission to move Rei. But a couple of days later, the stupid succubus realized what a mistake she had arranged for herself. After reaching Rei's body, Shinji forgot to think about the relationship with Misato. After all, Yami could be herself all the time, but Mesucko only showed up in the apartment when no one else was around. So, when two succubuses began to fight for a limited 'resource' in the face of Shinji, the victory was won by a young impudent woman. Mesucko had to almost follow Shinji around and ask him to have sex with her. After all, for any succubus sex was vital.

At the end of the next week, the school was supposed to hold another 'parent's day', which was attended by Misato as a parent. School children appreciated her sexual forms, and it is natural that the most ardent fans of her were two obsessives. They are so annoyed Shinji with their praise of Misato and whining about how lucky he was, so he blurted out that if they like her so much, then let them take her for themselves.

In the evening of the same day, Toji and Kensuke went to visit Shinji to 'play computer games'. But they didn't able to reach a console, because Mesucko immediately took them into circulation and did not let them out of her room until ten in the evening. This could be called rape, but the victims themselves were very willing to agree to all the proposals of their idol. Moreover, the presence of demons in their bodies gave them weak magical abilities, which the succubus immediately adapted to maintain potency.

In general, all participants were happy with this state of affairs, so the next day the sexual marathon was repeated. And the next day, and so for almost two weeks. In the end, a couple of blockheads went to school with bags under their eyes in a somnambulistic state, but they were not going to stop playing 'video games'.

Meanwhile, the clouds gradually thickened over NERV, so that the organization began to move to the 'military rails'. In particular, this meant that employees of the NERV headquarters began to undergo enhanced checks for loyalty to the Commander, rather than foreign intelligence services or SEELE.


For Shinji, this test resulted in a lecture from Dr. Akagi about how important NERV is for saving humanity. He was told another story, how the evil angel Adam exploded at the South Pole, thereby causing a Second Impact. And now NERV was building Evangelions to prevent a Third Impact.

At the end of this lecture, a thoughtful Shinji wandered through the corridors of the Geofront, so I decided to conduct my psychological treatment of my pupil.

“Shinji, how did you like the lecture about the greatness of NERV?” - I asked him.

"Well... it looks like we're doing something important." - He scratched his head thoughtfully.

"Ha! This is if you do not take into account the fact that Adam did not explode by himself, but as a result of deliberate influence from people.”

"What?" - Shinji was surprised.

"And the funny thing is that the fight against angels is the basis of SEELE's plan, and the ultimate goal of this plan is the complete and final destruction of humanity.”

"But how is that? Then why are we saving people?”

"Because that's their 'Grand plan'. However, this is not all.”

"What else?" - Shinji's dark voice indicated that he was about to descend into depression again.

"Your father wants to use SEELE's plans not just to destroy humanity, but to use it as a sacrifice for his own exaltation. In other words, your father plans to become a God.”

"God? He? That's son of bitch.”

"And then I come, your schizophrenia, with an even crazier plan that will make you a God."

“Me?” - Shocked Shinji stopped. - "Will I become a God?"

“You will. If you behave well and follow all my orders.”

"What haven't you said before? Ha-ha. I am God. Kowtow before me, mortals! Why are you standing there, bow before me!” - This aphid said to me.

"Aren't you freaking out?" - I frowned. - "If you continue showboating, I'll make you a God of Shit, or the God of Pubic Lice. I have enough experience.”

“Sorry! I've got it. The future God humbly bows before you, o great Schizophrenia.” - He started clowning around. It seems like a long time since he didn’t get a whip. I should to come up with another way to influence him, not so radical.

The second nail in the coffin of NERV was the appearance of the nuclear Walker, which was theoretically supposed to replace the Evangelions in the battle with the angels. But it was contradicting to SEELE's plans, so they hustled and injected a trojan into the program of the Walker, which took it out of control and sent it to the nearest city, where it was supposed to explode.


As in the canon, Misato volunteered to stop the Walker with the help of Eve-01. But the implementation of her 'brilliant' plan did not go according to plan. Instead of putting Misato on the Walker and letting her enter the deactivation code, Shinji banally caught up with the opponent, and then used just one spell of Chaos magic. As a result, only the legs on the knee were left from the Walker, and everything else disappeared in Chaos, leaving no gram of radioactive waste.

Such a demonstration clearly showed that the project of a nuclear walking machine is a waste of time and money. In contrast, the reputation of NERV has skyrocketed, so the organization's funding has only increased.

And after a week of relaxed life, began epic quest of the transportation of Eve-02 and the germ of Adam. Shinji was supposed to accompany the valuable cargo, so that if necessary, he could act as Eve-02's reserve pilot. Together with him Mesucko, using her official position, took to a trip her underage lovers. Far from the Geofront, the succubus didn't have a territory where she could fully manifest itself, so I had to give her permission to influence Misato's behavior if it doesn’t hurt the fight against the angels.

As for Ayanami Rei, she remained in Tokyo-3. First, there should be at least one pilot, and second, Mesucko was trying her best to get rid of her rival in the fight for the Third Child's penis. As a result, she had to be accompanied by a whole male harem, so she was going to have a full ride.

This fun company flew to the USS by helicopter. Once on board, the trio of perverts met with her majesty Asuka Langley Sohryu. The girl naively considered herself as the navel of the Earth, and also as in the canon, was a pretty bitch.

After Misato introduced her to the 'male audience', a gust of wind lifted the hem of the girl's dress, showing everyone her panties and a great figure. After that, the bitch gave to each of the guys a slap in the face, calling it 'pay-per-view'. But then events went down a very strange path. Although, in principle, everything was natural.

In this world Shinji was no longer so beleaguered personality. He was so sexually liberated that he couldn't go any further. So, in response to the humiliation, he took off his pants and showed to Asuka his penis with the phrase 'for you - free'. But he did not stop there, and used a sexual arousal spell on the Second Child. Usually, he had fun with it with Rei, who had a decent immunity against Chaos magic. However, Asuka could not resist to a such influence, and therefore immediately lost her clarity of thoughts.

Instead, she got a pretty good arousal and a desire to make Shinji feel good. So just a few seconds later, she got down on her knees and started doing blowjob to demonologist. Naturally, it surprised everyone present, but no one stopped her. After all, everyone was used to all sorts of orgies and group sex.

After finishing the job, Asuka swallowed the cum and realized what she had just done. Not knowing about the effects of magic, she considered such event as her breakdown, then roared and ran away. The sight and taste of an erect penis so shattered her almost childish psyche that she tried to simply forget about this event.

An hour later, official meeting was held in the forecastle, attended by Shinji, Toji, Kensuke, Asuka, Misato, and Ryoji Kaji. In the canon, Kaji tried to seduce Misato, and she resisted with all her might. But here, seduction was active on both sides, resulting in a public flirtation. This infuriated Asuka, who was 'in love' with her mentor and considered him as her own. She made desperate attempts to hurt Misato, but she in response demonstratively ignored her.

Interestingly, the guys reacted to this flirtation with approval. Mesucko had already fucked them so much, so they were happy to give her to someone else so they could focus on their new prey, on Asuka. Alas, all their hints girl ignored with not less tenacity than Misato.

After this meeting, Asuka literally dragged Kaji with her, trying to prevent him from further communication with the succubus. The conversation between the student and the teacher naturally turned to the Third Child, whom Kaji called the most gifted pilot. After all, he had already destroyed three angels and also his first fight he spent the first time sitting in Eve. The information that demons were involved in this case was secret, so no one outside of Tokyo-3 don’t know about it.

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